
Reflections on the reflection proposals

Since the overview on the current papers for Kona, I wanted to know more about reflection...

Reflections on the reflection proposals

by Jens Weller

From the article

A few weeks ago I wrote a short overview over the most interesting papers for the current C++ Committee meeting in Kona, Hawaii. The big surprise was that there were many papers on reflection, while there already is a very detailed proposal for reflection.

With the C++ committee currently in Kona discussing lots of proposals, there will be some changes to the on going effort for reflection, but the current proposals are detailed enough to give an overview.

Using QtCreator together with the Visual Studio Build Tools

A first posting about working with Qt and Visual C++ in QtCreator

Using QtCreator together with the Visual Studio Build Tools

by Jens Weller

From the article:

For a while I've been using QtCreator as my IDE, mostly because its deep integration with Qt, as most of my projects are Qt related. With this, I also preferred (and still do a little) to use the MinGW builds of Qt on Windows. In the past, as GCC was a little bit better with the newer standards, today, well, never change a running system...

Stepanov-Regularity and Partially-Formed Objects vs. C++ Value Types -- Marc Mutz

Marc Mutz wrote in his recent article about the properties of default constructed object as required by Elements of Programming.

Stepanov-Regularity and Partially-Formed Objects vs. C++ Value Types

by Marc Mutz

From the article:

In this article, I will take a look at one of the fundamental concepts introduced in Alex Stepanov and Paul McJones’ seminal book “Elements of Programming” (EoP for short) — that of a (Semi-)Regular Type and Partially-Formed State.

Using these, I shall try to derive rules for C++ implementations of what are commonly called “value types”, focusing on the bare essentials, as I feel they have not been addressed in sufficient depth up to now: Special Member Functions.

Pros and Cons of Alternative Function Syntax in C++--Petr Zemek

Do you know the trailing return type?

Pros and Cons of Alternative Function Syntax in C++

by Petr Zemek

From the article:

C++11 introduced an alternative syntax for writing function declarations. Instead of putting the return type before the name of the function (e.g. int func()), the new syntax allows us to write it after the parameters (e.g. auto func() -> int). This leads to a couple of questions: Why was such an alternative syntax added? Is it meant to be a replacement for the original syntax? To help you with these questions, the present blog post tries to summarize the advantages and disadvantages of this newly added syntax...