Overload 134 is now available

ACCU’s Overload journal of August 2016 is out. It contains the following C++ related articles.

Overload 134

From the journal:

Some Big-Os are Bigger Than Others
Big-O notation is often used to compare algorithms. Sergey Ignatchenko reminds us that asymptotic limits might not be generally applicable. by Sergey Ignatchenko

Kill the Clones
Problems in code can hide in surprising places. Adam Tornhill demonstrates how to detect software clones and uncover hidden dependencies. by Adam Tornhill

Implementing SNAAAKE
Almost everyone knows the game Snake! Thaddaeus Frogley shares a diary of how his implementation grew over time. by Thaddaeus Frogley

C++ Antipatterns
Certain mistakes crop up frequently in C++. Jonathan Wakely offers some pro-tips to help you avoid common errors. by Jonathan Wakely

Testing Propositions
Is testing propositions more important than having examples as exemplars? Russel Winder considers this hypothesis. by Russel Winder

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