Product News

biicode 2.0 is out -- biicode Team

biicode, a C++ dependency manager, releases version 2.0

biicode 2.0 is out

by biicode Team

Who's biicode for?

For C/C++ developers that think a dependency manager is needed, biicode is a multiplatform tool and hosting service that allows you to build your projects easily, integrate third party code and reuse code among projects with just #includes.


Android NDK Revision 10d available

For all the people that develop for Android, a new version( revision 10d) of the Android Native Development Kit has been released.

Android NDK Revision 10d available

From the release log:

  • Made GCC 4.8 the default for all 32-bit ABIs. Deprecated GCC 4.6, and will remove it next release. To restore previous behavior, either add NDK_TOOLCHAIN_VERSION=4.6 to ndk-build, or add --toolchain=arm-linux-androideabi-4.6 when executing on the command line. GCC 4.9 remains the default for 64-bit ABIs.
  • Stopped all x86[_64] toolchains from adding -mstackrealign by default. The NDK toolchain assumes a 16-byte stack alignment. The tools and options used by default enforce this rule. A user writing assembly code must make sure to preserve stack alignment, and ensure that other compilers also comply with this rule. (GCC bug 38496)
  • Added Address Sanitizer functionality to Clang 3.5 support to the ARM and x86 ABIs. For more information on this change, see the Address Sanitizer project.
  • Introduced the requirement, starting from API level 21, to use -fPIE -pie when building. In API levels 16 and higher, ndk-build uses PIE when building. This change has a number of implications, which are discussed in Developer Preview Issue 888. These implications do not apply to shared libraries.

And much more ...

Address and Thread Sanitizers in GCC -- Red Hat Developer Blog

A short article about two error-detection features in GCC:

Address and Thread Sanitizers in GCC

by Dodji Seketeli on Red Hat Developer Blog

From the article:

Since their 4.8 version, the C and C++ compilers of the GNU Compiler Collection are equipped with built-in memory and data race errors detectors named Address Sanitizer and Thread Sanitizer.

This article intends to quickly walk you through the highlights of these two interesting tools.

New Security Feature in Visual Studio 2015

An article about a security feature in Visual Studio 2015, called Control Flow Guard.

Visual Studio 2015 Preview: Work-in-Progress Security Feature

by Jim Hogg

From the article:

By simply adding a new option to your Project, the Visual C++ compiler will inject extra security checks into your binaries. These will detect attempts to hijack your code. The check will stop execution of your code, before the hijacker can do damage to your data or PC...

Qt 5.4 released --Lars Knoll

A new major version of the Qt has been released.

Qt 5.4 released

From the news article:

I am happy to announce that Qt 5.4 has been released today and is available for download from Together with Qt 5.4, we have also released Qt Creator 3.3 and an update to Qt for device creation on embedded Linux and embedded Android.

But let’s start with Qt 5.4. One of the main focus areas of this Qt release has been around Web technologies and we have a lot of cool new things to offer there...

Tutorial to develop a client side web application in C++ with PNaCl -- Chrome Developer Guide

In case you missed it, now you can develop web apps in C++ to run natively on Google Chrome. This tutorial shows how to develop a Native Client module in C++ and build and run it using PNaCl toolchain:

C++ Tutorial: Getting Started (Part 1)

This tutorial shows how to build and run a web application using Portable Native Client (PNaCl). This is a client-side application that uses HTML, JavaScript and a Native Client module written in C++. The PNaCl toolchain is used to enable running the Native Client module directly from a web page...

Portable Native Client or PNacl, which is supported on Google Chrome at the moment, lets you compile and run native code developed in C or C++ within a secure sandbox in browser. PNaCl uses the LLVM toolchain to generate OS-independent and architecture agnostic intermediate bytecode which is later loaded, translated and executed by the browser. To get more information on PNaCl and it's less portable companion NaCl check the native client developer documentation.

Why Students Need the CppCat Code Analyzer -- Andrey Karpov

Today on viva64:

Why Students Need the CppCat Code Analyzer

by Andrey Karpov

CppCat is a simple static code analyzer capable of detecting bugs in C/C++ programs. We started granting free academic licenses to all interested (students, teachers, and so on). For the sake of popularizing CppCat among students, I decided to write this post about errors that can be found in student lab work tasks posted at

Blaze 2.2 released

Blaze, an open-source, high-performance C++ math library for dense and sparse arithmetic, released their new version.

Blaze 2.2 Released

After a total of five and a half months, a little late for SC'14, but right on time for Meeting C++, we finally release Blaze 2.2! But the waiting time was worthwhile! This release comes with several bug fixes and hundreds of improvements, many based on your hints, suggestions and ideas. Thank you very much for your support and help to make the Blaze library even better!

The big new feature of Blaze 2.2 is symmetric matrices. And this is not just any implementation of symmetric matrices, but one of the most complete and powerful implementations available. See the Blaze tutorial to get an idea of how symmetric matrices work and how they can help you prevent some inadvertent pessimizations of your code.


OpenMP* Support in Clang/LLVM: Status Update and Future Directions --Alexey Bataev & Zinovy Nis

A status update for the work done on OpenMP for Clang/LLVM and future directions presented at the 2014 LLVM Developers' Meeting. The slides are also available here.

OpenMP* Support in Clang/LLVM: Status Update and Future Directions

OpenMP is a well-known and widely used API for shared-memory parallelism. Support for OpenMP in Clang/LLVM compiler is currently under development. In this talk, we will present current status of OpenMP support, what is done and what remains to be done, technical details behind OpenMP implementation. Also, we will elaborate on accelerators and pragma-assisted SIMD vectorization, introduced in the latest 4.0 edition of the OpenMP standard.