Haifa::C++ meetup - Future direction of C++ and C++20: on the road towards heterogeneous programming

The upcoming Haifa::C++ meetup (Dec. 18) will feature a special talk:

Future direction of C++ and C++20: on the road towards heterogeneous programming

By Michael Wong

From the event description:

C++ 20 is sure to be a major release but have you ever wondered if there is a direction to C++?
The first half of this talk will devote to the Directions Groups' description of where future C++ is heading and show some of the features that have already landed towards C++20. Next, the current status of parallel programming support in C++ will be discussed, along with an outline of the upcoming features related to parallelism in C++20 and TSs. Lastly, the way C++ moves towards heterogeneous support will be highlighted, describing changes that started in C++11 with lambda, pushed forward with C++17 with Thread of Execution, and soon to enter C++20 with executors. These form a subtle but definite direction towards heterogeneous programming support.


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