
It had to be done - Abusing co_await for optionals--redditsoaddicting

The future is not here yet that it's already full of resources!

It had to be done - Abusing co_await for optionals

by redditsoaddicting

From the article:

I finally got around to playing with coroutines in the context of non-future types. I always guessed this could be done. For optionals specifically, the idea is that you do auto x = co_await foo(); and either x is the value in the optional or the function immediately returns an empty optional...

Confirmed speakers & talks at Meeting C++ 2017

A first list on confirmed speakers and their talks for this years Meeting C++ conference!

Confirmed Speakers & Talks at Meeting C++ 2017

by Jens Weller

From the article:

Last week the decisions for who could speak at Meeting C++ 2017 was made, and the selected candidates were contacted. Here is a little overview on talks and speakers for this years conference. There is a few speakers which haven't reacted yet, hope to share these talks soon too.

Making things do stuff - Part 6 and 7--Glennan Carnie

The series continues.

Making things do stuff

by Glennan Carnie

Part 6Part 7

From the article:

As code designers we tend to eschew specific ‘stove-pipe’ code in favour of reusable code elements.  Up until now we’ve been coding some very specific examples so it’s probably worth looking at some more generic solutions...

CppCon 2016: Improving Performance Through Compiler Switches...--Tim Haines

Have you registered for CppCon 2017 in September? Don’t delay – Registration is open now.

While we wait for this year’s event, we’re featuring videos of some of the 100+ talks from CppCon 2016 for you to enjoy. Here is today’s feature:

Improving Performance Through Compiler Switches...

by Tim Haines

(watch on YouTube) (watch on Channel 9)

Summary of the talk:

Much attention has been given to what modern optimizing compilers can do with your code, but little is ever said as to how to make the compiler invoke these optimizations. Of course, the answer is compiler switches! But which ones are needed to generate the best code? How many switches does it take to get the best performance? How do different compilers compare when using the same set of switches? I explore all of these questions and more to shed light on the interplay between C++ compilers and modern hardware drawing on my work in high performance scientific computing.

Enabling modern optimizing compilers to exploit current-generation processor features is critical to success in this field. Yet, modernizing aging codebases to utilize these processor features is a daunting task that often results in non-portable code. Rather than relying on hand-tuned optimizations, I explore the ability of today's compilers to breathe new life into old code. In particular, I examine how industry-standard compilers like those from gcc, clang, and Intel perform when compiling operations common to scientific computing without any modifications to the source code. Specifically, I look at streaming data manipulations, reduction operations, compute-intensive loops, and selective array operations. By comparing the quality of the code generated and time to solution from these compilers with various optimization settings for several different C++ implementations, I am able to quantify the utility of each compiler switch in handling varying degrees of abstractions in C++ code. Finally, I measure the effects of these compiler settings on the up-and-coming industrial benchmark High Performance Conjugate Gradient that focuses more on the effects of the memory subsystem than current benchmarks like the traditional High Performance LinPACK suite.

Modern C++ CI--Juan Medina

Complete set up of a project:

Modern C++ CI

by Juan Medina

From the article:

Modern C++ is great, some people are even calling it a new language, but is not only the language what is evolving the tool-chain is getter better, so doing continuous integration for cross platform projects is simple and effective.

I decide to do a simple project using some of the C++14 features and following the C++ Core Guidelines whenever its possible. The result is available in this repository.

5 years of Meeting C++

Meeting C++ exists now for 5 years, lets celebrate on the blog:

5 years of Meeting C++

by Jens Weller

From the article:

Just a little bit more then 5 years ago, Meeting C++ went public. Since then, it has been a wild ride and huge success. Today, Meeting C++ reaches over 50k in social media, the conference it self has grown from 150 to 600 in its 5 editions...

Italian C++ Conference 2017--Marco Arena

Summary and stats of the biggest C++ event in Italy:

Italian C++ Conference 2017

by Marco Arena

From the article:

Last June 17 we had the Italian C++ Conference 2017 in Milan, one of the events totally focused on C++ organized by the Italian C++ Community that I lead and manage...


Videos will be published soon. Further communication will follow.

CppCon 2016: Embracing Standard C++ for the Windows Runtime--Kenny Kerr & James McNellis

Have you registered for CppCon 2017 in September? Don’t delay – Registration is open now.

While we wait for this year’s event, we’re featuring videos of some of the 100+ talks from CppCon 2016 for you to enjoy. Here is today’s feature:

Embracing Standard C++ for the Windows Runtime

by Kenny Kerr & James McNellis

(watch on YouTube) (watch on Channel 9)

Summary of the talk:

Believe it or not, avoiding language extensions and embracing modern C++ will make it easier for you to write code for Windows. The Universal Windows Platform in Windows 10 provides the ability for developers to write apps for many devices in many languages. To achieve this goal, it uses the Windows Runtime platform technology to expose functionality from the operating system into languages, including C++. Microsoft wants to make the Windows Runtime naturally and easily available to standard C++ developers. "C++/WinRT" (formerly is a standard C++ library and toolset currently under development at Microsoft. It includes a standalone compiler, which converts Windows Runtime metadata into a header-only library. The source code uses standard syntax consumable by any C++ compiler, making it easier for developers to use Windows Runtime APIs from C++.

We will begin this session with the goals of the "C++/WinRT" project. We'll look at the primitives of the Windows Runtime ABI and how this C++ library provides a natural projection of those primitives. We'll look at how C++11 and C++14 language features make it easier to encapsulate the COM infrastructure that underpins the Windows Runtime. Finally, we'll look at how we've optimized the implementation and discuss how a handful of compiler optimizations can make this C++ library efficient and effective for building a wide range of applications.