qt creator

PVS-Studio 7.35: MISRA C 2023 support, Qt Creator 15 plugin, and more

PVS-Studio 7.35 has been released. Support for the MISRA C standard, the plugin for Qt Creator 15.x, modified file analysis in Visual Studio, and that's not all.

PVS-Studio 7.35: MISRA C 2023 support, Qt Creator 15 plugin, and more

by Vladislav Bogdanov

From the article:

We've begun work to expand the PVS-Studio's coverage of the MISRA C standard. With the release of 7.35, the first eight diagnostic rules have already been implemented, and more are on the way. The full list of implemented rules is provided below. We plan to cover at least 85% of MISRA C and support the latest version of MISRA C 2023.


PVS-Studio 7.32: enhanced analysis, new plugins and more

PVS-Studio 7.32 has been released. Discover enhanced C++ analysis optimization, new plugins and features, and a host of other updates.

PVS-Studio 7.32: enhanced analysis, new plugins and more

by Gleb Aslamov

From the article:

The PVS-Studio analyzer now supports integration with Bazel and Scons build systems for C++ projects. The PVS-Studio plugin is now available for Qt Creator 14.x. The plugin for Qt Creator 8.x is no longer supported. We aim to ensure backward compatibility between the latest plugin versions and all Qt Creator versions released in the past two years.

PVS-Studio 7.29: Boost smart pointers, plugin for Qt Creator on macOS

PVS-Studio 7.29 has been released. Now you can analyze Java projects in a plugin for VS Code, check Boost smart pointers, use the PVS-Studio plugin for Qt Creator 12 on macOS, and that's not all.

PVS-Studio 7.29: Java code check in VS Code, Boost smart pointers, and plugin for Qt Creator on macOS

by Gleb Aslamov

From the article:

The C++ analyzer now supports smart pointers from the Boost library: boost::unique_ptr and boost::shared_ptr. Now the PVS-Studio analyzer is able to detect errors such as null pointer dereferences when these classes are used.

PVS-Studio 7.26: running analysis in VS Code and Qt Creator, integration with DefectDojo, and more

PVS-Studio 7.26 has been released. Now you can run the analysis in plugins for VS Code and Qt Creator; upload the analysis results to DefectDojo, and more. In this note, we'll take a closer look at these and other enhancements.

PVS-Studio 7.26: running analysis in VS Code and Qt Creator, integration with DefectDojo, and more

by Sergey Vasiliev

From the article:

Now the PVS-Studio plugins for Visual Studio Code and Qt Creator support the analysis of C and C++ projects. Moreover, the plugins support mass suppression of analyzer warnings (with the help of suppress files). This mechanism enables you to hide warnings for legacy code and work only with new warnings. In this way, the integration of the analyzer into the project will be much easier.

PVS-Studio 7.25: support for latest versions of Qt Creator, Rider, and more

PVS-Studio 7.25 has been released. In this version, we implemented the support of Qt Creator 10 and Rider 2022.2.3 (and higher), updated the libraries used by the analyzer, enhanced the documentation — and that's not all!

PVS-Studio 7.25: support for latest versions of Qt Creator, Rider, and more

by Nikita Lipilin

From the article:

When checking C++ projects that use MSBuild, PVS-Studio did not use the full power of Intel's 12th generation processors (for example, i7-12700, i9-12900). Apparently, the analysis processes were running only on energy-saving cores, while the rest remained idle. In the new version of PVS-Studio, the error has been fixed. Now the analyzer fully loads the processors and works much faster.

PVS-Studio 7.22: Visual Studio Code, Qt Creator, .NET 7

PVS-Studio 7.22 has been released. It includes plugins for Visual Studio Code and Qt Creator, support of .NET 7 projects analysis, enhanced Best Warnings filter and new diagnostic rules.

PVS-Studio 7.22: Visual Studio Code, Qt Creator, .NET 7

by Sergey Vasiliev

From the article:

New plugins provide even more options for cross-platform work. Now you can use them to work with logs: view warnings, filter them, sort them in a grid, etc. You can't run the analysis yet — we plan to add this feature in future releases.