Higher Order Functions for ordinary developers - Björn Fahller - Meeting C++ 2018
HOFs explained by Björn Fahller
Higher Order Functions for ordinary developers
by Björn Fahller
March 19-21, Madrid, Spain
April 1-4, Bristol, UK
June 16-21, Sofia, Bulgaria
By Meeting C++ | Feb 13, 2019 05:38 AM | Tags: performance meetingcpp intermediate functional programming fp experimental efficiency c++17 advanced
HOFs explained by Björn Fahller
Higher Order Functions for ordinary developers
by Björn Fahller
By Meeting C++ | Feb 12, 2019 05:50 AM | Tags: testing security performance meetingcpp efficiency basics
An intro to fuzzing from Meeting C++ 2018!
Structure aware fuzzing
by Réka Kovács
By Adrien Hamelin | Feb 11, 2019 01:00 PM | Tags: experimental community
The future.
Coroutine TS a new way of thinking
by Andreas Reischuck
From the article:
Coroutine TS a new way of thinking
Andreas Reischuck
Meeting C++ 2018
By Meeting C++ | Feb 11, 2019 10:27 AM | Tags: performance meetingcpp intermediate efficiency c++20 basics advanced
Next Video from Meeting C++ 2018:
Dealing with aliasing using contracts
by Gábor Horváth
By Meeting C++ | Feb 10, 2019 08:01 AM | Tags: meetingcpp intermediate c++17 basics
A talk on pattern matching with C++17 std::variant
std::variant and the power of pattern matching
by Nikolai Wuttke
By Meeting C++ | Feb 9, 2019 04:59 AM | Tags: tmp meetingcpp intermediate experimental c++17 c++14 c++11 basics advanced
Ivan Cukic on TMP and ...
A new look at TMP
by Ivan Cukic
By Meeting C++ | Feb 8, 2019 03:56 AM | Tags: tools performance meetingcpp intermediate efficiency build system build
A guide to faster builds
The Hitchhikers guide to faster builds
by Viktor Kirilov
By Meeting C++ | Feb 7, 2019 03:18 AM | Tags: meetingcpp intermediate efficiency c++17 c++14 c++11 basics
A great talk on how to initialize in C++
Initialization in modern C++
by Timur Doumler
By Meeting C++ | Feb 6, 2019 03:53 AM | Tags: meetingcpp intermediate c++17 c++14 advanced
Odin Holmes talking about his Mixin for C++ Design
C++ Mixins
by Odin Holmes
By robwirving | Feb 1, 2019 10:15 AM | Tags: None
Episode 185 of CppCast the first podcast for C++ developers by C++ developers. In this episode Rob and Jason are joined by Eric Fiselier to talk about libc++ and his contributions to the library
CppCast Episode 185: libc++ with Eric Fiselier
by Rob Irving and Jason Turner
About the interviewee:
Eric is as Software Engineer at Google working on Abseil and other core libraries. He is also a maintainer of libc++ and active member of the standards committee. In addition to writing C++ libraries, Eric enjoys hacking on Clang. Most recently Eric has been interested in using tooling to make C++ code healthier.