
Operator Overloading – Introduction to Boost.Operators -- Arne Metz

Arne Mertz goes into the details of using boost operators.

Operator Overloading – Introduction to Boost.Operators, Part 1

Operator Overloading – Introduction to Boost.Operators, Part 2

by Arne Mertz

From the articles:

In my first two posts about operator overloading I have written about the basics and common practice. This post shows some lessons from the common practice post on a concrete example and then introduces to Boost.Operators, a library that conveniently reduces the boilerplate involved when overloading multiple operators for a class.

Operators Travel in Packs

If we look at the list of operators, we see that there are about 50 of them, and many of them can be overloaded in different ways. Even if we restrict ourselves to a few operations that make sense for a given class, then one of those operations often brings two or more operators.


Boost libraries are now supported in biicode

First step to a complete integration of the C++ deps manager biicode with the most popular set of C++ libs: Boost libraries.

Boost libraries are now supported in biicode

by Manu Sánchez

From the news:

At biicode we have been working hard to simplify the process of making Boost available for any C++ programmer with just an include. But this is only the start, the project has been released as open source to allow everyone contribute and help.

Ranges and Iterators for numerical problems

A guest blog post by Karsten Ahnert at Meeting C++ as a follow up of his talk!

Ranges and Iterators for numerical problems

by Karsten Ahnert

From the article:

In this blog post I am going to show some ideas how one can implement numerical algorithms with ranges. Examples are the classical Newton algorithm for finding the root of a function and ordinary differential equations. The main idea is to put the main loop of the algorithm into range such that the user can...

C++ User Group Meetings in February

New month, and a few more C++ User Group Meetings:

C++ User Group Meetings in February

by Jens Weller

From the article:

Again an overview on the upcoming meetings of C++ User Groups. This time, its February again, the shortest, and in a lot of places coldest month of the year. Still, 19 C++ User Groups have already...

The Meetings:

4.2 C++ UG Saint Louis - DD Part 2 - Lambdas
7.2 C++ UG Italy - Pordenone
11.2 C++ UG Utah - Asynchronous Messaging with ØMQ
11.2 C++ UG San Francisco/ Bay area - CopperSpice
11.2 C++ UG Santa Barbara - Introduction to OpenGL with SDL
12.2 C++ UG Dresden - Clean code in asynchronous Programming
12.2 C++ UG Wroclaw - Databases & C++: SOCI, boost::python
16.2 C++ UG Denver - Denver Tech Center C++ Developers
16.2 C++ UG Austin - North Austin Monthly C/C++ Pub Social
17.2 C++ UG Berlin - First meeting at think-cell
18.2 C++ UG Bristol - Kevlin Henney: Making Steaks from Sacred Cows
18.2 C++ UG Düsseldorf - Treffen der C++ User Gruppe NRW
18.2 C++ UG Hamburg - Treffen der C++ User Gruppe Hamburg
19.2 C++ UG Ruhrgebiet - February C++ Meetup in the Ruhr area
21.2 C++ UG Pune, India - Introduction to Concurrency and Memory Models
24.2 C++ UG Warsaw - Overload resolution oraz Zakamarki C++
24.2 C++ UG Edinburgh - First Meeting
25.2 C++ UG San Francisco/ Bay area - Workshop and Discussion Group
26.2 C++ UG Munich - "Dreaming of Names" and "A short (and practical) introduction to

Funny bug #20150127--Marco Foco

Marco Foco spotted a subtle bug in a piece of code that used boost::program_options. Can you find it?

Funny bug #20150127

by Marco Foco

From the article:

Two days ago I’ve been asked to have a look at a nonworking piece of code, based on boost::program_options [...] This syntax is not only unusual, but also dangerous.