
Are you ready for C++Now?--Jon Kalb


Are you ready for C++Now?

by Jon Kalb

From the article:

C++Now, which takes place in Aspen this May, refers to itself as A Gathering of C++ Experts and Enthusiasts from around the world. The conference, originally called BoostCon, was started so that Boost library authors, who had gotten to know each other online, could meet and discuss face to face. The Boost library is where experts develop and put into production the cutting edge techniques of C++...

Freestanding in Prague--Ben Craig

All you want to know.

Freestanding in Prague

by Ben Craig

From the article:

The C++ standards committee met in Prague, Czech Republic between Feb 10 and Feb 15. The standard is wording complete, and the only thing between here and getting it published is ISO process. As is typical for me at these meetings, I spent a lot of time doing freestanding things, Library Incubator (LEWGI) things, and minuting along the way (15-ish sessions/papers!)...

C++20 is Done!


C++20 is Done!

From the article:

C++20, the most impactful revision of C++ in a decade, is done! ������

Overload 155 is now available

ACCU’s Overload journal of February 2020 is out. It contains the following C++ related articles.

Overload 155 is now available

From the journal:

Members and Remembrances.
Remembering things can be difficult. Frances Buontempo reminisces on routes to erudition.

A line-to-line conversion from Node.js to Node.cpp.
Dmytro Ivanchykhin, Sergey Ignatchenko and Maxim Blashchuk show how we can get a 5x improvement in speed.

The Path of Least Resistance.
Python’s modules and imports can be overwhelming. Steve Love attempts to de-mystify the process.

Quick Modular Calculations(Part 2).
The minverse algorithm previously seen is fast but has limitations. Cassio Neri presents two alternatives.

A Secure Environment for Running Apps?.
Getting apps from the app store is easy. Alan Griffiths considers this from a security perspective.

The centre half is more than a sporting term. Chris Oldwood shows us why.

Five Awesome C++ Papers for the Prague ISO Meeting and C++20 Status--Bartlomiej Filipek

Did you know them?

Five Awesome C++ Papers for the Prague ISO Meeting and C++20 Status

by Bartlomiej Filipek

From the article:

Continuing the tradition for other ISO C++ Meetings, I prepared a blog post where you’ll learn about:

  • The current status of C++20
  • an overview about the Prague ISO C++ Meeting (10th till 15th February 2020)
  • a few interesting papers that are worth reading

Let’s start!

C++ in 2020--Jens Weller

Don't miss it!

C++ in 2020

by Jens Weller

From the article:

Now where the year is a few weeks old, lets see whats ahead for C++ in 2020!

I'll cover the Meeting C++ Community Survey, Conferences, Libraries & Releases, ISOCPP and C++20.

This blog post is based on a newsletter, which is based on a talk I gave at my User Group in Düsseldorf two weeks ago. Come and visit our meetings at the 3rd Wednesday of the month! My C++ User Group is also still looking for speakers in 2020, contact me if you're in town!

CLion starts 2020.1 Early Access Program: improvements to Clang-based tools...--Anastasia Kazakova

Check it out.

CLion starts 2020.1 Early Access Program: improvements to Clang-based tools and debugger, new font and editor theme, and more

by Anastasia Kazakova

From the article:

We’ve got a lot planned for 2020 and 2020.1 and now it’s time to start our regular Early Access Program!

EAP builds are free and give you a preview of the upcoming changes and enhancements. They might not be stable and might contain functionality that doesn’t make it to the final release. And if you decide to try these builds, please, inform us of any issues you run into or any inconveniences you experience as early as possible, so we have time to investigate and can try to address them before the release...

The C++ Lifetime Profile: How It Plans to Make C++ Code Safer--Daniel Martín

A way to make C++ safer.

The C++ Lifetime Profile: How It Plans to Make C++ Code Safer

by Daniel Martín

From the article:

High amounts of low-level systems are written in C++. Memory access in C++ is virtually unrestricted, which means that bugs in C++ programs can corrupt it and cause crashes or security problems. For this reason, we call C++ a memory-unsafe programming language — in contrast to memory-safe languages like Java, Rust, and Swift.

In this blog post, I’ll talk about the C++ Lifetime Profile, explaining what it is, how it intends to reduce the problems typically caused by the memory-unsafe characteristics of C++, what the status of the current implementation of the Lifetime Profile is, and what the current limitations are...