
First Meeting Embedded Conference Schedule available

Meeting Embedded is a new conference with a focus on embedded, hosting lots of talks connected to embedded & C++, plus a keynote by Dan Saks!

Meeting Embedded 2018


Organized by Jens Weller

From the article:

Meeting Embedded 2018 is a one day event focused on hard and software development for embedded and the IoT. Meeting Embedded will be at Vienna House Andel's Berlin Hotel on the 14th of November, right in front of Meeting C++!

Win a free ticket for C++ on Sea!

The new, upcoming C++ conference "C++ on Sea" offers a free ticket.

Win a free ticket for C++ on Sea!

by C++ on Sea

About the competition:

For a brand new conference the interest in C++ on Sea already has been phenomenal!

Early Bird tickets are available and are already starting to sell - which is really exciting for us (and a little bit nerve wracking - especially after a technical hitch early on).

Amongst those that have heard of us the interest is definitely there, for which we are very grateful.

But we want to reach even more people - and that's where you come in. We'd like you to tweet about the conference.

CppCon 2018 Program Available

Got take a look!

CppCon 2018 Program Available

From the article:

The program for CppCon 2018 is now live!

We’ll have over 100 regular sessions delivered by the best C++ presenters in the industry, many returning from previous years as well as some exciting new voices. We’ll have six or seven concurrent tracks full of sessions containing C++ best practices and what you need to know about C++17 and even what is planned for C++20...

Top11 Talks and other voting results for Meeting C++ 2018

The voting for the talks at Meeting C++ 2018 ended, and the results are in!

Voting results for Meeting C++ 2018

by Jens Weller

From the article:

On Sunday the voting ended for this years conference. And the results are interesting, each talk received between 87 and 104 votes from 147 active voting sessions. In total its 10685 votes casted. So lots of folks did have a look at each talk, the average of the collected votings is then what determines the top talks at the conference...