Overload 156 is now available

ACCU’s Overload journal of April 2020 is out. It contains the following C++ related articles.

Overload 156 is now available

From the journal:

Respect can mean many different things. Frances Buontempo muses on its myriad meanings.

Pass the Parcel.
Python’s module and package system has many features. Steve Love explores some more advanced ones.

Quick Modular Calculations (Part 3).
This article concludes the 3-part series. Cassio Neri presents a new algorithm that also works for 64-bit operands.

Deconstructing Inheritance.
Inheritance can be overused. Lucian Radu Teodorescu considers how it can go wrong and the alternatives.

Using Compile Time Maps for Sorting.
Compile time sorting can be interesting. Norman Wilson shows how to sort a map.

Profiting from the Folly of Others.
Code referred to as a hack can raise an eyebrow. Alastair Harrison learns about accessing private members of C++ classes by investigating a header called UninitializedMemoryHacks.h

It’s About Time.
How easy is it to make code wait for a time period before doing something? Mike Crowe looks at ways to avoid problems when a system clock changes.

A Day in the Life of a Full-Stack Developer.
Many roles claim to be full stack. Teedy Deigh shares a day in the life of a full stack developer.

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