PVS-Studio 7.35: MISRA C 2023 support, Qt Creator 15 plugin, and more

PVS-Studio 7.35 has been released. Support for the MISRA C standard, the plugin for Qt Creator 15.x, modified file analysis in Visual Studio, and that's not all.

PVS-Studio 7.35: MISRA C 2023 support, Qt Creator 15 plugin, and more

by Vladislav Bogdanov

From the article:

We've begun work to expand the PVS-Studio's coverage of the MISRA C standard. With the release of 7.35, the first eight diagnostic rules have already been implemented, and more are on the way. The full list of implemented rules is provided below. We plan to cover at least 85% of MISRA C and support the latest version of MISRA C 2023.


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