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C++17 - The Complete Guide -- Nicolai M. Josuttis

The first draft of "C++17 - The Complete Guide" is now available at

C++17 - The Complete Guide

by Nicolai M. Josuttis

About the guide:

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This book uses a new publishing model: It is written incrementally and self-published. That way you can buy it even before it is complete and I have income while I am still writing it (note that I do C++ for a living).

Most of the new features are covered already in detail:

  • All major new core language features
  • The new library components (filesystem only by a few examples)

But there is still enough to do (see for details).

All covered features went through significant review with awesome feedback and already have a lot of useful details including how they integrate with other features and discussing all the traps you should avoid.

C++17 Feature Removals And Deprecations--Stephan T. Lavavej

This is about visual studio, but this is also about how the deprecated mechanisms work.

C++17 Feature Removals And Deprecations

by Stephan T. Lavavej

From the article:

Technology advances by inventing new ways of doing things and by discarding old ways. The C++ Standardization Committee is simultaneously adding new features and removing old features at a gradual pace, because we’ve discovered thoroughly better ways of writing code. While feature removals can be annoying, in the sense that programmers need to go change old codebases in order to make them conform to new Standards, they’re also important. Feature removals simplify the Core Language and Standard Library, avoiding the doom of accreting complexity forever. Additionally, removing old features makes it easier to read and write code. C++ will always be a language that offers programmers many ways to write something, but by taking away inferior techniques, it’s easier to choose one of the remaining techniques which are more modern...

MSVC code optimizer improvements in Visual Studio 2017 versions 15.5 and 15.3--Gratian Lup

An update on the significant progress the Visual C++ code optimizer made in the past year, focused mostly on the features released in the 15.3 and 15.5 versions:

MSVC code optimizer improvements in Visual Studio 2017 versions 15.5 and 15.3

by Gratian Lup

From the article:

Compared to VS2015 Update 3, VS2017 15.5 provides on average an 8.9% increase in runtime speed in the SPEC 2017 benchmark..

CLion 2017.3 released with C++ support improvements, Valgrind Memcheck...--Anastasia Kazakova

A new version is here!

CLion 2017.3 released with C++ support improvements, Valgrind Memcheck, Boost.Test and much more

by Anastasia Kazakova

From the article:

This year’s third release of CLion managed to accomplish both missions – bring dozens of C++ language support fixes, and overhaul and integrate new tools like Boost.Test and Valgrind Memcheck. Besides, v2017.3 updates a number of bundled tools, provides a simpler and more flexible way to configure toolchains, and improves the UI for running/debugging your applications...

Jupyter + Cling: Interactive C++

Jupyter Notebook is the #1 canvas for data science, and it now leverages CERN's Cling interpreter to support C++:

Interactive Workflows for C++ with Jupyter

by Sylvain Corlay, Loic Gouarin, Johan Mabille, and Wolf Vollprecht

A few highlights from the article:

... just write some code and hit Shift+Enter

... live quick-help, fetching the content on

... visual output can also be displayed using the rich display mechanism of the Jupyter protocol

... the combination of xtensor with the C++ notebook provides an experience very similar to that of NumPy in a Python notebook

... If you are interested in trying the various notebooks presented in this post, there is no need to install anything. You can just use binder

... In September 2017, the 350 first-year students at Paris-Sud University who took the “Info 111: Introduction to Computer Science” class wrote their first lines of C++ in a Jupyter notebook

C++ Core Check improvements in Visual Studio 2017 15.5--Sergiy Oryekhov

In Visual Studio 2017 15.5 Preview 4 the team has refreshed the C++ Core Guidelines Check extension for native code static analysis tools:

C++ Core Check improvements in Visual Studio 2017 15.5

by Sergiy Oryekhov

From the article:

Most of the work since 15.3 has been focused on new rules that will help developers starting new projects write safer C++ and those with legacy projects move toward safer, modern C++...

PVS-Studio Reports Now in Html

FullHtml is a full-fledged report format for viewing analysis results.

PVS-Studio Reports Now in Html

by Svyatoslav Razmyslov

From the article:

It allows you to search for and sort messages by type, file, level, code, and warning text. What makes it special is that it allows you to navigate faulty fragments in the source files pointed out by the analyzer. The reported source files themselves are copied to Html and become part of the report. To see how FullHtml really looks like, I converted in this format one of the latest reports, which I've used when writing the article about the MuseScore project: MuseScoreHtml.7z.

POCO Release 1.8.0 Available

POCO 1.8.0 is now available:

POCO Release 1.8.0 is out

by POCO Team

POCO C++ Libraries release 1.8.0 is available. This release brings Unix Domain Socket support in the Net library, Zip64 support in the Zip library, an XML stream parser API, the new Redis client library, support for connection string URIs in the MongoDB client library and a couple of other improvements and bugfixes.

In addition to optional C++11/14 features support, this release still supports C++03 compilers, including Visual C++ 2008. Support for OpenVMS has been removed. Full C++11/14 support coming soon in release 2.0.