
Pacific++ 2018: C++ Past vs. Future--Titus Winters

Did you see it?

Pacific++ 2018: C++ Past vs. Future

by Titus Winters

From the video:

Over the last 35 years, C++ has remained a constant fixture in the programming landscape. With advancements in the language through C++11, 14, and 17, we've created new dialects that have breathed new life into C++. With C++ Core Guidelines and a rich community of authors and speakers providing guidance on C++, it is easier now to steer clear of problem areas and hopefully stay in the "good parts" of the language.
Or at least, that's what we'd like. In practice, many habits of C++ programmers are unsafe and will be hard to keep working. The triple perils of ADL, ODR, and ABI leave a wide assortment of pitfalls for code maintenance. Many systems happen to work, but perhaps more out of luck than actual correctness.
How do we explain this dichotomy? How is the language better than it ever has been, and at the same time so dangerous and burdened with silent pitfalls and legacy? Can the standard evolve over time to reduce these perils? More importantly: should it?
In this talk I'll remind people of how precarious most C++ code is in the face of change (like advancing to a new language version), and discuss the most fundamental issue facing the committee these days: how to balance between the legacy code of the past and the yet-to-be-written code of the future.

C++ On Sea: Full schedule now available

The schedule for the new C++ On Sea conference is now available:

Full schedule now available

by C++ On Sea

From the announcement:

We're thrilled to announce that the full schedule for the conference has now been finalised and published. Of course, when I say, "finalised", that doesn't mean it definitely won't change again, but I don't expect much movement.

You'll notice that day two (Tuesday) has four tracks. As mentioned before, the response was so great that we felt we had to put on an extra track. Note, also, the Lightning Talks at the end of day one. We'll take submissions for that closer to the time of the conference - or at the conference.



Slides of the 25th of October 2018 BeCPP Meeting -- Marc Gregoire

BeCPP_Logo_282x64.pngOn October 25th 2018, the Belgian C++ Users Group had their next event, this time sponsored by Altran.

Slides of the 25th of October 2018 BeCPP Meeting

About the event:

  • "Writing Standard Library Compliant Data Structures and Algorithms" (Marc Gregoire)
  • "Memory Architecture & Performance" (Barry Van Landeghem)

If you couldn’t attend the event in person, or if you would like to go over the material again, you can download them from the BeCPP website.

C++ Annotated: June - September 2018 -- Anastasia Kazakova

800x320_Twitter_card.pngConferences, proposals, and learning, O my!

C++ Annotated: June - September 2018

by Anastasia Kazakova

From the article:

... a hot C++ conference season kicked off again with CppCon. Pacific++, C++ CoreHard, Meeting C++, ADC, code::dive, and the C++ Committee meeting in San Diego, California, are coming up later this year...

... Today we are starting a new section in our regular C++ Annotated. In each issue, we will cover a selection of C++ proposals and initiatives you definitely should learn about while developing in C++. This time we unveil static exceptions, constexpr new, and lifetime checks. See details below...

Milestone | New Home | Trip Reports--Jon Kalb

The conclusion of this year cppcon.

Milestone | New Home | Trip Reports

by Jon Kalb

From the article:

At the formal closing of CppCon 2018, we took a moment to consider how far we’ve come in the first five years of the conference. Those years have seen us grow in so many ways. Since our first conference, we’ve added classes, field trips, author signings, exhibitor tables and booths, Tool Time, and the SG14 co-located ISO meeting. The number of main program sessions has grown by about fifty percent to almost one hundred fifty.  The number of Open Content sessions has doubled to about two dozen. The number of conference days (including classes)  has doubled from four and a half to nine and the number of attendees has doubled from about six hundred to over twelve hundred.

Trip report - CppCon 2018--Jean Guegant

A new one!

Trip report - CppCon 2018

by Jean Guegant

From the article:

New year, new conference! This time, my employer, King, helped me to organize a first pilgrimage to CppCon for me and another colleague. You cannot fathom how enthusiastic I was to finally making it there! Although I might be a bit late on the "trip-report-race", I think that it is still worth to relate my overall experience of the event and then move onto a list of recommended talks you should watch-out on Youtube...

C++ Day 2018

A full day of C++ in Italy:

C++ Day 2018

November 24, 2018

Pavia (Italy)


In a nutshell

The C++ Day 2018 is a full-day event entirely dedicated to the C++ language, hosted in Pavia (Italy).

The event consists in some technical sessions (ITA and ENG) and networking.

Keynote: HPX : High performance computing in C++ with concurrency, parallelism and futures by John Biddiscombe from the Swiss National Supercomputing Centre in Lugano.


Who should attend the C++ Day 2018?

This event is made by C++ professionals for C++ professionals, students and enthusiasts. Whoever is interested in the C++ language and is keen on meeting the Italian C++ ecosystem is welcome!


What can I find in the C++ Day 2018?

The agenda consists of 1x90' keynote8x50' and 2x20' tech talks and 2.5 hours allocated for networking.

Topcis of the tech talks:

  • C++20
  • A.I.
  • Reflection
  • GIS in C++
  • Algorithms & Optimization
  • Scientific Computing
  • Python Integration
  • Metaprogramming


You can refer to the detailed program for more information.

When and Where will the C++ Day 2018 take place?

The event will be held on November 24, 2018 at University of Pavia, in Pavia (Italy).

Check-in opens at 8.30 AM, the main event begins at 9.45 AM and will last for a full day.

Who supports this event?

The Italian C++ Community co-organizes the event with some students of the University of Pavia.

We don't have sponsorships yet. Please get in touch if you want to support/sponsor the event!


Do I need to register?

The C++ Day 2018 is free, but you must register to facilitate the organization of the event.

You can register here.

ACCU 2019 Call for Papers -- ACCU

The ACCU 2019 is now putting together its program, and they want you to speak on C++. The ACCU has a strong C++ track, though it is not a C++-only conference. If you have something to share, check out their

Call for Papers

by the ACCU

From the article:

Historically, ACCU has a lot of C++ and C content, and is proud of that: ACCU is the foremost annual conference for people interested in C++ and C, at least in and around the UK. But it is not just a C++ and C conference, ACCU is about programming in whatever language people are using, with whatever tools and processes people are using: D, Chapel, Java, Kotlin, C#, F#, Groovy, Rust, Go, Python, Ruby, Lisp, to name just a few programming languages about which there have been sessions at ACCU conferences. Git, Mercurial, CMake, Meson, TDD, BDD, allthese tools and techniques have been the focus of sessions at ACCU. The ACCU Conference is looking for sessions that will be interesting to people who create software.

The keynote speakers are M. Angela Sasse, Kate Gregory, Paul Grenyer and Herb Sutter.

The Call for Papers lasts for about 3 weeks and will close on Friday 2018-10-26T23:59+01:00.

JetBrains C++ team at CppCon 2018: Trip report -- Anastasia Kazakova

CppCon 2018 is now over. While our memories are still fresh, we’d like to share our impressions of this year’s installment of CppCon.

JetBrains C++ team about CppCon 2018

by Anastasia Kazakova

This year's edition was unique and exceptional for many reasons:

  • Highly technical keynotes on Concepts, Lifetime, Spectre issues and more.
  • C++ developers on stage accepting an Academy Award!
  • A whole selection of great talks, some are covered in the trip report.
  • New Lightning Challenge format (our team was glad to take it and shared the impression in the report).

Our team is also running a survey at CppCon on a regular basis, no exception this year. Find the results on most popular standard and compiler inside.