Klaus Iglberger Calling Functions - Meeting C++ 2020
New video from Meeting C++ 2020
Calling Functions - Meeting C++ 2020
by Klaus Iglberger
March 19-21, Madrid, Spain
April 1-4, Bristol, UK
June 16-21, Sofia, Bulgaria
By Meeting C++ | Jan 19, 2021 04:20 AM | Tags: video meetingcpp community basics
New video from Meeting C++ 2020
Calling Functions - Meeting C++ 2020
by Klaus Iglberger
By Meeting C++ | Jan 4, 2018 04:06 AM | Tags: video qt meetingcpp c++17
The first part of the regular lightning talks from Meeting C++ 2017 was released yesterday:
The most important API design principle
by Marc Mutz
Structured Bindings demystified
by Marc Mutz
by Arvid Gerstmann
by Réka Kovács
Is this available?
by Miro Knejp
std::optional and the m word
by Simon Brand
By Meeting C++ | Dec 21, 2017 12:46 PM | Tags: video meetingcpp conference community
The first videos are online from Meeting C++ 2017, more coming soon!
Meeting C++ 2017 playlist
By Meeting C++ | Jun 22, 2017 11:22 AM | Tags: video efficiency c++14 basics
The fourth episode of just C++ is online:
just C++ - pool refactoring
by Jens Weller
By Meeting C++ | Mar 9, 2017 08:14 AM | Tags: video community
The first episode of Meeting C++ live with Rainer Grimm is going live soon!
by Jens Weller & Rainer Grimm
About the format:
We'll be talking about C++ with a focus on multithreading, covering Rainers examples from his blog!
By Meeting C++ | Dec 16, 2016 10:48 AM | Tags: video performance intermediate experimental efficiency community c++14 c++11 boost basics advanced
A week full of video editing brings the first batch of Meeting C++ 2016 videos online:
More videos are online!
by Jens Weller
Meeting C++ 2016 Playlist
From the article:
With today, almost all videos from the A and all videos of the D Track are online. There is a recording issue with one talk in the A track, which might get resolved in 2017. Also since today, the Meeting C++ YouTube channel has more then 400k views!
The full video set you can find in the Meeting C++ 2016 Playlist, the newest videos are easily found by visiting the Meeting C++ YouTube channel or subscribing to this RSS feed.
By Meeting C++ | Dec 21, 2015 08:47 AM | Tags: video performance keynote intermediate efficiency basics advanced
See Chandler Carruth and Lars Knoll giving the keynotes at Meeting C++ this year:
Both Keynotes from Meeting C++ 2015 are online!
by Jens Weller
From the article:
Great news: Since yesterday, both of the keynotes from this years Meeting C++ conference are on youtube! Both keynote speakers chose to speak on a specific topic, and delivered very well. There is also a playlist for Meeting C++ 2015.