Product News

Qt 5.4 released --Lars Knoll

A new major version of the Qt has been released.

Qt 5.4 released

From the news article:

I am happy to announce that Qt 5.4 has been released today and is available for download from Together with Qt 5.4, we have also released Qt Creator 3.3 and an update to Qt for device creation on embedded Linux and embedded Android.

But let’s start with Qt 5.4. One of the main focus areas of this Qt release has been around Web technologies and we have a lot of cool new things to offer there...

Tutorial to develop a client side web application in C++ with PNaCl -- Chrome Developer Guide

In case you missed it, now you can develop web apps in C++ to run natively on Google Chrome. This tutorial shows how to develop a Native Client module in C++ and build and run it using PNaCl toolchain:

C++ Tutorial: Getting Started (Part 1)

This tutorial shows how to build and run a web application using Portable Native Client (PNaCl). This is a client-side application that uses HTML, JavaScript and a Native Client module written in C++. The PNaCl toolchain is used to enable running the Native Client module directly from a web page...

Portable Native Client or PNacl, which is supported on Google Chrome at the moment, lets you compile and run native code developed in C or C++ within a secure sandbox in browser. PNaCl uses the LLVM toolchain to generate OS-independent and architecture agnostic intermediate bytecode which is later loaded, translated and executed by the browser. To get more information on PNaCl and it's less portable companion NaCl check the native client developer documentation.

Why Students Need the CppCat Code Analyzer -- Andrey Karpov

Today on viva64:

Why Students Need the CppCat Code Analyzer

by Andrey Karpov

CppCat is a simple static code analyzer capable of detecting bugs in C/C++ programs. We started granting free academic licenses to all interested (students, teachers, and so on). For the sake of popularizing CppCat among students, I decided to write this post about errors that can be found in student lab work tasks posted at

Blaze 2.2 released

Blaze, an open-source, high-performance C++ math library for dense and sparse arithmetic, released their new version.

Blaze 2.2 Released

After a total of five and a half months, a little late for SC'14, but right on time for Meeting C++, we finally release Blaze 2.2! But the waiting time was worthwhile! This release comes with several bug fixes and hundreds of improvements, many based on your hints, suggestions and ideas. Thank you very much for your support and help to make the Blaze library even better!

The big new feature of Blaze 2.2 is symmetric matrices. And this is not just any implementation of symmetric matrices, but one of the most complete and powerful implementations available. See the Blaze tutorial to get an idea of how symmetric matrices work and how they can help you prevent some inadvertent pessimizations of your code.


OpenMP* Support in Clang/LLVM: Status Update and Future Directions --Alexey Bataev & Zinovy Nis

A status update for the work done on OpenMP for Clang/LLVM and future directions presented at the 2014 LLVM Developers' Meeting. The slides are also available here.

OpenMP* Support in Clang/LLVM: Status Update and Future Directions

OpenMP is a well-known and widely used API for shared-memory parallelism. Support for OpenMP in Clang/LLVM compiler is currently under development. In this talk, we will present current status of OpenMP support, what is done and what remains to be done, technical details behind OpenMP implementation. Also, we will elaborate on accelerators and pragma-assisted SIMD vectorization, introduced in the latest 4.0 edition of the OpenMP standard.


Developing Native-Activity (Android) C++ applications -- Ankit Asthana

vs-native-activity.PNGMore support for creating all-C++ Android applications:

Developing Native-Activity (Android) applications in Visual Studio 2015

by Ankit Asthana

From the article:

Visual Studio 2015 preview (download here) introduces the ability for developers to create Android Native Activity application as a part of the cross-platform mobile development. Android platform with Android Native Activity (API Level 9) introduced the capability to create pure C/C++ applications. While there is some hidden Java JNI code in the background the idea is to abstract this detail away from the developer. Native Activity applications are popular for gaming (e.g. Unreal 4) and graphic intensive (OpenGL) applications. This post will guide you through the experience of creating a Native Activity application and walking through the developer lifecycle of editing, building and debugging Native Activity code...

Background: The Android NDK was first released in 2009 offering the possibility to use C++ code in Android applications. Since NDK 5 (released in Dec 2010) it is even possible to create a complete native Android app in C++ but even with the continuous improvements of the SDK/NDK it was easier to develop Android applications in Java than in C++.

ccache 3.2 released

Version 3.2 of ccache was recently released. It can help you be more productive as "It speeds up recompilation by caching previous compilations and detecting when the same compilation is being done again" (from the official page). The new version that has been released is a feature version which means lots of goodies and new features.

ccache 3.2 released

From the announcement:

  • Added support for configuring ccache via one or several configuration files instead of via environment variables. Environment variables still have priority but are no longer the recommended way of customizing ccache behavior. See the manual for more information.
  • Added support for compiler error/warning messages with color.
  • Made creation of temporary directories and cache directories smarter to avoid unnecessary stat calls.
  • Improved efficiency of the algorithm that scans for __DATE__ and __TIME__ tokens in the hashed source code.
  • Added support for several binaries (separated by space) in CCACHE_PREFIX.
  • The -c option is no longer passed to the preprocessor. This fixes problems with clang and Solaris’s C++ compiler.
  • ccache no longer passes preprocessor options like -D and -I to the compiler when compiling preprocessed output. This fixes warnings emitted by clang.

And much more ...


C++ STL for Embedded Developers--John Hinke

E.S.R. Labs presents its STL library adapted to embedded environments and discusses some of the choices they made for it:

C++ STL for Embedded Developers

by John Hinke

From the article:

C++ embedded programming is very difficult. There are some limitations that are not always present in traditional programming environments such as limited memory, slower processors, and older C++ compilers.

We have developed a set of best-practice processes and frameworks to support writing high-quality embedded applications...

Valgrind 3.10.1 released

Valgrind, a useful tool for any C++ developer released a new version today:

Valgrind 3.10.1 released

From the announcement:

3.10.1 is a bug fix release. It fixes various bugs reported in 3.10.0 and backports fixes for all reported missing AArch64 ARMv8 instructions and syscalls from the trunk. If you package or deliver 3.10.0 for others to use, you might want to consider upgrading to 3.10.1 instead.

Sneak Preview of C++17 -- Gabriel Ha

A preview what is going into C++17 after the recent Standards Committee meeting. 

GoingNative 32: Sneak Preview of C++17

By Gabriel Ha

From the article: 

Join us with ISO Committee member (and Microsoft as well, of course =P) Gabriel Dos Reis, who graciously took the time to give us the inside scoop of some things that made it into C++17, as well as things that got taken out. All this is fresh off the press of the most recent C++ Standards Meeting...