
PVS-Studio 7.14: CLion, intermodular analysis, MISRA

The PVS-Studio team is increasing the number of diagnostics with each new release. Besides, we are improving the analyzer's infrastructure. This time we added the plugin for JetBrains CLion. Moreover, we introduced intermodular analysis of C++ projects and speeded up the C# analyzer core.

PVS-Studio 7.14: intermodular analysis in C++ and plugin for JetBrains CLion

by Andrey Karpov

From the article:

As the list below shows, most of the diagnostics that we currently implement are based on the MISRA C standard. We focused on the MISRA C support, and now PVS-Studio covers 60% of the standard. Soon, we plan to cover at least 80%. We also want to introduce the support of coding standards from the MISRA C Compliance.

PVS-Studio for JetBrains CLion: ad astra per aspera

The PVS-Studio analyzer already has plugins for such IDEs from JetBrains as Rider, IntelliJ IDEA and Android Studio. Somehow we missed another IDE - CLion. The time has come to make amends!

PVS-Studio for JetBrains CLion: ad astra per aspera

by Evgeniy Ovsyannikov, Sergey Vasiliev

From the article:

Here's an answer to the question that we are discussing - PVS-Studio and CLion collaboration will let us detect more errors at the writing code stage. CLion highlights the errors on the fly, but at the same time is limited in the analysis capabilities. PVS-Studio doesn't highlight errors immediately, but it can perform deeper analysis. Note that PVS-Studio has an incremental analysis – the mode that checks only the changed files.

Integrating PVS-Studio into uVision Keil

I've been using this scenario until one day I spent 3 days debugging a very unpleasant bug. The bug kept savagely appearing from time to time. It turned out to be a banal null pointer dereference. I quickly realized that PVS-Studio detects this bug. That was the final nail in the coffin of my patience! – and started integrating PVS-Studio into Keil.

Integrating PVS-Studio into uVision Keil

by Amomum

From the article:

Keil provides a weird feature – creating a project batch file. I still don't know the purpose of this feature. This batch file contains all the necessary information for PVS-Studio, and it's enabled with a single check mark! Unfortunately, this check mark also breaks the incremental build. That is, any compilation becomes a complete recompilation. It affects the build time, so, unfortunately, it's not an option for us.

Beta-Testing of PVS-Studio Plugin for JetBrains CLion

To fully test the plugin, you'll need to install both the beta plugin version and the C++ core beta version of the analyzer. There are several ways to install the plugin: from the official repository, from the repository on our site, or using Windows PVS-Studio installer. Below we'll tell you in detail how to do this.

Beta-Testing of PVS-Studio Plugin for JetBrains CLion

by Evgeniy Ovsyannikov, Paul Eremeev

From the article:

We usually recommend running full analysis regularly, such as once a day, at night. In addition to nightly analysis, we highly recommend checking new code immediately after writing it. This way you'll get the best advantage of using the analyzer. To do this, use incremental analysis, which works as follows. A project was changed, a developer runs a build. After successful compilation only modified files will be analyzed. Modified files are the ones that have been changed since the previous analysis.

PVS-Studio 7.13: Blame Notifier, MISRA

The list of diagnostics supported by MISRA and AUTOSAR continues to grow. We've expanded the Blame Notifier utility's capabilities. The analysis of Ninja projects on Windows has been enhanced and now involves the JSON Compilation Database.

PVS-Studio 7.13

by Andrey Karpov

From the article:

  • The C++ analyzer provides enhanced support of Ninja projects on Windows using JSON Compilation Database (compile_commands.json).
  • The C++ PVS-Studio analyzer spends 10% less time checking source files with the use of the Clang compiler.
  • To check C++ and C# Visual Studio PVS-Studio_Cmd.exe projects, you can pass the suppression file directly. Before this, you could add suppressed warnings only at the projects and solution level.

PVS-Studio Beta plugin for CLion (Win\Linux\macOS): It's less than a month away

PVS-Studio Beta plugin for CLion (Win\Linux\macOS). It's less than a month away. Want to be the first to try it? Just sign up here.

PVS-Studio Early Access Program

by PVS-Studio Team


PVS-Studio is a static analyzer that detects errors and potential vulnerabilities in the source code of programs written in C, C++, C#, and Java. In 2021 we are planning to release the PVS-Studio plugin for C++ IDE – CLion.

PVS-Studio 7.12 New Features for Finding Safety and Security Threats

At the moment, PVS-Studio is developing not only as a static analyzer searching for code quality defects (quality control solution) but also as a solution for searching for security and safety defects.

PVS-Studio 7.12 New Features for Finding Safety and Security Threats

by Nikolay Mironov, Paul Eremeev

From the article:

Well, to waste no time, let's point out the additions right away. So, here is what's new, safe, and cool in PVS-Studio:

  • New diagnostic groups OWASP ASVS and The AUTOSAR C++14 Coding Guidelines have been added to the analyzer. Previously, the compliance of PVS-Studio diagnostic rules with these standards was available only on our website. Now we have more than 50 new diagnostic rules!
  • Now the analyzer shows information about the compliance of the warnings with the SEI CERT Coding Standard. This information formerly was available only on the PVS-Studio website.
  • The interface of our plugins for Visual Studio, JetBrains Rider, and IntelliJ IDEA has been improved to ease the work with analyzer messages that have safety and security standards identifiers.
  • New diagnostic groups (OWASP, AUTOSAR) in PlogConverter are supported.
  • New diagnostics (OWASP, AUTOSAR) are supported in SonarQube at the tag level. We classified our diagnostic rules by OWASP Top 10.

PVS-Studio Roadmap 2021

PVS-Studio can currently analyze programs written in C, C++, C#, and Java. It also supports some C++ language extensions, for example, C++/CLI and C++/CX. In 2021, we do not plan to implement support for new languages, but we plan to expand the analyzer. We want to support several new compilers (C, C++) for micro controllers and some development environments, such as CLion.

PVS-Studio Roadmap 2021

by Andrey Karpov

From the article:

We will continue to support the MISRA C and MISRA C++ coding standards. However, it's time to also support a more modern set of rules described in The AUTSAR C++14 Coding Guidelines. This document is the MISRA C++:2008 standard update, and is also based on leading code standards and research papers prepared by AUTOSAR.

PVS-Studio 7.11 Release: IAR Arm, Diagnostics, FREE-FREE-FREE-FREE

This is the press release of the New Year's version of the PVS-Studio 7.11 analyzer. Since the new version includes only a few enhancements, let's take this opportunity to recall the options for free PVS-Studio use.

PVS-Studio 7.11 Release: IAR Arm, Diagnostics, FREE-FREE-FREE-FREE

by Andrey Karpov

From the article:

Support of the IAR Arm compilers is now available in the pvs-studio-analyzer utility. This family of compilers was previously supported only in the CLMonitor.exe utility on Windows. Now users of PVS-Studio for Linux can check the code written for these compilers as well. We added interception of compiler calls via ld-linux to the pvs-studio-analyzer utility.

Checking Clang 11 with PVS-Studio

It's no secret that compilers employ their own built-in static code analyzers, and those are developing as well. That's why we write articles every now and then to show that our static analyzer, PVS-Studio, can find bugs even inside compilers and that we are worth our salt.

Checking Clang 11 with PVS-Studio

by Andrey Karpov

From the article:

The programmer is using a modulo operation to get a random value of either 0 or 1. But the value 1 seems to confuse developers and make them write the classic anti-pattern in which the modulo operation is performed on 1 instead of 2. The X % 1 operation is meaningless as it always evaluates to 0.