
C++ Now 2014 sold out in under a month

cppnow14-soldout.pngAs interest in C++ keeps rising, there are more C++ events but they are also selling out faster. C++ Now 2013, Going Native 2013, and C++ and Beyond 2013 all sold out, some six months before the event.

Now C++ Now 2014 has sold out faster than last year -- this time it sold out in less than a month since registration opened, with over three months left to go.

The good news: You can still register to get on the waiting list, and if you act now there's a good chance you can still get a seat. Each year there will be some number of cancellations, and the organizers expect to be able to take a number of people on the waiting list.

If you have not yet registered for C++ Now 2014 but are interested in potentially going, even if you're not certain yet you should join the waiting list today to get in the queue for a chance to sign up for the last few seats that will open up!


If you missed registering for C++ Now and don't make the waiting list, don't despair -- there will be additional major C++ events around the world later this year. Watch for upcoming announcements here on Stay tuned...

C++ Papers for Issaquah - Concepts, Database and Evolution

This is the second part of my series about the papers for the next C++ committee meeting in Issaquah:

C++ Papers for Issaquah - Concepts, Database & Evolution

by Jens Weller

From the article:

This is the second part about the papers for the C++ committee meeting in February in Issaquah. This time featuring papers from the subgroups of concept, database and evolution. Again, most papers in this series aim for a standard after C++14, most important for C++14 will be the national comments on the new standard. Also there are no new papers from the core working group, only the active issues, defects report and closed issues report are on this mailing.


C++ Papers for Issaquah -- Concurrency

So I just started to read through the papers for the next C++ committee meeting in Issaquah in February, first part is about Concurrency:

C++ Papers for Issaquah -- Concurrency

by Jens Weller

From the article:

In february the C++ committee is going to meet for a week in Issaquah, it could be the final Meeting for C++14, the papers in this series will reflect both, C++14 and the standard that will come after it. Currently mostly known as C++1y. A lot of papers that are not part of C++14 will be formed into technical specifications, which some will then become C++1y later. Like the last series, I will again focus on the working groups, and post the papers sorted by the name of the working group, starting with concurrency.

Quick Q: What is this "C++ memory model" you speak of? -- StackOverflow

Quick A: First read Stroustrup's FAQ answer, before reading the SO answers which are also illuminating. For a deep answer and to really grok this topic, check out Sutter's slides from his three-hour deep-dive talk.

A 2011-vintage "new classic" from SO:

C++11 introduced a standardized memory model. What does it mean? And how is it going to affect C++ programming?

... So, what I basically want to know is, C++ programmers used to develop multi-threaded applications even before, so how does it matter if its POSIX threads, or Windows threads, or C++11 threads? What are the benefits? I want to understand the low-level details.

I also get this feeling that the C++11 memory model is somehow related to C++11 multi-threading support, as I often see these two together. If it is, how exactly? Why should they be related?

As I don't know how internals of multi-threading works, and what memory model means in general, please help me understand these concepts. grin

Acquire and Release Fences Don't Work the Way You'd Expect -- Jeff Preshing

The C++11 standard makes a distinction between acquire and release fences and acquire and release operations. The differences are important and can affect correctness as well as performance.

[Ed.: These correctness subtleties are another reason to avoid standalone fences... in addition to the notes in this article, there are performance reasons to do so, as mentioned in Sutter's linked talk. std::atomics are the correct tool in nearly all cases where in the past you'd have reached for a standalone fence.]

Acquire and Release Fences Don't Work the Way You'd Expect

by Jeff Preshing

From the article:

... It's perhaps surprising, then, that this definition does not apply to standalone acquire and release fences in C++11! Those are a whole other ball of wax.

To see what I mean, consider the following two code listings. They’re both taken from my post about the double-checked locking pattern in C++11. The code on the left performs a release operation directly on m_instance, while the code on the right uses a release fence instead. ...

Concept Checking in C++11 -- Eric Niebler

While we're waiting for Concepts Lite, Eric shows how we can already do quite a bit in C++11 while planning for a transition to language support when it's available.

Concept Checking in C++11

by Eric Niebler

From the article:

This post describes some utilities I’ve recently developed for doing concept checking in C++11. These utilities are part of an ongoing project to reimplement ranges, also for C++11, but I think the concept checking utilities are useful and interesting in their own right...

Stroustrup & Sutter on C++: Mar 31 - Apr 1, San Jose, CA, USA

eelive.PNGFor the first time in several years, Bjarne Stroustrup and Herb Sutter will hold a two-day seminar on C++

Super C++ Tutorial: Stroustrup & Sutter on C++

EE Live!
March 31 - April 3, 2014
San Jose, CA, USA

Are you a serious C++ developer? The two-day Super C++ Tutorial, taught by Herb Sutter and Bjarne Stroustrup, the creator of C++, is designed for active C++ developers, embedded systems developers, and anybody who works with the language on a regular basis and wants to write faster, more efficient code for applications ranging from data centers to mobile platforms where all-day battery life is key.

We invite you to spend two insightful and informative days as the instructors present the most important things C++ developers need to know in 2014. The two days are designed to cover a balanced curriculum of information: useful for C++ developers at any level, with helpful information whether you’ve only used C++ for a year or two or are a top C++ guru; balanced between language and standard library topics; covering today’s modern techniques and best practices together with forward-looking information about new features coming and expected to be broadly available in the next year; panels where both speakers share their insights and perspectives with each other and answer your questions; and much more, with the deep context and expertise that these instructors uniquely bring.

Core C++ #10 -- Stephan T. Lavavej

core-10.PNGAccompanying today's release of the VC++ CTP, there is a new talk by Stephan T. Lavavej available covering several major C++11 and draft C++14 features that are of likely interest to C++ developers using any compiler.

Core C++, 10 of n (Nov 2013 CTP)

by Stephan T. Lavavej

From the summary:

In part 10, STL explores the new features in the Visual C++ Compiler November 2013 CTP (Community Technology Preview), in addition to the features that were added between VC 2013 Preview and RTM.

Features included in the November CTP ( generic lambdas!!! Smiley ):

C++11, C++14, and C++/CX features:

  • Implicit move special member function generation (thus also completing =default)
  • Reference qualifiers on member functions (a.k.a. "& and && for *this")
  • Thread-safe function local static initialization (a.k.a. "magic statics")
  • Inheriting constructors
  • alignof/alignas
  • __func__
  • Extended sizeof
  • constexpr (except for member functions)
  • noexcept (unconditional)
  • C++14 decltype(auto)
  • C++14 auto function return type deduction
  • C++14 generic lambdas (with explicit lambda capture list)
  • (Proposed for C++17) Resumable functions and await

Meeting C++ 2013

The recent Meeting C++ 2013 was a blast, the 2nd Meeting C++ conference was with over 200 guests a full success!

Meeting C++ 2013

by Jens Weller

Additional Online Resources:

Stephen Kelly about CMake for Qt and Boost

The talks from Peter Sommerlad

Sven Johannsens HTML based talk about STL11 is online.

Available slides are linked in the talk descriptions.