
C++ Status

A follow up on my proposal series & C++14 post:

C++ Status

by Jens Weller

From the Article:

This is the followup I promised after my last series for Issaquah. The current status of the standardization is that C++14 is on its final way to become a new ISO Standard, as you can see on the C++ Status Page of

CppCon 2014 Registration Open: September 7-12, Bellevue, WA, USA

cppcon-173.PNGThe Standard C++ Foundation is very pleased to announce the first annual CppCon.


Registration is now open for CppCon 2014 to be held September 7–12, 2014 at the Meydenbauer Center in Bellevue, Washington, USA. The conference will start with the keynote by Bjarne Stroustrup titled "Make Simple Tasks Simple!"

CppCon is the annual, week-long face-to-face gathering for all C++ users. The conference is organized by the C++ community for the community. You will enjoy inspirational talks and a friendly atmosphere designed to help attendees learn from each other, meet interesting people, and generally have a stimulating experience. Taking place this year in the beautiful Seattle neighborhood and including multiple diverse tracks, the conference will appeal to anyone from C++ novices to experts.

What you can expect at CppCon:

  • Invited talks and panels: The CppCon keynote by Bjarne Stroustrup will start off a week full of insight from some of the world’s leading experts in C++. Still have questions? Ask them at one of CppCon’s panels featuring those at the cutting edge of the language.
  • Presentations by the C++ community: What do embedded systems, game development, high frequency trading, and particle accelerators have in common? C++, of course! Expect talks from a broad range of domains focused on practical C++ techniques, libraries, and tools.
  • Lightning talks: Get informed at a fast pace during special sessions of short, less formal talks. Never presented at a conference before? This is your chance to share your thoughts on a C++-related topic in an informal setting.
  • Evening events and “unconference” time: Relax, socialize, or start an impromptu coding session.

CppCon’s goal is to encourage the best use of C++. The conference is a project of the Standard C++ Foundation, a not-for-profit organization whose purpose is to support the C++ software developer community and promote the understanding and use of modern, standard C++ on all compilers and platforms.

Compiler support for C++11 and C++14

C++11 support is still an interesting topic, even that GCC and Clang now fully support it. Also the upcoming C++14 standard is already getting implemented by a lot of compilers. There are two very interesting publications about this topic in recent weeks, first, on there is a PDF on C++11 and C++14 feature support for Visual C++, Intel, Clang and GCC. Also Just a few days ago, a interesting blogpost about this topic was published on C++Rocks, focussing on compiler and library support:

C++11/14 compiler and library shootout

by C++ Rocks

From the Article:

It’s been almost a year since my last comparison of C++11 support across different compilers, so I decided to take a break from working on my book about C++11/14 features in VS2013, and see how things have changed.

Range Concepts, To Infinity And Beyond

The 4th part in Erics series on ranges:

Range Concepts, Part 4 of 4: To Infinity And Beyond

by Eric Niebler

From the Article:

Last time, I introduced a new concept, Iterable, and showed how it solved many of the problems with pair-of-iterator-style ranges. This time around, I’m going to extend Iterable in small ways to make programming with infinite ranges safer and more efficient. Disclaimer: The ideas in this post are more speculative than in the previous three. I’m looking forward to the disucussion.

C++17: I See a Monad in Your Future!

Thoughts on Monads and Futures in C++

C++17: I See a Monad in Your Future!

by Bartosz Milewski

From the Article:

If you thought you were safe from functional programming in your cozy C++ niche, think again! First the lambdas and function objects and now the monad camouflaged as std::future. But do not despair, it’s all just patterns. You won’t find them in the Gang of Four book, but once you see them, they will become obvious.

Range Concepts, Part 3 of 4: Introducing Iterables

The third part of Eric Nieblers Series on ranges

Range Concepts, Part 3 of 4: Introducing Iterables

by Eric Niebler

From the Article:

In the last two blog posts, I describes the challenges I’ve encountered while building a next-generation range library. In this post, I’ll sketch for you my proposed solution: refinements of the range concepts that allow delimited, infinite, and pair-o’-iterator-style ranges to fit comfortably within the concept hierarchy without loss of performance or expressive power and with increased safety. I’ve built a range library around these concepts that subsumes and extends all of the C++98 STL algorithms and the Boost.Range adaptors, so I can say with confidence that these concepts lead to a useful and consistent generic range library.

Range Concepts, Part 2 of 4: Infinite Ranges

The second part of Eric Nieblers Series about ranges:

Range Concepts, Part 2 of 4: Infinite Ranges

By Eric Niebler

From the Article:

In the last post, I tried to make delimited ranges fit into the STL and found the result unsatisfying. This time around I’ll be trying the same thing with infinite ranges and will sadly be reaching the same conclusion. But the exercise will point the way toward an uber-Range concept that will subsume delimited ranges, infinite ranges, and STL-ish pair-o’-iterator ranges.

Range Concepts, Part 1 of 4: Delimited Ranges

The start on a series about ranges from Eric Niebler:

Range Concepts, Part 1 of 4: Delimited Ranges

By Eric Niebler

From the Article:

I’ve been digging into ranges recently, and I’m finding them to be more than just a pair of iterators. In a series of posts, I’ll be expanding the notion of what a range is to cover some kinds of ranges not easily or efficiently expressible within the STL today: delimited ranges and infinite ranges. This post deals with the problems of representing delimited ranges with STL iterators.

C++ Papers for Issaquah - Library, Graphics, Networking, Numerics and Undefined Behavior

This is the last part in the series for Issaquah, and its the most diverse:

C++ Papers for Issaquah - Library, Graphics, Networking, Numerics & Undefined Behavior

by Jens Weller

From the Article:

The 4th and last part about the C++ Papers for Issaquah. I already covered the first batch of proposals from the Library subgroup in the previous part, now its all about papers from Library, Graphics, Networking, Numerics and Undefined Behavior. A very diverse part.

C++ Papers for Issaquah - Library I

The third part of my series about the papers for Issaquah is about the first batch of library proposals

C++ Papers for Issaquah - Library I

by Jens Weller

From the article:

The 3rd part of the C++ papers for Issaquah series will be about the library proposals. The last part covered the papers from concepts, database and evolution. There are a lot of proposals from the library group, and I think some of them are the most interesting, as they don't have any impact on the core language.