Developing Native-Activity (Android) C++ applications -- Ankit Asthana
More support for creating all-C++ Android applications:
Developing Native-Activity (Android) applications in Visual Studio 2015
by Ankit Asthana
From the article:
Visual Studio 2015 preview (download here) introduces the ability for developers to create Android Native Activity application as a part of the cross-platform mobile development. Android platform with Android Native Activity (API Level 9) introduced the capability to create pure C/C++ applications. While there is some hidden Java JNI code in the background the idea is to abstract this detail away from the developer. Native Activity applications are popular for gaming (e.g. Unreal 4) and graphic intensive (OpenGL) applications. This post will guide you through the experience of creating a Native Activity application and walking through the developer lifecycle of editing, building and debugging Native Activity code...
Background: The Android NDK was first released in 2009 offering the possibility to use C++ code in Android applications. Since NDK 5 (released in Dec 2010) it is even possible to create a complete native Android app in C++ but even with the continuous improvements of the SDK/NDK it was easier to develop Android applications in Java than in C++.