Product News

boost 1.61.0 released

The boost community has released their library in version 1.61.0.

boost 1.61.0 released

by the boost organization

From the release note:

Beside many bug fixes and enhancements in the existing libraries, these new libraries were added:

New Libraries

Parallel/GPU-computing library

Library for comfortable work with DLL and DSO. Library provides a portable across platforms way to:

  • load libraries
  • import any native functions and variables
  • make alias names for C++ mangled functions and symbols
  • query libraries for sections and exported symbols
  • self loading and self querying
  • getting program and module location by exported symbol

A modern C++ metaprogramming library. It provides high level algorithms to manipulate heterogeneous sequences, allows writing type-level computations with a natural syntax, provides tools to introspect user-defined types and much more.

A library for generating compile time parsers parsing embedded DSL code as part of the C++ compilation process. The library is similar to Spirit, however while parsers built with Spirit parse at run-time, parsers built with Metaparse parse at compile-time.


cppformat 3.0.0 and becomes fmt--Victor Zverovich

A new versionb of fmt is out:

cppformat 3.0.0 and becomes fmt

by Victor Zverovich

From the release:

The project has been renamed from C++ Format (cppformat) to fmt for consistency with the used namespace and macro prefix (#307). Library headers are now located in the fmt directory:

#include "fmt/format.h"

Including format.h from the cppformat directory is deprecated but works via a proxy header which will be removed in the next major version. The documentation is now available at

Introducing a new, advanced Visual C++ code optimizer--Gratian Lup

Visual C++ compiler evolves again:

Introducing a new, advanced Visual C++ code optimizer

by Gratian Lup

From the article:

We are excited to announce the preview release of a new, advanced code optimizer for the Visual C++ compiler backend. It provides many improvements for both code size and performance, bringing the optimizer to a new standard of quality expected from a modern native compiler.

This is the first public release and we are encouraging people to try it and provide suggestions and feedback about potential bugs. The official release of the new optimizer is expected to be Visual Studio Update 3, while the release available today is unsupported and mostly for testing purposes...


juCi++ is a lightweight, platform independent C++-IDE with support for C++11, C++14, and experimental C++17 features depending on libclang version.



Current IDEs struggle with C++ support due to the complexity of the programming language. juCI++, however, is designed especially towards libclang with speed and ease of use in mind...

GCC 6.1 Released

After slightly more than a year since last major GCC release, the GCC project is proud to announce the new major GCC release, 6.1.

GCC 6.1 Released

by the GCC project

From the article:

GCC 6.1 is a major release containing substantial new functionality not available in GCC 5.x or previous GCC releases.

The C++ frontend now defaults to C++14 standard instead of C++98 it has been defaulting to previously, for compiling older C++ code that might require either explicitly compiling with selected older C++ standards, or might require some code adjustment, see for details. The experimental C++17 support has been enhanced in this release.

This releases features various improvements in the emitted diagnostics, including improved locations, location ranges, suggestions for misspelled identifiers, option names etc., fix-it hints and a couple of new warnings have been added.

The OpenMP 4.5 specification is fully supported in this new release, the compiler can be configured for OpenMP offloading to Intel XeonPhi Knights Landing and AMD HSAIL. The OpenACC 2.0a specification support has been much improved, with offloading to NVidia PTX.

The optimizers have been improved, with improvements appearing in all of intra-procedural optimizations, inter-procedural optimizations, link time optimizations and various target backends.

See for more information about changes in GCC 6.1.

This release is available from the FTP servers listed here:

The release is in gcc/gcc-6.1.0/ subdirectory.

If you encounter difficulties using GCC 6.1, please do not contact me directly. Instead, please visit for information about getting help.

Driving a leading free software project such as GNU Compiler Collection would not be possible without support from its many contributors. Not to only mention its developers but especially its regular testers and users which contribute to its high quality.  The list of individuals is too large to thank individually!

build2 0.3.0 Released, Adds High Fidelity Builds

build2 is an open source, cross-platform toolchain for building and packaging C++ code. It includes a build system, package manager, and repository web interface. There is also, a public repository of open source C++ packages.

build2 0.3.0 Release Notes

From the announcement:

This release includes a number of new features in the build system (high fidelity builds, command line configuration overrides), package manager (support for dropping no longer necessary packages), and repository web interface (ability to run multiple instances, look and feel customizations).

CppCast Episode 54: VS for Linux with Ankit Asthana

Episode 54 of CppCast the only podcast for C++ developers by C++ developers. In this episode Rob and Jason are joined by Ankit Asthana to discuss new features for Visual Studio and VS Code. Including new support for Linux developers.

CppCast Episode 54: VS for Linux with Ankit Asthana

by Rob Irving and Jason Turner

About the interviewee:

Ankit Asthana is a program manager working in the Visual C++ Cross-Platform space. He is knowledgeable in cross-platform technologies, compilers (dynamic and static compilation, optimizer, code generation), distributed computing and server side development. He has in the past worked for IBM and Oracle Canada as a developer building Java 7 (hotspot) and telecommunication products. Ankit back in 2008 also published a book on C++ titled C++ for Beginners to Masters which sold over a few thousand copies.

C++ Core Guidelines Checkers: Preview of the Lifetime Safety checker--Andrew Pardoe

The Visual C++ Team announces a preview of the Lifetime Safety checker for CppCoreCheck:

C++ Core Guidelines Checkers: Preview of the Lifetime Safety checker

From the article:

Lifetime safety is ensuring that the lifetime of any object matches its use. That is, don’t leak objects by forgetting to delete them in the case that they were allocated on the heap, and don’t access objects...