Product News

Try out the latest C++ compiler toolset--Andrew Pardoe

Today the Visual C++ team is announcing a new experiment: releasing the VC++ toolset as a NuGet package that can be added to any C++ project or solution targeting desktop:

Try out the latest C++ compiler toolset without waiting for the next update of Visual Studio

by Andrew Pardoe

From the article:

Why might you want to try out new tools? There’s a lot of change happening in Visual C++ today: support for new features going into the C++17 language such as Coroutines...

Compiler improvements in VS 2015 Update 2--Andrew Pardoe

The C++ compiler team is excited for you to try out the compiler in Visual Studio 2015 Update 2 CTP 1. Let’s dive into some of the feature improvements they have made in the compiler for Update 2:

Compiler improvements in VS 2015 Update 2

by Andrew Pardoe

From the article:

Since Update 1 we’ve made progress on being Standards-conformant for lot of C++11 and C++14 features...

build2 — C++ Build Toolchain

build2 is an open source, cross-platform toolchain for building and packaging C++ code. It includes a build system, package manager, and repository web interface. There is also, a public repository of open source C++ packages.

build2 — C++ Build Toolchain

From the announcement:

This is the first alpha release and currently it is more of a technology preview rather than anything that is ready for production. It has been tested on various Linux'es, Mac OS, and FreeBSD. There is no Windows support yet (but cross-compilation is supported).

VS 2015 Update 2's STL is C++17-so-far Feature Complete--Stephan T. Lavavej

Good news from the Visual C++ team: in Visual Studio Update 2, they have implemented every C++ Standard Library feature that's been voted into C++11, C++14, and the C++17-so-far Working Paper N4567:

VS 2015 Update 2's STL is C++17-so-far Feature Complete

by Stephan T. Lavavej

From the article:

Update 2's STL fully supports N3462 "SFINAE-Friendly result_of" and LWG 2132 "std::function ambiguity"...

CppCast Episode 42: Intel Tamper Protection with Marc Valle

Episode 42 of CppCast the only podcast for C++ developers by C++ developers. In this episode Rob and Jason are joined by Marc Valle to discuss Intel's Tamper Protection Toolkit which can be used to protect your C++ application from reverse engineering and tampering.

CppCast Episode 42: Intel Tamper Protection with Marc Valle

by Rob Irving and Jason Turner

About the interviewee:

Marc Valle is the technical lead for the Intel (R) Tamper Protection Toolkit. His professional interests include tamper protection, reverse engineering, compilers, security, and privacy. In his free time he can be found staring at the black line at the bottom of the pool preparing for his next competition.

Android++ is now open source

The title says all:

Android++ is now open source

From the article:

Android++ is a freely distributed extension and associated MSBuild scripts designed to enable Android application development within Visual Studio. Primarily for NDK based C/C++ applications, it also incorporates customisable deployment, resource management, and integrated Java source compilation.

Wandbox online compiler -- Bartosz Bielecki

The online compiler Wandbox offers new functionality.


It offers now the following features:

  • support for newest (HEAD) versions of GCC and Clang
  • support for various versions of Boost (from 1.47 to 1.60)
  • support for emacs/vim key bindings
  • permalinking your code snippets

boost 1.60.0 released

The boost community has released a new version of the boost library

boost 1.60.0

From the release note:

One new library was added:

VMD: Variadic Macro Data library, from Edward Diener.

Libraries with bug fixes and enhancements are:

Lexical Cast
Multi-index Container

Support for Android CMake projects in Visual Studio--Ion Todirel

Discover a functionnality of Visual Studio:

Support for Android CMake projects in Visual Studio

by Ion Todirel

From the article:

CMake is a cross-platform project generator that enables reuse of shared C++ code across multiple IDE and project systems.

We made a change to CMake to support our Android toolchain in Visual Studio. With this change, you can take your existing CMake project targetting Android, and with minimal modifications, you can have it open in Visual Studio, and benefit from our rich IDE experience for Android...

CppCast Episode 37: Ranges with Eric Niebler

Episode 37 of CppCast the only podcast for C++ developers by C++ developers. In this episode Rob and Jason are joined by Eric Niebler to discuss his work on Ranges and the future of the Standard Library.

CppCast Episode 37: Ranges with Eric Niebler

by Rob Irving and Jason Turner

About the interviewee:

Eric Niebler is an independent consultant specializing in C++ library development. Currently, he is working on modernizing the C++ standard library and adding support for ranges, funded by the first-ever grant from the Standard C++ Foundation. Previously, Eric was a consultant for BoostPro computing, a member of Microsoft's Visual C++ team, and a Microsoft Researcher before that. In addition, he has several libraries in Boost and is a Boost release manager and steering committee member. Eric has been an active member of the C++ Standardization Committee for well over 10 years. He speaks regularly at C++ conferences around the world.

In a previous life, Eric drifted with no fixed address, writing C++ and blog entries from cafes and beaches around the world. Today, Eric is a family man living and working in the glorious Pacific Northwest near Seattle.