Articles & Books

Quick Q: How is std::function implemented? -- StackOverflow

Quick A: Using type erasure.

Quick Q2: ... Um, what's that?

Quick A2: Read this post...

How is std::function implemented?

According to the sources I have found, a lambda expression is essentially implemented by the compiler creating a class with overloaded function call operator and the referenced variables as members. This suggests that the size of lambda expressions varies, and given enough references variables that size can be arbitrarily large.

An std::function should have a fixed size, but it must be able to wrap any kind of callables, including any lambdas of the same kind. How is it implemented? If std::function internally uses a pointer to its target, then what happens, when the std::function instance is copied or moved? Are there any heap allocations involved?

A Glimpse into C++14: Combine Flexibility and Performance with Dynamic Arrays and... -- Danny Kalev

cpp14-target.jpgDanny Kalev wrote a nice article yesterday about a new C++ feature -- actually, two related C++14 features -- that were just added to the draft Standard in April and will be coming to real compilers in the near future.

A Glimpse into C++14: Combine Flexibility and Performance with Dynamic Arrays and Runtime-Sized Arrays

by Danny Kalev

From the article:

C99 introduced the notion of variable length arrays: stack allocated built-in arrays whose size is determined at runtime. C++ lacks a similar feature, to the discontent of many a programmer. However, two recent proposals for adding dynamic arrays and runtime-sized arrays to C++14 are closing the gap at last. Learn how to use these new features to imitate C99’s variable length arrays in C++...

Optimizing C++ Code: Dead Code Elimination -- Jim Hogg

We keep hearing about C++'s "as if" rule, but what does it really do? Fundamentally, it enables optimizations. A modern compiler never produces an executable that's identical to the program you actually wrote; it produces an equivalent program that's probably a lot better.

Hence Jim Hogg's nice new series on what optimizing compilers do, using Visual C++ as an example. The latest instalment:

Optimizing C++ Code : Dead Code Elimination

by Jim Hogg

From the article:

This post examines the optimization called Dead-Code-Elimination, which I’ll abbreviate to DCE.  It does what it says: discards any calculations whose results are not actually used by the program.

Now, you will probably assert that your code calculates only results that are used, and never any results that are not used: only an idiot, after all, would gratuitously add useless code -- calculating the first 1000 digits of pi, for example, whilst also doing something useful.  So when would the DCE optimization ever have an effect? ...

C++: Polymorphic Cloning and the CRTP (Curiously Recurring Template Pattern)--Katy Coe

katy.pngOn CRTP with multi-level inheritance, cloning, and the constructor forwarding problem.

C++: Polymorphic cloning and the CRTP (Curiously Recurring Template Pattern)

by Katy Coe

From the article:

A common problem in C++ occurs when you have an object of an unknown derived type and want to make a copy of it. ...

The solution is to use the commonly-used polymorphic cloning pattern. In this pattern, we define a virtual function -- which we’ll call clone() in this article -- which when called via an object pointer returns a new object of the correct derived type.

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noexcept Destructors -- Andrzej Krzemieński

A slight change from C++98 to C++11, tightening up destructor semantics. Yes, it's still considered a best practice to never allow an exception to escape from a destructor -- in any language with destructor or Dispose functionality -- and now we have an additional reason in C++11:

noexcept Destructors

by Andrzej Krzemieński

From the article:

The goal of this post is to show one — fairly small — backwards incompatibility in C++11. It shows how noexcept exception specifications are implicitly generated for your destructors. In short, the following program used to run successfully in C++03 (under some definition of “success”): ...

In this post I do not intend to argue whether it is a bad practice or not to throw from destructors, but focus on what happens when you do. But I really do not encourage you to throw from destructors...

GotW #7a Solution: Minimizing Compile-Time Dependencies, Part 1—Herb Sutter

The solution to the latest GotW problem is now available. In this Item, the focus is on analyzing and managing compile-time dependencies.

    GotW #7a Solution: Minimizing Compile-Time Dependencies, Part 1

    by Herb Sutter

From the article:

Managing dependencies well is an essential part of writing solid code. C++ supports two powerful methods of abstraction: object-oriented programming and generic programming. Both of these are fundamentally tools to help manage dependencies, and therefore manage complexity. It’s telling that all of the common OO/generic buzzwords—including encapsulation, polymorphism, and type independence—along with most design patterns, are really about describing ways to manage complexity within a software system by managing the code’s interdependencies.

When we talk about dependencies, we usually think of run-time dependencies like class interactions. In this Item, we will focus instead on how to analyze and manage compile-time dependencies. As a first step, try to identify (and root out) unnecessary headers.

Guideline: Never #include unnecessary header files.

Guideline: Prefer to #include <iosfwd> when a forward declaration of a stream will suffice.

Guideline: Never #include a header when a forward declaration will suffice.

Continue reading...

Resumable Functions: async and await -- Jens Weller

JensWeller_small-da9313ea.jpgA look at resumable functions:

Resumable Functions: async and await

by Jens Weller

From the article:

While I did my series about the papers for Bristol, there was one paper, which I personally found a bit weird. This paper was about resumable functions, and at that time it was just another paper full of ideas for C++ to me. At C++Now suddenly, I got a better insight to what the use of resumable functions could be...