
PVS-Studio 7.35: MISRA C 2023 support, Qt Creator 15 plugin, and more

PVS-Studio 7.35 has been released. Support for the MISRA C standard, the plugin for Qt Creator 15.x, modified file analysis in Visual Studio, and that's not all.

PVS-Studio 7.35: MISRA C 2023 support, Qt Creator 15 plugin, and more

by Vladislav Bogdanov

From the article:

We've begun work to expand the PVS-Studio's coverage of the MISRA C standard. With the release of 7.35, the first eight diagnostic rules have already been implemented, and more are on the way. The full list of implemented rules is provided below. We plan to cover at least 85% of MISRA C and support the latest version of MISRA C 2023.


PVS-Studio 7.29: Boost smart pointers, plugin for Qt Creator on macOS

PVS-Studio 7.29 has been released. Now you can analyze Java projects in a plugin for VS Code, check Boost smart pointers, use the PVS-Studio plugin for Qt Creator 12 on macOS, and that's not all.

PVS-Studio 7.29: Java code check in VS Code, Boost smart pointers, and plugin for Qt Creator on macOS

by Gleb Aslamov

From the article:

The C++ analyzer now supports smart pointers from the Boost library: boost::unique_ptr and boost::shared_ptr. Now the PVS-Studio analyzer is able to detect errors such as null pointer dereferences when these classes are used.

PVS-Studio 7.25: support for latest versions of Qt Creator, Rider, and more

PVS-Studio 7.25 has been released. In this version, we implemented the support of Qt Creator 10 and Rider 2022.2.3 (and higher), updated the libraries used by the analyzer, enhanced the documentation — and that's not all!

PVS-Studio 7.25: support for latest versions of Qt Creator, Rider, and more

by Nikita Lipilin

From the article:

When checking C++ projects that use MSBuild, PVS-Studio did not use the full power of Intel's 12th generation processors (for example, i7-12700, i9-12900). Apparently, the analysis processes were running only on energy-saving cores, while the rest remained idle. In the new version of PVS-Studio, the error has been fixed. Now the analyzer fully loads the processors and works much faster.

What's new in PVS-Studio in 2021?

2021 is coming to an end, which means it's time to sum up the year! Today we'll tell you about the new features we added to PVS-Studio in the past year. Buckle up and let's go!

What's new in PVS-Studio in 2021?

by Maxim Stefanov, Oleg Lisiy, Sergey Vasiliev

From the article:

PVS-Studio has plugins for various JetBrains IDEs: Rider, IntelliJ IDEA. Somehow we missed another popular IDE — CLion. Our clients expressed an increasing interest in this feature. Moreover, the PVS-Studio plugin for CLion as a cross-platform IDE would make it possible to work comfortably with the C++ analyzer regardless of the environment in which the developer works: on Windows, Linux or macOS.

PVS-Studio 7.16, expanding the horizons: MISRA C, Visual Studio 2022, .NET 6

This is the latest release of PVS-Studio in 2021. With it, the PVS-Studio team accomplishes several important goals. Now, PVS-Studio supports Visual Studio 2022 (.NET 6, C# 10.0). We implemented all diagnostics categorized as Mandatory in MISRA C.

PVS-Studio 7.16, expanding the horizons: MISRA C, Visual Studio 2022, .NET 6

by Andrey Karpov

From the article:

PVS-Studio supports 80% of the MISRA C standard for safety and security. The tool fully covers the warnings categorized as Mandatory and most of the warnings from the Required category.

PVS-Studio 7.15: MISRA, CWE, OWASP, Unreal Engine

We are actively developing the PVS-Studio static analysis tool towards detecting Safety and Security-related errors. To be more precise, we've expanded the coverage of the MISRA C:2012 and OWASP ASVS standards. We have supported the MISRA Compliance 2020 standard. One of the more extraordinary innovations is the Best Warnings display mode.

