
Qt, range-based for loops and structured bindings--Ivan Čukić

Do you have that problem?

Qt, range-based for loops and structured bindings

by Ivan Čukić

From the article:

Qt has a long history. The first stable version was released before the first version of C++ was standardized and long before the different C++ compiler vendors started shipping usable implementations of the C++ standard library. Because of this, Qt often followed (and still follows) some design idioms that feel unnatural to the usual C++ developer.

This can have some downsides for the Qt ecosystem. The evolution of the C++ programming language which sped up quite a bit in the last decade often brings improvements which don’t fit well with the Qt philosophy. In this blog, I offer some ways to work with this...

Announcing Meeting C++ 2020!

Today I have the honor to give the kick-off for the official planning and participation in Meeting C++2020:

Announcing Meeting C++ 2020

by Jens Weller

From the article:

Meeting C++ returns with its 2020 conference edition! Like in the previous years, we'll be meeting in Berlin from the 12. - 14th November!

With the current situation of COVID-19, planning events for this year is difficult, though I have decided to go ahead and start the preparations for Meeting C++ 2020! I will keep you posted through out 2020 on the changes for this years conference!

Overload 156 is now available

ACCU’s Overload journal of April 2020 is out. It contains the following C++ related articles.

Overload 156 is now available

From the journal:

Respect can mean many different things. Frances Buontempo muses on its myriad meanings.

Pass the Parcel.
Python’s module and package system has many features. Steve Love explores some more advanced ones.

Quick Modular Calculations (Part 3).
This article concludes the 3-part series. Cassio Neri presents a new algorithm that also works for 64-bit operands.

Deconstructing Inheritance.
Inheritance can be overused. Lucian Radu Teodorescu considers how it can go wrong and the alternatives.

Using Compile Time Maps for Sorting.
Compile time sorting can be interesting. Norman Wilson shows how to sort a map.

Profiting from the Folly of Others.
Code referred to as a hack can raise an eyebrow. Alastair Harrison learns about accessing private members of C++ classes by investigating a header called UninitializedMemoryHacks.h

It’s About Time.
How easy is it to make code wait for a time period before doing something? Mike Crowe looks at ways to avoid problems when a system clock changes.

A Day in the Life of a Full-Stack Developer.
Many roles claim to be full stack. Teedy Deigh shares a day in the life of a full stack developer.

Italian C++ Conference 2020 will be an online-only event--Marco Arena

Due to COVID-19 global situation, we have made the decision that:

Italian C++ Conference 2020 will be an online-only event

by Marco Arena

From the article:

In light of recent developments globally and the growing concerns around the spread of the COVID-19 virus, we have made the decision that this year’s Italian C++ Conference will be an online-only/virtual event. It will be scheduled for the same day at the same time (June 13 from 9 AM to 6 PM CEST)...

Kafka’s uncle spends a week with Les Booloise: Prague trip report--Guy Davidson

Another point of view.

Kafka’s uncle spends a week with Les Booloise: Prague trip report

by Guy Davidson

From the article:

I love Czechia and I love Prague. I have visited a few times: most recently to give a talk at the Avast meetup last February, organised by Hana Dusíková, who also organised this WG21 meeting. She did an absolutely outstanding job, and I know that I share that opinion with many committee folk.

Of course, this was the meeting that C++20 was due to be signed off by WG21 and sent for polling by the National Bodies (NB) before going to ISO for publication. Plenty of time was spent on attending to outstanding NB comments but there was still scope for reviewing new proposals.

On top of that, there was a social event on Wednesday evening to celebrate the release, which took place at Pražská Křižovatka. The whole week was as tiring as ever, but I was delighted to be there, to make “the team photo” and to advance some of my work. If you are interested in a detailed report of the work completed you can find one on reddit: I am going to discuss my work and experiences...

Conan integration in GitLab

gitlab-logo-gray-rgb.pngConan, the C and C++ package manager, is now part of GitLab

Conan users can now set GitLab as the remote registry for their packages

From the article:

This allows users to share private packages within an organization that is already using GitLab, publish public packages for general or open source use, and will open up many possibilities in utilizing GitLab’s CI pipelines to build and consume these packages automatically.

LLVM/Clang 10.0.0 is released!

Full of novelty.

LLVM/Clang 10.0.0 is released!

From the article:

Some highlights include:

  • C++ Concepts support in Clang
  • Clang no longer runs in a separate process by default ("in-process cc1")
  • Windows control flow guard (CFG) checks
  • Support for more processor cores and features