Introduction to proposed std::expected
Niall Douglas gave an overview on the proposed std::expected
Introduction to proposed std::expected
by Niall Douglas
March 19-21, Madrid, Spain
April 1-4, Bristol, UK
June 16-21, Sofia, Bulgaria
By Meeting C++ | Jan 11, 2018 03:51 AM | Tags: meetingcpp errorhandling c++20
Niall Douglas gave an overview on the proposed std::expected
Introduction to proposed std::expected
by Niall Douglas
By Meeting C++ | Jan 10, 2018 03:05 AM | Tags: meetingcpp lightningtalks basics
The 3rd and last part of lightning talks at Meeting C++ 2017
by Vittorio Romeo
A variant of recursive decent parsing
by Björn Fahller
A quick view into a compiler
by Arvid Gerstmann
Algorithms and Iterators for Multidimensional Arrays
by Cem Bassoy
A short story about configuration file formats
by Andreas Rein
By Meeting C++ | Jan 5, 2018 03:52 AM | Tags: meetingcpp
The second part of the lightning talks from Meeting C++ 2017:
Statistical scientific programming OO patterns
by Olivia Quinet
The case for vendorded Builds
by Arvid Gerstmann
Is C++ really a highperformance language?
by Gábor Horváth
The need for a package manager interface
by Mathieu Ropert
The stand up
by Phil Nash
Type punning done right
by Andreas Weis
By Meeting C++ | Jan 4, 2018 04:06 AM | Tags: video qt meetingcpp c++17
The first part of the regular lightning talks from Meeting C++ 2017 was released yesterday:
The most important API design principle
by Marc Mutz
Structured Bindings demystified
by Marc Mutz
by Arvid Gerstmann
by Réka Kovács
Is this available?
by Miro Knejp
std::optional and the m word
by Simon Brand
By Meeting C++ | Dec 28, 2017 04:54 AM | Tags: meetingcpp embedded basics
The video of the closing keynote from Meeting C++ 2017 is online:
Embedded & C++ - Meeting C++ 2017 Keynote
by Wouter van Ooijen
By Meeting C++ | Dec 23, 2017 06:39 AM | Tags: meetingcpp keynote intermediate efficiency community basics
The first keynote from Meeting C++ 2017 has been published:
Kate Gregory - It's Complicated - Meeting C++ 2017 Center Keynote
by Kate Gregory
By Meeting C++ | Dec 21, 2017 12:46 PM | Tags: video meetingcpp conference community
The first videos are online from Meeting C++ 2017, more coming soon!
Meeting C++ 2017 playlist
By Meeting C++ | Nov 2, 2017 07:25 AM | Tags: usergroups meetingcpp community
The monthly overview on upcoming C++ User Group Meetings...
C++ User Group Meetings in November
by Jens Weller
From the article:
The monthly overview on upcoming C++ User Group Meetings! With next weeks Meeting C++ 2017 conference, many members of the new and established C++ User Groups will meet in Berlin! I hope to motivate again many visiting folks to start attending a near by C++ User Group, or to start their own User Group, if it does not yet exist.
There are 5 new C++ User Groups: Core C++, Israel, Brisbane, Moscow, Lissabon, Canterbury...
By Meeting C++ | Oct 25, 2017 05:42 AM | Tags: meetingcpp conference community
Final call for those who'd like to attend Meeting C++ this year!
Meeting C++ 2017 is almost sold out!
by Jens Weller
From the article:
A small heads up to all that plan to visit this years Meeting C++ Conference, but don't have a ticket yet: There is only a few tickets left in the ticketshop!
By Meeting C++ | Oct 18, 2017 01:41 AM | Tags: meetingcpp intermediate conference community basics advanced
With the conference just a few weeks away, an update on the 3 awesome keynotes of this years Meeting C++:
Keynotes at Meeting C++ 2017
by Jens Weller
From the article:
Are you excited for Meeting C++ 2017?!? I quickly wanted to give an update on the 3 keynotes at the conference this year! Each day will feature one keynote, where the first two are in the morning, while the Closing Keynote is kind of the last thing to happen before the closing message. Also, all 3 keynote speakers have now (finally) their speaker profile.