Product News

CLion 2016.1 released: Better language support and new dev tools -- Anastasia Kazakova

Fresh from JetBrains:

CLion 2016.1 released: Better language support and new dev tools

by Anastasia Kazakova

Some C++-specific highlights from the announcement:

This release brings long-awaited support for variadic templates (C++11). With the related fixes in the function overload resolution, this makes it possible to resolve the code correctly and avoid many false positives in code analysis. This also means that Qt C++11 connect calls are resolved correctly in CLion:

Auto-import has been improved greatly for symbols from STL, and the quick documentation popup (Ctrl+Q on Linux/Windows, F1 on OS X) now shows lambda expressions, namespace aliases and explicit instantiation, as well as accurately redirecting hyperlinks:

Building and Using Themis in PNaCl

Cossaclabs offers via their Themis framework to run C++ code inside browsers on x86 and now on ARM platforms.

Building and Using Themis in PNaCl

by cossacklabs

From the article:

Native Client (NaCl) allows browser applications to launch a native low-level code in an isolated environment. Thanks to this, some code, performance code parts can be rewritten in C or C++ easily. Until recent time, NaCl could work on x86-compatible systems only, yet supporting ARM platform becomes very important, because a huge variety of devices (especially the newest Chrome OS laptops), are built on ARM architecture.

All you need to compile the code for ARM is located in the latest Native Client SDK. However, using NaCl forces developers to include support for all used architectures. This is achieved by building NaCl separately for all the architectures supported. Then the browser chooses the correct object to launch, basing on the architecture information.

Despite the fact that ARM architecture support in NaCl is rapidly improving, we should note that while Samsung Chromebooks remain being a primary objective for NaCl developers, it’s too early to talk about adequate ARM architecture support.

Code Browser by Woboq

Woboq presents the release of their C++ Code Browser.

Code Browser by Woboq

by Woboq

From the website:

This is an online C and C++ code browser. It focuses on improving the code navigation with proper semantic highlighting and tooltips.

  • Take the feature tour
  • Enable faster understanding of code
  • Get it for your own project

One can browse some open source projects like Qt, GLibc, LLVM, Boost, GCC, and Linux


GoingNative 47: MSVC++ is* C++17 standard library feature complete!

[Updated to reflect the original post's title change. -- Ed]


*as of this video's release date, for the standard library


An in-depth look at what new C++17 standard library features are available in yet another round of STL updates:

GoingNative 47: MSVC++ is* C++17 standard library feature complete!

by Gabriel Ha

From the video:

as_const(), std::<chrono> helper functions, expression SFINAE in std::result_of and std::function, Improving overload detection for std::pair and std::tuple...

How to try these updates:

Cheerp PreExecuter: compile-time evaluation of constructors--Sander Mathijs van Veen

An advancement in the world of C++ to javascript:

Cheerp PreExecuter: compile-time evaluation of constructors

by Sander Mathijs van Veen

From the article:

The size of a JavaScript web application, especially when compiled from a complex C++ source, has a key role on the quality of the user experience, being directly connected to the download and startup time. Size also has a big impact on the traffic and bandwidth needs of the hosting server, which translates one to one into costs. Therefore, minimizing the size of JavaScript applications compiled from C++ with Cheerp has always been one of our priorities...

New Options for Managing Character Sets in the Microsoft C/C++ Compiler--Jim Springfield

A new post from the Visual C++ team about how VC++ has evolved in the past for supporting different characters sets, and what's new:

New Options for Managing Character Sets in the Microsoft C/C++ Compiler

by Jim Springfield

From the article:

The Microsoft C/C++ compiler has evolved along with DOS, 16-bit Windows, and 32/64-bit Windows.  Its support for different characters sets, code pages, and Unicode has also changed during this time...