
CppCon 2015 Doxygen to DoxyPress: A Journey from C++98 to C++11--Barbara Geller & Ansel Sermersheim

Have you registered for CppCon 2016 in September? Don’t delay – Early Bird registration is open now.

While we wait for this year’s event, we’re featuring videos of some of the 100+ talks from CppCon 2015 for you to enjoy. Here is today’s feature:

Doxygen to DoxyPress: A Journey from C++98 to C++11

by Barbara Geller & Ansel Sermersheim

(watch on YouTube) (watch on Channel 9)

Summary of the talk:

This presentation will discuss the benefits of using a documentation generator for creating internal code documentation or end user documentation. DoxyPress can be used to document your source code, generate API documentation, show class hierarchies, collaboration diagrams, and much more. DoxyPress supports several output formats including html, chm, latex, and man pages.

As part of our talk we will cover the process of redesigning source code originally designed for C++98 and how to migrate it to C++11. We will talk about the advantages and drawbacks of moving to C++11 and show how the code changed in DoxyPress.

We will show a small demonstration of DoxyPressApp, which is a a GUI program used to set up your project file which is then used by DoxyPress to generate documentation.

DoxyPress is a fork of the Doxygen documentation tool. A very basic understanding of C++ will be helpful. No prior knowledge of DoxyPress or Doxygen is required.

Qt 5.7 released--Lars Knoll

The new Qt has arrived!

Qt 5.7 released

by Lars Knoll

From the article:

I’m very happy to announce that Qt 5.7 is now available. It’s been only 3 months since we released Qt 5.6, so one might expect a rather small release with Qt 5.7. But apart from the usual bug fixes and performance improvements, we have managed to add a whole bunch of new things to this release.

Overload 133 is now available

ACCU’s Overload journal of April 2016 is out. It contains the following C++ related articles.

Overload 132

From the journal:

Dogen: The Package Management Saga
How do you manage packages in C++? Marco Craveiro eventually discovered Conan after some frustrating experiences. by Marco Craveiro

QM Bites – Order Your Includes (Twice Over)
Header includes can be a shambles. Matthew Wilson encourages us to bring some order to the chaos. by Matthew Wilson

A Lifetime In Python
Resource management is important in any language. Steve Love demonstrates how to use context managers in Python. by Steve Love

Deterministic Components for Distributed Systems
Non-deterministic data leads to unstable tests. Sergey Ignatchenko considers when this happens and how to avoid it. by Sergey Ignatchenko

Programming Your Own Language in C++
Scripting languages allow dynamic features easily. Vassili Kaplan writes his own in C++ allowing keywords in any human language. by Vassili Kaplan

Concepts Lite in Practice
Concepts should make templates easier to use and write. Roger Orr gives a practical example to show this. by Roger Orr

Magazines sometimes use the back page for adverts or summaries. Chris Oldwood has decided to provide us with his afterwords, or ‘afterwood’. by Chris Oldwood

CppCon 2015 Haskell Design Patterns for Genericity & Asynchronous Behavior--Sherri Shulman

Have you registered for CppCon 2016 in September? Don’t delay – Early Bird registration is open now.

While we wait for this year’s event, we’re featuring videos of some of the 100+ talks from CppCon 2015 for you to enjoy. Here is today’s feature:

Haskell Design Patterns for Genericity & Asynchronous Behavior

by Sherri Shulman

(watch on YouTube) (watch on Channel 9)

Summary of the talk:

The paper explores some of Haskell's support for genericity through type classes, Functors, Monads, and Continuations and their impact on lanugages such as C++, Scala, and Rust. We explore these language features and consider alternatives that have been proposed to existing language features, including Object Algebras, GADTs, Open data types, open pattern matching, and extensions to Haskell's type system that impact the type inference algorithm and decidability. We use a number of case studies to demonstrate what proposed solutions look like in the target languages, considering how easy they are to use and how well the solutions integrate with existing linguistic features.

GoingNative 50: New Visual C++ Code Optimizer--Eric Battalio, Steve Carroll and Augustin Popa

The new GoingNative is out!

GoingNative 50: New Visual C++ Code Optimizer

by Eric Battalio, Steve Carroll and Augustin Popa

From the video:

Happy 50th episode! This episode covers our new, more advanced code optimizer for the Visual C++ compiler back-end. It provides many improvements for both code size and performance, bringing the optimizer to a new standard of quality expected from a modern native compiler.

This is the first public release and we are encouraging people to try it and provide suggestions and feedback about potential bugs. The official release of the new optimizer is expected to be Visual Studio Update 3, while the release available today is unsupported and mostly for testing purposes.

Read our blog post to get the details!

Expression SFINAE improvements in VS 2015 Update 3--Andrew Pardoe

More news about the contunious improvements of VS 2015:

Expression SFINAE improvements in VS 2015 Update 3

by Andrew Pardoe

From the article:

Last December we blogged about partial Expression SFINAE support in VS 2015 Update 1. Some of the things we heard from you after that post are that you wanted better Expression SFINAE support, especially for popular libraries such as Boost and Range-v3. These libraries have been our focus over the last few months...

Clang 3.8 in the May release of Clang with Microsoft CodeGen--Andrew Pardoe

Clang gets updated on Windows:

Clang 3.8 in the May release of Clang with Microsoft CodeGen

by Andrew Pardoe

From the article:

We have just released our fifth out-of-band update of Clang/C2 toolset. As always, this release has been driven by your feedback. While we’ve heard a lot of feature requests the one’s we’ve heard most frequently are that you want Clang 3.8 and you want x64-hosted compilers. We’re happy to say that we’re shipping both Clang 3.8 and x64-hosted compilers in the May 2016 release.