Tiny Metaprogramming Library -- Eric Niebler

eric-niebler-toronto.PNGWe like to link to articles at all levels. This one's near the top of the scale, for those looking for a real challenge:

Tiny Metaprogramming Library

by Eric Niebler

As the intro says [emphasis ours]:

(Difficult-to-grok metaprogramming below. Not for the faint of heart.)

From the rest of the introduction:

At the recent Urbana-Champaign meeting of the C++ Standardization Committee, Bill Seymour presented his paper N4115: Searching for Types in Parameter Packs which, as its name suggests, describes a library facility for, uh, searching for a type in a parameter pack, among other things. It suggests a template called packer to hold a parameter pack:

// A class template that just holds a parameter pack:
template <class... T> struct packer { };

Many of you are probably already familiar with such a facility, but under a different name:

// A class template that is just a list of types:
template <class... T> struct typelist { };

It became clear in the discussion about N4115 that C++ needs a standard typelist template and some utilities for manipulating them. But what utilities, exactly? ...

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