
C++ meetup in Madrid, Spain: C++ in the video game industry.

Yes! A new edition of the local C++ meetup will take place on the 4th of December at Google Campus' facilities. All the info and RSVPs below:

C++ en la industria del videojuego

by Jordi Mon Companys.

What to expect?

Jose Daniel García will moderate a table of experts in gamedev in C++ that will friendly elbaorate on the state of the language on regards to gamedev, its advantages and threats. Afterwards we will join forces with Product Hunt Madrid and we will have the chance to hear how King develops its games and how a group of students from U-Tad university have managed to get their game nominated to the Play Station Awards. We will water down our thoughts and reflections with plenty of beer thanks to's sponsorship.

Introduction to Variable Templates of C++14--Yu Xuan Zhang

Do you know about variable templates?

Introduction to Variable Templates of C++14

by Yu Xuan Zhang

From the article:

The variable template, which comes from N3651, is one of the major proposals in Standard C++14. The main purpose of the variable template is to simplify definitions and uses of parameterized constants.

Rules before C++14 do not allow declaring a variable using a template declaration. There are workarounds for this problem before C++14, but they are either redundant or complicated...

6 topics on starting and running a User Group

I posted an update on my founding C++ User Groups article from 2 years ago:

6 topics on starting and running a User Group

by Jens Weller

From the article:

Almost two years ago I blogged about founding C++ User Groups, since then I have learned a lot more on the topic, and I want to share that experience with you in this blog post. While my focus here at Meeting C++ is C++, this post is more on the topic of a User Group, so its also useful to you, if you want to start a user group on something else. Yet, I might strive away into C++ lands in this post...

New updates of, service of recommendations on C++ programming from PVS-Studio team

New updates of C++Hints, service of recommendations on C++ programming

Changes in

by PVS-Studio Team

We got a lot of positive feedback from our readers and continue developing the C++Hints project. We have also answered two requests, that we saw quite often in the letters:

By this moment we have published the following articles:

Bitesize Modern C++ : Smart pointers--Glennan Carnie

Do you know about smart pointers?

Bitesize Modern C++ : Smart pointers

by Glennan Carnie

From the article:

The dynamic creation and destruction of objects was always one of the bugbears of C. It required the programmer to (manually) control the allocation of memory for the object, handle the object’s initialisation then ensure that the object was safely cleaned-up after use and its memory returned to the heap. Because many C programmers weren’t educated in the potential problems (or were just plain lazy or delinquent in their programming) C got a reputation in some quarters for being an unsafe, memory-leaking language...

Bitesize Modern C++ : std::array--Glennan Carnie

Some details about arrays in C++:

Bitesize Modern C++ : std::array

by Glennan Carnie

From the article:

C++98 inherited C’s only built-in container, the array. Arrays of non-class types behave in exactly the same way as they do in C. For class types, when an array is constructed the default constructor is called on each element in the array...

The Problem, The Culprits, The Hope--Tony “Bulldozer00” (BD00) DaSilva

This is another call to all C++ programmers, it is time to change!

The Problem, The Culprits, The Hope

by Tony “Bulldozer00” (BD00) DaSilva

From the article:

Bjarne Stroustrup’s keynote speech at CppCon 2015 was all about writing good C++11/14 code. Although “modern” C++ compilers have been in wide circulation for four years, Bjarne still sees:

I’m not an elite, C++ committee-worthy, programmer, but I can relate to Bjarne’s frustration...