
More Meeting C++ 2016 videos are online!

A week full of video editing brings the first batch of Meeting C++ 2016 videos online:

More videos are online!

by Jens Weller

Meeting C++ 2016 Playlist

From the article:

With today, almost all videos from the A and all videos of the D Track are online. There is a recording issue with one talk in the A track, which might get resolved in 2017. Also since today, the Meeting C++ YouTube channel has more then 400k views!

The full video set you can find in the Meeting C++ 2016 Playlist, the newest videos are easily found by visiting the Meeting C++ YouTube channel or subscribing to this RSS feed.

C++ User Group Meetings in December

The monthly list of upcoming C++ User Group meetings:

C++ User Group meetings in December

by Jens Weller

From the article:

In total its already 30 groups which are meeting, also there are 10 new groups since the last posting:

Minsk, London, Melbourne, Karlsruhe, Ulm (Qt), San Diego, Belgrade, Luxembourg, Dallas FW, Plano.

Trip Report: C++ Standards Meeting in Issaquah, November 2016--Botond Ballo

C++17 makes a new step.

Trip Report: C++ Standards Meeting in Issaquah, November 2016

by Botond Ballo

From the article:

Last week I attended a meeting of the ISO C++ Standards Committee (also known as WG21) in Issaquah, Washington (near Seattle). This was the third and final committee meeting in 2016; you can find my reports on previous meetings here (February 2016, Jacksonville) and here (June 2016, Oulu), and earlier ones linked from those. These reports, particularly the Oulu one, provide useful context for this post...

Why you should use Boost.MultiIndex (Part II)--David Gross

The series continue:

Why you should use Boost.MultiIndex (Part II)

by David Gross

From the article:

A few weeks ago, I posted the first part of this article, where I explained the advantages of Boost.MultiIndex over the standard containers when you need to have multiple views on a set of data.

In this second part, I would like to talk about the benefits you can get from using Boost.MultiIndex as a single-index hash table, as a replacement of std::unordered_map.

One interesting and powerful aspect of Boost.MultiIndex is that it allows you to add an index of type T, where T is different from the stored type. And it is more frequent and useful that you could think.

GoingNative 54: What's New In Visual Studio 2017 RC and Introduction To Vcpkg--Steve Carroll

The new GoingNative is out!

GoingNative 54: What's New In Visual Studio 2017 RC and Introduction To Vcpkg

by Steve Carroll, Augustin Popa and Bryan DiLaura

From the video:

This episode of GoingNative comes to you in two parts:

First, Steve chats with Augustin Popa about the latest and greatest features in Visual Studio 2017 RC. Please try it out and let us know how you like it! For deeper dives on specific features, feel free to watch the Connect(); videos, or read about it on the Visual C++ Blog.

Second, Robert Schumacher talks about the new open source Windows package manager, Vcpkg. Vcpkg has been picked up enthusiastically by the community with a growing collection of supported libraries (90+ at the time this video was posted).

CLion 2016.3 released--Anastasia Kazakova

The new CLion is here!

CLion 2016.3 released

by Anastasia Kazakova

From the article:

In its third and final update this year, our cross-platform C/C++ IDE gets a firmer handle on modern language standards, incorporates top-voted changes in working with CMake project model, and brings lots of other enhancements. Take a closer look at these and other capabilities available in CLion 2016.3:

  • C++ language support: user-defined literals, C++14 digit separator, overload resolution support, and dozens of code analysis improvements.
  • C language support: C11 keywords support including auto-completion.
  • Remote GDB debug on Windows platform.
  • New approach to CMake project model: allows you to select the generation directory, open a project from an existing generation folder, and more.
  • Automatic switching of resolve context per build/run configuration change.
  • Semantic highlighting in the editor.
  • For Unreal Engine developers: plugin for better completion for Unreal Engine 4 sources, 3rd party plugin for CMake generation, and performance improvements for project re-opening in CLion.
  • Doxygen tparam tag support.
  • Various VCS improvements.

JFrog acquires C++ package manager

JFrog DevOps firm acquires open source C++ package manager

DevOps firm JFrog acquires Spain’s Conan

From the article:

“Our vision is aligned with JFrog’s. Conan will now utilize JFrog’s Enterprise-ready solutions in order to build and release C/C++ packages, and empowering JFrog’s products with Conan will open a whole new automated world for the C/C++ community,” said Martinez de Bartolomé.

GoingNative 53: Learning STL Multithreading--Steve Carroll, Augustin Popa and BryanDiLaura

The new GoingNative is out!

GoingNative 53: Learning STL Multithreading

by Steve Carroll, Augustin Popa and BryanDiLaura

From the video:

In this episode, Billy O'Neal and Stephan T. Lavavej (S.T.L.) talk about the Standard Template Library for multithreading, and how to use it properly. We would love to hear some feedback on this episode! If you liked it, let us know and we may make a follow up!