From Iterators to Ranges: The Upcoming Evolution Of the STL - Arno Schödl - @meetingcpp 2015
A new video highlight from Meeting C++ 2015:
From Iterators to Ranges: The Upcoming Evolution Of the STL
by Arno Schödl
February 10-15, Hagenberg, Austria
March 19-21, Madrid, Spain
April 1-4, Bristol, UK
June 16-21, Sofia, Bulgaria
By Meeting C++ | Feb 14, 2016 07:35 AM | Tags: ranges performance intermediate efficiency c++17 c++14 c++11 boost basics advanced
From Iterators to Ranges: The Upcoming Evolution Of the STL
by Arno Schödl
By Meeting C++ | Feb 11, 2016 06:36 AM | Tags: performance intermediate efficiency c++14 c++11 boost basics advanced
My series on building applications with Qt an boost continues:
Searching and replacing in strings with boost
by Jens Weller
From the article:
The next big milestone for my CMS is to actually generate HTML files, and I'm almost there. I'll reach it in the next two weeks, most code is written, just a little bit of refactoring is needed. This blog post is about searching and replacing in strings. As I started last week with implementing the functionality, that turns the data in my CMS into an HTML website.
There needs to be a lot of text transformed, in order to turn a shared structure like a cross page layout into a single, special HTML file, one of those transformations is, to replace the internal links with the correct links. A link to a different page in the same website cannot be represented as a text link, instead it is represented by a linkid, which corresponds to the Page it points to. This is to have still the correct link, if the page is renamed or moved...
By Meeting C++ | Jan 29, 2016 07:54 AM | Tags: performance intermediate experimental c++14 c++11 boost advanced
A new blog entry about parallelism and boost::future:
Using parallelism with boost::future
by Jens Weller
From the article:
... While I'm fine with that the application locks up kind of hard during writing a GB zip file (its only job), I'd like to be as fast as possible. Thats why I decided to parallelize the part of the application that reads the file paths via boost::filesystem...
By Jon Kalb | Jan 29, 2016 12:07 AM | Tags: community boost
The tenth annual C++Now (formerly BoostCon) is now open for registration.
C++Now 2016 Registration is Open
From the invitation:
The conference, which will be held May 9th-14th in Aspen, CO, has sold out the last three years and is expected to sell out again this year.
By Meeting C++ | Jan 26, 2016 07:43 AM | Tags: intermediate gis boost advanced
A new video from Meeting C++ 2015:
Boost.Geometry takes on the globe
by Menelaos Karavelas
By Meeting C++ | Jan 15, 2016 01:20 PM | Tags: libraries intermediate experimental boost advanced
A new video from Meeting C++ 2015:
C++ on GPUs done right?
by Peter Steinbach
The video:
By Bartosz Bielecki | Jan 11, 2016 07:18 AM | Tags: community c++14 c++11 boost basics
The online compiler Wandbox offers new functionality.
It offers now the following features:
- support for newest (HEAD) versions of GCC and Clang
- support for various versions of Boost (from 1.47 to 1.60)
- support for emacs/vim key bindings
- permalinking your code snippets
By Jon Kalb | Jan 5, 2016 12:19 AM | Tags: community c++14 boost
C++Now 2016 will be held in Aspen, May 9–14, 2016.
From the invitation:
Building upon the resounding success of previous BoostCon and C++Now conferences, C++Now 2016 will present leading speakers from the whole C++ community.
The C++Now Conference is dedicated to discussion and education about C++, an open and free language and standard. Our Conference will focus on discussion and education about open source software usage and developments in the C++ developer and user community. To reflect the breadth of the C++ and Boost communities, the conference includes sessions aimed at three constituencies: C++ and Boost end-users, hard-core library and tool developers, and researchers pushing the boundaries of computation. The program fosters interaction and engagement within and across those groups, with an emphasis on discussion.
As a multi-paradigm language, C++ is a melting pot with the most compelling ideas from other programming communities blending in powerful ways. Historically, some of the most popular sessions at C++Now have highlighted these concepts, from DSLs to functional programming to transactional memory and more. Bring your C#, Python, Ruby or Haskell influences to bear in an environment that will broaden their exposure.At C++Now 2016 we would like to focus on the now established C++11 and C++14 standards and how those standards shape C++’s future. However, by no means is this intended to restrict the topics of proposals we hope to see. Any other topic related to C++, as described below, is suitable for submission.
This year's window for submitting is shorter than normal. Submissions must be in by January 29th, less than four weeks away.
By Felix Petriconi | Dec 17, 2015 11:48 PM | Tags: boost
The boost community has released a new version of the boost library
boost 1.60.0
From the release note:
One new library was added:
VMD: Variadic Macro Data library, from Edward Diener.
Libraries with bug fixes and enhancements are:
Lexical Cast
Multi-index Container
By Meeting C++ | Dec 11, 2015 09:03 AM | Tags: performance intermediate efficiency c++14 c++11 boost basics advanced
Meeting C++ just started a week ago, and I already managed to edit and upload all lightning talks:
Meeting C++ 2015 - all lightning talks are now online at youtube
by Jens Weller
From the article:
This year for the very first time we had lightning talks at the Meeting C++ conference. Two sessions with each 5 lightning talks were held...