
Common Algorithm Patterns -- Scott Prager

An interesting article concerning ranges, and how to make the ever useful algorithm header even more effective:

Common algorithm patterns

by Scott Prager

From the article:

Of the STL, <algorithm> may be the most well-used non-container library, but often requires a level of verbosity that requires just as much typing as the hand-written loop, making it not always feel so convenient. It benefits code that uses it with increased clarity and mathematical soundness, so reducing the syntactic overhead should be a goal of those using it. Today I will talk about these problems and demonstrate ways of making it more terse and sound.

Expression Templates Revisited

A new video from Meeting C++ 2014!

Expression Templates Revisited

by Klaus Iglberger

From the talk description:

Since their invention in 1995, Expression Templates (ETs) have proven to be a valuable tool for many C++ template libraries. Especially numerics libraries quickly embraced them as salvation for the performance deficiencies of standard C++. This reputation as performance optimization...

C++ SIMD parallelism with Intel Cilk Plus and OpenMP 4.0

A new video from Meeting C++ 2014

C++ SIMD parallelism with Intel Cilk Plus and OpenMP 4.0

by Georg Zitzlsberger

From the talk description:

Performance is one of the most important aspects that comes to mind if deciding for a programming language. Utilizing performance of modern processors is not as straight forward as it has been decades ago. Modern processors only rarely improve serial execution of applications by increasing their frequency or adding more execution units.

C++11 library components to make a programming scientist happy

A new video from Meeting C++ 2014:

C++11 library components to make a programming scientist happy

by Peter Gottschling

From the talk description:

This talk presents a survey over components of the C++11
standard library which facilitate the life of a programming scientist.
It will provide a gentle introduction to the random number generator
and evolve this to a complete application: the stochastic simulation
of share price development.

The C++ Memory Model - Valentin Ziegler @ Meeting C++ 2014

A new video from Meeting C++ 2014:

The C++ Memory Model

by Valentin Ziegler

From the talk description:

The C++ memory model defines how multiple threads interact with memory and shared data, enabling developers to reason about concurrent code in a platform independent way. The talk will explain multi-threaded executions and data races in C++...

Generating OpenCL/CUDA source code from C++ expressions in VexCL

A solution to generate code for CUDA and OpenCL with C++:

Generating OpenCL/CUDA source code from C++ expressions in VexCL

by Denis Demidov

From the talk description:

VexCL is an opensource C++ vector expression template library for OpenCL/CUDA. It has been created for ease of GPGPU development with C++ and provides convenient and intuitive notation for linear algebra operations, vector arithmetic and various parallel primitives.

Monads in Chains - Ivan Cukic @meetingcpp 2014

Ivan Cukic gave a very good talk on monads at Meeting C++ 2014:

Monads in Chains

by Ivan Cukic

From the talk description:

Monads are scary, and monads are evil. But they are still useful.

In the recent years, the abuse of multi-threading has become apparent and more and more systems started being developed in the reactive, or event-processing style. It allows lowering the number of threads to match the system cores instead of items that are being processed by using non-blocking asynchronous APIs.