PVS-Studio 7.15: MISRA, CWE, OWASP, Unreal Engine

by Andrey Karpov

From the article:

We have introduced a new feature for the PVS-Studio plugin for Visual Studio. Now you can display the Best Warnings the analyzer issued for a project. In other words, these are the analyzer's most valuable warnings. They demonstrate the analyzer's capabilities for someone, who is just starting out with the analyzer. We call this feature Analyzer Best Warnings. PVS-Studio has always been grouping analyzer warnings by 3 certainty levels. We've been traditionally using these levels to prioritize showing the analysis results — all best warnings should be first-level warnings. For the new version of our analyzer, we have developed a more accurate mechanism to evaluate warnings. Now the mechanism uses many extra criteria in addition to levels — both static (the average diagnostic "value") and dynamic. The dynamic criteria are based on warnings the analyzer issues for a specific code base (for example, detection frequency).

Why do you need the MISRA Compliance report and how to generate one in PVS-Studio?

If you are strongly interested in MISRA and would like to understand whether your project meets one of the MISRA association's standards, there is a solution. It's name is MISRA Compliance.

Why do you need the MISRA Compliance report and how to generate one in PVS-Studio?

by Nikolay Mironov

From the article:

To make this simpler, let's take rule 1.1 that has the standard value of the category equal to Required. If you look at the table, you can see that acceptable compliance values for Required are Compliance or Deviations (I'll talk more about the meaning of these statuses later). This means that if your project complies with rule 1.1, or if it complies with this rule with some deviations - everything is fine and you can go to the next rule. If you get at least one hit in Violations or Disapplied, then the project does not comply with MISRA C 2012. If all rules have acceptable values only, congratulations! Your project complies with the MISRA C 2012 standard. If you have a hit in the red zone (the table above), you do not comply with the standard.

PVS-Studio 7.14: CLion, intermodular analysis, MISRA

The PVS-Studio team is increasing the number of diagnostics with each new release. Besides, we are improving the analyzer's infrastructure. This time we added the plugin for JetBrains CLion. Moreover, we introduced intermodular analysis of C++ projects and speeded up the C# analyzer core.

PVS-Studio 7.14: intermodular analysis in C++ and plugin for JetBrains CLion

by Andrey Karpov

From the article:

As the list below shows, most of the diagnostics that we currently implement are based on the MISRA C standard. We focused on the MISRA C support, and now PVS-Studio covers 60% of the standard. Soon, we plan to cover at least 80%. We also want to introduce the support of coding standards from the MISRA C Compliance.

PVS-Studio 7.13: Blame Notifier, MISRA

The list of diagnostics supported by MISRA and AUTOSAR continues to grow. We've expanded the Blame Notifier utility's capabilities. The analysis of Ninja projects on Windows has been enhanced and now involves the JSON Compilation Database.

PVS-Studio 7.13

by Andrey Karpov

From the article:

  • The C++ analyzer provides enhanced support of Ninja projects on Windows using JSON Compilation Database (compile_commands.json).
  • The C++ PVS-Studio analyzer spends 10% less time checking source files with the use of the Clang compiler.
  • To check C++ and C# Visual Studio PVS-Studio_Cmd.exe projects, you can pass the suppression file directly. Before this, you could add suppressed warnings only at the projects and solution level.

Example of How New Diagnostics Appear in PVS-Studio

Users sometimes ask how new diagnostics appear in the PVS-Studio static analyzer. We answer that we draw inspiration from a variety of sources: books, coding standards, our own mistakes, our users' emails, and others. Recently we came up with an interesting idea of a new diagnostic.

Example of How New Diagnostics Appear in PVS-Studio

by Andrey Karpov

From the article:

As for application software development, it doesn't make sense to enable them. The CovidSim project could do without them. Otherwise, a user will simply drown in a huge number of messages that are of little use in this case. For example, when experimenting with this set of diagnostics, we received more than a million warnings for some medium-sized open projects. Roughly speaking, every third line of code might be faulty in the view of MISRA. No one will scrape through all warnings, much less fix them. The project is either developed immediately taking into account MISRA recommendations, or this coding standard is irrelevant for it.