
PVS-Studio 7.35: MISRA C 2023 support, Qt Creator 15 plugin, and more

PVS-Studio 7.35 has been released. Support for the MISRA C standard, the plugin for Qt Creator 15.x, modified file analysis in Visual Studio, and that's not all.

PVS-Studio 7.35: MISRA C 2023 support, Qt Creator 15 plugin, and more

by Vladislav Bogdanov

From the article:

We've begun work to expand the PVS-Studio's coverage of the MISRA C standard. With the release of 7.35, the first eight diagnostic rules have already been implemented, and more are on the way. The full list of implemented rules is provided below. We plan to cover at least 85% of MISRA C and support the latest version of MISRA C 2023.


PVS-Studio 7.32: enhanced analysis, new plugins and more

PVS-Studio 7.32 has been released. Discover enhanced C++ analysis optimization, new plugins and features, and a host of other updates.

PVS-Studio 7.32: enhanced analysis, new plugins and more

by Gleb Aslamov

From the article:

The PVS-Studio analyzer now supports integration with Bazel and Scons build systems for C++ projects. The PVS-Studio plugin is now available for Qt Creator 14.x. The plugin for Qt Creator 8.x is no longer supported. We aim to ensure backward compatibility between the latest plugin versions and all Qt Creator versions released in the past two years.

Porting my first application from Qt5 to Qt6

An overview on the issues face when porting my first application to Qt6

Porting my first Application from Qt5 to Qt6

by Jens Weller

From the article:

Just this week I had the opportunity to recompile one of my Qt Applications to build it with Qt6. Here is some of the results.

The application in question manages parts of the conference, and hence is written in Qt for the UI and uses SQLite as datastorage, so Qt also used for this and as I learned for a few other things too...

HTML Text Editor - final solution

A quick post on the current - and final - solution to use TinyMCE3 with Qt:

HTML Text Editor - final solution

by Jens Weller

From the article:

In the last post about my HTML Text Editor, I mentioned that while the editor worked like it should, other things didn't. I was able to fix at least some of the driver related issues, but kept seeing random crashes. So I decided to try out a different solution, instead of going on a long and tiring debugging trip.

Refactoring the HTML Text Editor for QWebEngine

An update on the HTML Text Editor I hacked with Qt and TinyMCE3:

Refactoring the HTML Text Editor for QWebEngine

by Jens Weller

From the article:

In the last post, I described my experience with using MSVC as a compiler in combination with QtCreator. The reason I set this up was, that with Qt 5.7 QWebkit isn't anymore supported, and the HTML TextEditor based on tinymce3 is a central part of my application. Instead of QWebkit there is now QWebEngine, based on chromium, a very fine solution...

Using QtCreator together with the Visual Studio Build Tools

A first posting about working with Qt and Visual C++ in QtCreator

Using QtCreator together with the Visual Studio Build Tools

by Jens Weller

From the article:

For a while I've been using QtCreator as my IDE, mostly because its deep integration with Qt, as most of my projects are Qt related. With this, I also preferred (and still do a little) to use the MinGW builds of Qt on Windows. In the past, as GCC was a little bit better with the newer standards, today, well, never change a running system...