
The rise of the new language MC++--CppDepend Team

A new language?

The rise of the new language MC++

by CppDepend Team

From the article:

During  the last few years we talk about the “C++ Renaissance”. We have to admit that Microsoft was a major actor of this movement, I remember this video where Craig Symonds and Mohsen Agsen talked about it.

In 2011 Microsoft announced in many articles the come back of C++, and Microsoft C++ experts like Herb Sutter did many conferences to explain why C++ is back and mostly recommend the use of Modern C++. In the same time the standard C++11 was approved and we begin to talk about  C++ as new  language...

CppCon 2016: Deploying C++ modules to 100s of millions of lines of code--Manuel Klimek

Have you registered for CppCon 2017 in September? Don’t delay – Registration is open now.

While we wait for this year’s event, we’re featuring videos of some of the 100+ talks from CppCon 2016 for you to enjoy. Here is today’s feature:

Deploying C++ modules to 100s of millions of lines of code

by Manuel Klimek

(watch on YouTube) (watch on Channel 9)

Summary of the talk:

Compile times are a pain point for C++ programmers all over the world. Google is no exception.. We have a single unified codebase with hundreds of millions of lines of C++ code, all of it built from source. As the size of the codebase and the depth of interrelated interfaces exposed through textually included headers grew, the scaling of compiles became a critical issue.

Years ago we started working to build technology in the Clang compiler that could help scale builds more effectively than textual inclusion. This is the core of C++ Modules: moving away from the model of textual inclusion. We also started preparing our codebase to migrate to this technology en masse, and through a highly automated process. It's been a long time and a tremendous effort, but we'd like to share where we are as well as what comes next.

In this talk, we will outline the core C++ Modules technology in Clang. This is just raw technology at this stage, not an integrated part of the C++ programming language. That part is being worked on by a large group of people in the ISO C++ standards committee. But we want to share how Google is using this raw technology internally to make today's C++ compiles faster, what it took to get there, and how you too can take advantage of these features. We will cover everything from the details of migrating a codebase of this size to use a novel compilation model to the ramifications for both local and distributed build systems. We hope to give insight into the kinds of benefits that technology like C++ Modules can bring to a large scale C++ development environment.

Making things do stuff – Part 6--Glennan Carnie

The series continues.

Making things do stuff – Part 6

by Glennan Carnie

From the article:

As code designers we tend to eschew specific ‘stove-pipe’ code in favour of reusable code elements.  Up until now we’ve been coding some very specific examples so it’s probably worth looking at some more generic solutions.

In this article we’ll look at building generic register manipulation classes (or, as one commenter referred to them, ‘register proxy’ classes).  Here, we’re really exploring code design rather than coding ‘mechanics’.  I’m using this to explore some factors like the balance between efficiency, performance and flexibility...

Making things do stuff – Part 5--Glennan Carnie

The series continues.

Making things do stuff – Part 5

by Glennan Carnie

From the article:

We’ve been looking at using C++ to manipulate I/O hardware.   Previously, we’ve looked at the fundamentals of hardware manipulation; and how to encapsulate these mechanisms into classes.  If you’ve not been following along I’d recommend reading the previous articles first before continuing.

This time we’ll explore a lesser-known feature of C++ and its application in hardware manipulation – placement new...

Making things do stuff – Part 4--Glennan Carnie

The series continues.

Making things do stuff – Part 4

by Glennan Carnie

From the article:

In the last article we explored the design of a class to encapsulate a physical hardware device.  In that article I deliberately ignored how the class would actually interact with the hardware.

In this article we explore the options available to us for accessing hardware and the consequences of those choices...

CppCon 2016: Building Software Capital: How to write the highest quality code and why--David Sankel

Have you registered for CppCon 2017 in September? Don’t delay – Registration is open now.

While we wait for this year’s event, we’re featuring videos of some of the 100+ talks from CppCon 2016 for you to enjoy. Here is today’s feature:

Building Software Capital: How to write the highest quality code and why

by David Sankel

(watch on YouTube) (watch on Channel 9)

Summary of the talk:

This talk discusses the ins and outs of how to write software that is at such a high standard that it gets reused everywhere. It covers organization, design, infrastructure, testing, documentation, reviews, and general suggestions based on my experience in the industry.

Meeting C++ 2017: Call for sponsors

The Meeting C++ conference is looking for sponsors

Meeting C++ 2017: Call for sponsors

by Jens Weller

From the article:

Like in the last 5 years, the Meeting C++ conference is looking for companies willing to support the conference through sponsoring! There is also the limited option of presenting your company at the conference with a booth!

CppCon 2016: The strange details of std::string at Facebook--Nicholas Ormrod

Have you registered for CppCon 2017 in September? Don’t delay – Registration is open now.

While we wait for this year’s event, we’re featuring videos of some of the 100+ talks from CppCon 2016 for you to enjoy. Here is today’s feature:

The strange details of std::string at Facebook

by Nicholas Ormrod

(watch on YouTube) (watch on Channel 9)

Summary of the talk:

Standard strings are slowing you down. Strings are everywhere. Changing the performance of std::string has a measurable impact on the speed of real-world C++ programs. But how can you make strings better? In this talk, we'll explore how Facebook optimizes strings, especially with our open-source std::string replacement, fbstring. We'll dive into implementation tradeoffs, especially the storage of data in the struct; examine which standard rules can and cannot be flouted, such as copy-on-write semantics; and share some of the things we've learned along the way, like how hard it is to abolish the null-terminator. War stories will be provided.

CppCon 2017 Call for Poster Submissions

The next CppCon conference is in Bellevue, Washington September 24-29.

CppCon 2017 Call for Poster Submissions

by Bob Steagall

From the announcement:

Are you doing something really cool with C++? We want you to share it with the C++ community by creating a poster and presenting it at CppCon 2017.

The poster submissions deadline is July 23, with decisions sent by August 14.  For topic ideas, submission instructions, and advice on making the best possible submission, see the CppCon 2017 Poster Submissions page.