
CppCon 2014 Registration Open: September 7-12, Bellevue, WA, USA

cppcon-173.PNGThe Standard C++ Foundation is very pleased to announce the first annual CppCon.


Registration is now open for CppCon 2014 to be held September 7–12, 2014 at the Meydenbauer Center in Bellevue, Washington, USA. The conference will start with the keynote by Bjarne Stroustrup titled "Make Simple Tasks Simple!"

CppCon is the annual, week-long face-to-face gathering for all C++ users. The conference is organized by the C++ community for the community. You will enjoy inspirational talks and a friendly atmosphere designed to help attendees learn from each other, meet interesting people, and generally have a stimulating experience. Taking place this year in the beautiful Seattle neighborhood and including multiple diverse tracks, the conference will appeal to anyone from C++ novices to experts.

What you can expect at CppCon:

  • Invited talks and panels: The CppCon keynote by Bjarne Stroustrup will start off a week full of insight from some of the world’s leading experts in C++. Still have questions? Ask them at one of CppCon’s panels featuring those at the cutting edge of the language.
  • Presentations by the C++ community: What do embedded systems, game development, high frequency trading, and particle accelerators have in common? C++, of course! Expect talks from a broad range of domains focused on practical C++ techniques, libraries, and tools.
  • Lightning talks: Get informed at a fast pace during special sessions of short, less formal talks. Never presented at a conference before? This is your chance to share your thoughts on a C++-related topic in an informal setting.
  • Evening events and “unconference” time: Relax, socialize, or start an impromptu coding session.

CppCon’s goal is to encourage the best use of C++. The conference is a project of the Standard C++ Foundation, a not-for-profit organization whose purpose is to support the C++ software developer community and promote the understanding and use of modern, standard C++ on all compilers and platforms.

C++ and the Google Summer of Code

I wrote an overview over this years Google Summer of Code and C++

C++ and the Google Summer of Code

by Jens Weller

From the Article:

During the last few weeks I got interested in the Google Summer of Code (GSoC), as I did read some emails on the boost mailing lists about it. The Google Summer of Code is for a lot of open source projects an important opportunity to improve and extend their code base, and in 2014 it happens for the 10th time!

Range Concepts, Part 2 of 4: Infinite Ranges

The second part of Eric Nieblers Series about ranges:

Range Concepts, Part 2 of 4: Infinite Ranges

By Eric Niebler

From the Article:

In the last post, I tried to make delimited ranges fit into the STL and found the result unsatisfying. This time around I’ll be trying the same thing with infinite ranges and will sadly be reaching the same conclusion. But the exercise will point the way toward an uber-Range concept that will subsume delimited ranges, infinite ranges, and STL-ish pair-o’-iterator ranges.

NT² 3.0 and Boost.SIMD -- Stable release

TThe first stable release of the 3.x series of MetaScale’s open-source software is available: NT² 3.0. It also includes its spin-off project, Boost.SIMD (not yet a Boost library). Many Issues have been closed since last beta. The main focus of this release cycle was to fix performances issues and to stabilize some parts of the API.

NT² 3.0 Release Announcement

Source and binary packages can be downloaded here

Full changelog is available here

Thoughts on C++'s future and the pointer

I've written down some thoughts on the future of C++ and the pointer:

C++ future and the pointer

From the Article:

The last weeks after Meeting C++ 2013 I've been thinking a lot about C++, and also a little bit about pointers. While C++11 brought only little changes for pointers (nullptr f.e.), the semantics and usage of pointers in C++ has changed over the last years.

Boost Migrating to Git, Going Modular

The historically monolithic Boost project is (finally!) migrating to git, with each library in Boost moving into its own repository on github. The goal is to foster a more agile nimble development model and a more active library ecosystem. Create your own forks, hack, submit pull requests, and do all the good things that distributed version control lets you do. From the announcement on the Boost mailing list:

Subversion repository closing. Conversion to Git imminent.

by Beman Dawes

The Boost Steering Committee has given the final approval for the conversion from Subversion to Git, including the modularization of Boost library repositories.

The Subversion repository will be closed for all changes to all branches, including the sandbox, Sunday, November 23 2013, 00:00 hours UTC. That's 8 PM Saturday, US East Coast time, and 5 PM US West Coast time.

Please make no svn commits after that time. We will be adding a pre-commit hook that prevents commits, but please do not wait for that becomes active.

After svn is closed, the conversion will be run one last time, and then turned off. Then there is a week set aside for final validity checks, testing, and general scurrying around. When that is done, the boostorg repo on GitHub will open for business. If everything goes smoothly, it may take less than a week but if there are glitches it may take longer.


Read the full thread here.

Meeting C++ 2013

The recent Meeting C++ 2013 was a blast, the 2nd Meeting C++ conference was with over 200 guests a full success!

Meeting C++ 2013

by Jens Weller

Additional Online Resources:

Stephen Kelly about CMake for Qt and Boost

The talks from Peter Sommerlad

Sven Johannsens HTML based talk about STL11 is online.

Available slides are linked in the talk descriptions.

Ode To a Flat Set -- Jon Kalb

Grecian-Urn-187x300.jpegA nice short overview of when you might want your associative container to use a contiguous implementation instead of a tree under the covers:

Ode to a Flat Set

by Jon Kalb

From the article:

The Boost Container library has a family of flat_* containers that have associative container interfaces and semantics, but are implemented as sorted vectors.

In addition to faster lookup, the flat_* containers have much faster iteration, less memory overhead, fewer allocations, and improved cache performance.

However, as with all things, there are trade-offs.

C++11 and Boost

What issues arise when combining C++11 and (older) Boost code that has pre-standard versions of C++11 features?

C++11 and Boost

by Jens Weller

From the article:

Some parts of the Standard Library in C++11 are predated in boost. When playing around with C++11, you get used to using some parts in the Standard Library that are used in C++03 with their boost counterpart. Also, there is some libraries now occuring, which are C++11 based, so interfacing with either boost or C++11 code is soon an issue.

Effective GoF Patterns with C++11 and Boost -- Tobias Darm

tobias-darm.PNGSpeaking of ACCU 2014, here's an excellent talk from ACCU 2013 showing how C++11 (by itself, and/or with Boost) makes expressing many common design patterns far simpler than using traditional pre-C++11 tools. In fat, are there cases where the design patterns even disappear entirely? Watch to find out.

Effective GoF Patterns with C++11 and Boost (slides)

by Tobias Darm

Abstract and bio:

Tobias Darm discusses how some of the GoF patterns can be implemented differently in C++11 using Boost libraries.

Tobias Darm is working with C++ and programming embedded devices used in an intensive care environment at Dräger medical. He likes to learn and teach about software development and does tutorials and workshops in his company encouraging a modern programming style.