
Pruning Error Messages From C++ Template Code

A new video from Meeting C++ 2014 is uploaded:

Pruning Error Messages From C++ Template Code

by Roland Bock

From the talk description:

Many template libraries are regarded with ambivalent feelings by developers: On the one hand, such libraries can offer wonderful functionality. On the other hand, they are dreaded for the sheer amount of error messages spilled out...

Generating OpenCL/CUDA source code from C++ expressions in VexCL

A solution to generate code for CUDA and OpenCL with C++:

Generating OpenCL/CUDA source code from C++ expressions in VexCL

by Denis Demidov

From the talk description:

VexCL is an opensource C++ vector expression template library for OpenCL/CUDA. It has been created for ease of GPGPU development with C++ and provides convenient and intuitive notation for linear algebra operations, vector arithmetic and various parallel primitives.

Await, coroutines, what could that bring for game development

[This article is interesting not only because it's about work being proposed for consideration in the Concurrency TS, but also because it's interesting that we seem to be seeing a trend of articles being published on GitHub instead of on a blog... --Ed.]


Await, coroutines, what could that bring for game development

This article shows how we can use await in way not related to threading, tasks, or asynchronous I/O, but in the context of a game, to write game logic-related code spanning accross many frames in a sequencial way, without introducing any threads with little to no performance penalty.

Monads in Chains - Ivan Cukic @meetingcpp 2014

Ivan Cukic gave a very good talk on monads at Meeting C++ 2014:

Monads in Chains

by Ivan Cukic

From the talk description:

Monads are scary, and monads are evil. But they are still useful.

In the recent years, the abuse of multi-threading has become apparent and more and more systems started being developed in the reactive, or event-processing style. It allows lowering the number of threads to match the system cores instead of items that are being processed by using non-blocking asynchronous APIs.

Tiny Metaprogramming Library -- Eric Niebler

eric-niebler-toronto.PNGWe like to link to articles at all levels. This one's near the top of the scale, for those looking for a real challenge:

Tiny Metaprogramming Library

by Eric Niebler

As the intro says [emphasis ours]:

(Difficult-to-grok metaprogramming below. Not for the faint of heart.)

From the rest of the introduction:

At the recent Urbana-Champaign meeting of the C++ Standardization Committee, Bill Seymour presented his paper N4115: Searching for Types in Parameter Packs which, as its name suggests, describes a library facility for, uh, searching for a type in a parameter pack, among other things. It suggests a template called packer to hold a parameter pack:

// A class template that just holds a parameter pack:
template <class... T> struct packer { };

Many of you are probably already familiar with such a facility, but under a different name:

// A class template that is just a list of types:
template <class... T> struct typelist { };

It became clear in the discussion about N4115 that C++ needs a standard typelist template and some utilities for manipulating them. But what utilities, exactly? ...

Where will Evolution lead C++17?

The third part of my series about the proposals for Urbana is about the subgroup evolution:

Where will Evolution lead C++17?

by Jens Weller

From the article:

This is the third part in my series about the proposals for the current C++ committee meeting in Urbana. This time its all about the subgroup Evolution, which has the most papers, so this is only the first part. The previous parts were about concurrency, and Part 2 about core, networking, models and undefined behavior.

Looking for C++17 - Urbana Proposals for Core, Modules, Networking, Reflection and UB

The second part of my series on the C++ Proposals for the next Committee meeting in Urbana:

Looking for C++17 - Urbana Proposals for Core, Modules, Networking, Reflection and UB

by Jens Weller

From the Article:

The second part of my series about the proposals for Urbana, where the next C++ committee meeting will be held. The papers grand us a first view on a distant future - C++17...