
Return early and clearly--Arne Mertz

How to return well:

Return early and clearly

by Arne Mertz

From the article:

There are different guidelines out there about where and how many return statements to use in a function, e.g. return only once at the end of the function or return early and often. Which one makes for the most readable code?

More Meeting C++ 2016 videos are online!

A week full of video editing brings the first batch of Meeting C++ 2016 videos online:

More videos are online!

by Jens Weller

Meeting C++ 2016 Playlist

From the article:

With today, almost all videos from the A and all videos of the D Track are online. There is a recording issue with one talk in the A track, which might get resolved in 2017. Also since today, the Meeting C++ YouTube channel has more then 400k views!

The full video set you can find in the Meeting C++ 2016 Playlist, the newest videos are easily found by visiting the Meeting C++ YouTube channel or subscribing to this RSS feed.

Simplifying templates and #ifdefs with if constexpr--Simon Brand

The new if constexpr will change a good part of our code for the better!

Simplifying templates and #ifdefs with if constexpr

by Simon Brand

From the article:

if constexpr is a C++17 feature which allows conditionally compiling code based on template parameters in a clear and minimal fashion. It is essentially an if statement where the branch is chosen at compile-time, and any not-taken branches are discarded without being instantiated...

C++ 17 Transformation...--phantom

The transformation is only a beginning towards catching up from C++98, but it does show why modern C++ features improve your code.

C++ 17 Transformation...

by phantom

From the article:

I'm basically really bad at working on my own projects, but with the recent release of Visual Studio 2017 RC and its improved C++17 support I figured it was time to crack on again...

To that end I've spent a bit of time today updating my own basic windowing library to use C++17 features. Some of the things have been simple transforms such as converting 'typedef' to 'using', others have been more OCD satisfying...

Basic dependent typing -- Krzysztof Ostrowski

Using fundamental types to do "simple things simple" fits very well in the most of cases.

Basic dependent typing

by Krzysztof Ostrowski

From the article:

If we assume that our application uses only a subset of values carried by given fundamental type, we are likely to get warning from the compiler. We shall take that warning seriously. How to inform type system about our assumptions? Example solutions follow.

Collaborative Online Compilers

I was doing some research on possible live formats...

Collaborative Online Compilers

by Jens Weller

From the article:

While doing some brainstorming for possible (youtube) live formats with C++ content, the thought of having a shared online IDE/Compiler came into my mind. Think of Google Docs but for C++...