Video & On-Demand

CppCast Episode 181: ISO Papers and Merged Modules with Isabella Muerte

Episode 181 of CppCast the first podcast for C++ developers by C++ developers. In this episode Rob and Jason are joined by Isabella Muerte to discuss her experience presenting multiple papers at her first ISO meeting in San Diego and her thoughts on Merged Modules.

CppCast Episode 181: ISO Papers and Merged Modules with Isabella Muerte

by Rob Irving and Jason Turner

About the interviewee:

Isabella Muerte is a C++ Bruja, Build System Titan, and an open source advocate. She cares deeply about improving the workflow and debugging experience the C++ community currently has and is designing and implementing an experimental next-generation build system called Coven based on ideas mentioned in her CppCon 2017 talk "There Will Be Build Systems", while also simultaneously ripping CMake apart and putting it back together again with a library titled IXM. She recently launched, a small URL routing service intended for the CMake FetchContent module. She enjoys playing Destiny 2, acquiring tattoos, and is currently trying to master the five elements of earth, wind, water, fire, and gun (but she makes no promises). She bows to no entity but the terrifying Eldritch Daystar we call the "sun", and hopes to one day own two german shepherds named Rip and Tear.

CppCast Episode 180: Semantic Merge for C++ code, Plastic SCM and more on version control

Episode 180 of CppCast the first podcast for C++ developers by C++ developers. In this episode Rob and Jason are joined by Pablo Santos from Códice Software the company that develops a merge tool that parses and merges even refactored C++ code:

CppCast Episode 180: Semantic Merge for C++ code, Plastic SCM and more on version control

About the interviewee:

Prior to entering start-up mode to launch Plastic SCM back in 2005, Pablo worked as R&D engineer in fleet control software development (GMV, Spain) and later digital television software stack (Sony, Belgium). Then he moved to a project management position (GCC, Spain) leading the evolution of an ERP software package for industrial companies. During these years he became an expert in version control and software configuration management working as a consultant and participating in several events as a speaker. Pablo founded Codice SoftwaLogo-semantic-vertical-negative.pngre in 2005 and since then is focused on his role as chief engineer designing and developing Plastic SCM and SemanticMerge among other SCM products.

CopperSpice: Linkage

New video on the CopperSpice YouTube Channel:


by Barbara Geller and Ansel Sermersheim

About the video:

In this video, we cover the often overlooked topic of linkage and linkers. We talk about how translation units relate to object files, the various types of symbols, and debugging link errors. We also look at how anonymous namespaces interact with symbol linkage.

Please take a look and remember to subscribe!

CppCast Episode 179: San Diego EWGI Trip Report with JF Bastien

Episode 179 of CppCast the first podcast for C++ developers by C++ developers. In this episode Rob and Jason are joined by JF Bastien from Apple joins us to discuss the San Diego C++ Committee meeting from his perspective as the chair of the new Evolution Working Group Incubator.

CppCast Episode 179: San Diego EWGI Trip Report with JF Bastien

by Rob Irving and Jason Turner

About the interviewee:

JF Bastien is the C++ lead for Apple's clang front-end, where he focuses on new language features, security, and optimizations. He’s an active participant in the C++ standards committee, where he chairs the Language Evolution Working Group Incubator (“oogie” for short). He previously worked on WebKit’s JavaScriptCore Just-in-Time compiler, on Chrome’s Portable Native Client, on a CPU's dynamic binary translator, and on flight simulators.

SG20 Education and Recommended Videos for Teaching C++ -- Christopher Di Bella

In today’s blog, we look at both the newly minted Study Group for education in the C++ Standard Committee. We also look at a small number of conference videos that I recommend teachers consider while they’re waiting for this Study Group to produce usable materials.

SG20 Education and Recommended Videos for Teaching C++

by Christopher Di Bella

From the article:

As articulated in P1231, the goal of SG20 is not to provide normative curricula for teaching C++, but rather to provide teaching and curriculum guidelines.


Below are a list of conference videos that I’ve compiled for teachers to watch (and will update if recommendations come in). There’s well over a day’s worth of videos below, but these aren’t a random assortment of my favourite conference videos. Rather, they are sessions that communicate values about:

  • teaching people how to write programs using C++, or
  • writing C++ programs using approaches the community agrees produce better code.

CppCast Episode 178: Performance Analysis and Optimization with Denis Bakhvalov

Episode 178 of CppCast the first podcast for C++ developers by C++ developers. In this episode Rob and Jason are joined by Denis Bakhvalov from Intel joins us to talk about C++ Performance Analysis and Optimization.

CppCast Episode 178: Performance Analysis and Optimization with Denis Bakhvalov

by Rob Irving and Jason Turner

About the interviewee:

Denis is a C++ developer with almost 10 years of experience. Denis started his journey as a developer of desktop applications, then moved to embedded and now he works at Intel, doing C++ compiler development. He enjoys writing the fastest-possible code and staring at the assembly. Denis is a father of 2, he likes to play soccer and chess.

CppCast Episode 177: BDD, TDD, Low Latency and CppCon with Lenny Maiorani

Episode 177 of CppCast the first podcast for C++ developers by C++ developers. In this episode Rob and Jason are joined by Lenny Maiorani to discuss TDD, BDD, Low Latency and CppCon moving to Denver.

CppCast Episode 177: BDD, TDD, Low Latency and CppCon with Lenny Maiorani

by Rob Irving and Jason Turner

About the interviewee:

Lenny has been using C++ off and on since 1995. Since graduating from SUNY Plattsburgh with a degree in Computer Science, he has been working at startups focused on high-throughput applications. About 2 years ago he joined Quantlab and discovered a different type of high-performance computing in low latency systems. Lenny lives in Denver, Colorado with his wife Lexey and their dog. He can be found hiking in the Colorado mountains while thinking about container access patterns and wondering if std::map can be renamed to std::ordered_map.

CppCast Episode 175: San Diego LEWG Trip Report with Ashley Hedberg

Episode 175 of CppCast the only podcast for C++ developers by C++ developers. In this episode Rob and Jason are joined by Ashley Hedberg to discuss the San Diego C++ Committee meeting from her perspective on the Library Evolution Working Group.

CppCast Episode 175: San Diego LEWG Trip Report with Ashley Hedberg

by Rob Irving and Jason Turner

About the interviewee:

Ashley Hedberg has been working at Google for the last three years. She currently works on Abseil, an open-source collection of C++ library code designed to augment the C++ standard library. San Diego was her second WG21 meeting.