
Meeting C++ 2023 is streaming all tracks from Berlin

Meeting C++ 2023 will stream all keynotes and talks from Berlin to the online world. After the conference all livestreams will be available in the online platform to all attendees.

Streaming all talks from Berlin

by Jens Weller

From the article:

Quickly announcing that you can see all the talks at Meeting C++ 2023!

You still have this and next week to get your tickets for Meeting C++ 2023, which enables you to either see the talks live in Berlin or watch online! This has been an important goal for this year: make all tracks available to the online conference once we return to be onsite again. Last year has shown that the online conference adds great value to the C++ community in giving folks access to talk that other wise would be only seen by a small group in Berlin.

Meeting C++ 2023 - the last online conference?

Highlighting the online part of Meeting C++ 2023

Meeting C++ 2023 - the last online conference?

by Jens Weller

From the article:

A few days ago it caught my attention that Meeting C++ 2023 would be the last C++ organisation with an online part of its conference.

This is the case because last year the online part did find its interest in the C++ community. I think it serves the goals of Meeting C++ to continue an online presence for the conference as long as this is feasible...

Highlighting the program for Meeting C++ 2023

The first version of the schedule of Meeting C++ 2023 is live!

Highlighting the program for Meeting C++ 2023

by Jens Weller

From the article:

While there is still some changes coming, I wanted to highlight the released schedule of Meeting C++ 2023. The conference it self is less than 2 months away (12th - 14th November).

The program will feature 3 keynotes (1 per day) by Kevlin Henney, Lydia Pintscher and Ivan Čukić...

Tonight 20:00 CEST/Berlin/Amsterdam: Meeting C++ online book & tool fair

Join us tonight (20:00 CEST/Berlin/Amsterdam) for the Meeting C++ online book & tool fair!

Meeting C++ online book & tool fair

About the event:

Tonight will featuring 3 tools and one book in the fair and the kick off livestream with demos at 20:00 CEST:

  • Modern C++ for absolute Beginners by Slobodan Dmitrović
  • Conan 2.0
  • KDABs open source tools: hotspot, heaptrack, gammaray and more

The second part of the event will be in the Hubilo lounge, where you can visit each of the above tools and books at their own table and ask your questions!

Announcing Meeting C++ 2023

Today this years edition of the Meeting C++ conference has been announced:

Announcing Meeting C++ 2023

by Jens Weller

From the article:

This years Meeting C++ conference will be held in Berlin on the 12th - 14th November!

Like in the previous year, we will be hosting 3 tracks on site and plan for a prerecorded online track. The online part also will include live streams from all onsite talk tracks.

Tickets are available via event brite...


Is boyer_moore_horspool faster then std::string::find?

The last blog post by Julien Jorge made me wonder if the string searchers could be faster here.

Is boyer_moore_horspool faster then std::string::find?

by Jens Weller

From the article:

On Wednesday I've read an interesting blog post by Julien Jorge on Effortful Performance Improvements, where it is shown how to improve an replace function which runs replacements on a string. Its part of a series on performance and improving a code base, you should go read all of them!

When reading the post, and seeing the two implementations, one short and simple and the other longer and more complicated - but faster - I wondered is there a faster way? Julien already has shown that his newer function beats his old function which uses std::string::find in performance. I've veryfied that, and then started to refactor a copy of that slower function with a different approach using the string search algorithm boyer_moore_horspool...


What do number conversions cost?

Exploring how much number conversions from string cost you and how caching helps

What do number conversions cost?

by Jens Weller

From the article:

And so the devil said: "what if there is an easier design AND implementation?"

In the last two blog posts I've been exploring some of the ways to implement a certain type that has a string_view and holds a conversion to a type in a variant or any. And my last blog post touched on conversions. And that made me wonder, what if I did not have a cache in the type for conversions? The memory foot print would be much smaller, and implementation could be simple to convert in a toType function on demand. This then would essentially be a type that holds a string_view, but offers ways to convert this view to a type. Adding a cache to hold the converted value is in this case not necessary, as this is done on demand.