
A third way to use boost::serialization

The 10th installment in my series about writing applications with Qt and boost:

A third way to use boost::serialization

by Jens Weller

From the article:

The 10th part of my series about writing applications with Qt and boost is about using boost::serialization. The last part was about how to create the basic structure for a project with boost::filesystem, and how to use boost::filesystem to index folders. But there is a lot of data that just isn't able to be represented as single files, how to store it?

Originally I planned to use a database, as I already have some code handling the SQL queries nicely for me and most of my other applications currently also use this to store their data. Thats why most of my classes from the first day on had an id field, just to enable them to refer to an instance stored in a database. But then, if I could get around using a database, by simply just storing my data in a file, things would be easier, and my code wouldn't need to be scattered with SQL queries. If I couldn't find a reasonable approach, I still could opt for a database anyways.

Handling files in C++ - using boost::filesystem

The 9th installment of my series on writing applications in C++ using Qt and boost:

Handling files - using boost::filesystem

by Jens Weller

From the article:

As part of my data is actual files (images, css, js, files...), I realized that the best way to handle those, would be to just store and load them from the file system. In the UI Qt even offers good support for displaying a folder in an Application with QFileSystemModel. But in the application...

Messaging and signaling in C++

The 7th part of my series on writing applications in C++ using Qt and boost:

Messaging and Signaling in C++

by Jens Weller

From the article:

This time it is about how to notify one part of our application that something has happened somewhere else. I will start with Qt, as it brings with signals and slots a mechanism to do exactly that. But, as I have the goal not to use Qt mainly in the UI Layer, I will also look on how to notify other parts of the application, when things are changing.

Boost Version 1.59 Released

The next version of boost is released.

Boost 1.59

From the release note:

These new libraries has been added:

  • Convert: An extendible and configurable type-conversion framework, from Vladimir Batov.
  • Coroutine2: (C++14) Coroutine library, from Oliver Kowalke.

A huge number of bugfixes and improvements were implemented for the existing libraries.


Many thanks to all contributors and maintainer!

Trees, tree models and treeviews in Qt

The first part in my series on writing applications with C++ using Qt and boost:

Trees, tree models and treeviews in Qt

by Jens Weller

From the article:

On Tuesday I've announced this new series, this is the first installment showing the progress. The first thing I did when I started to work on my new application, was to implement a generic tree class, that then is exposed through not so generic tree model to Qt. The QTreeView then simply displays the data in the tree. My goals are, that the class containing the tree it self, is independent from Qt. Yet as its used in Qt, there are a few design decisions which reflect the needs of the Qt Model View system...

Building Applications with Qt and boost

I'm starting a series on my blog and youtube channel, about building an application in C++:

Building Applications with Qt and boost

by Jens Weller

From the article:

This is the start of a series of posts, in which I'll try to document my weekly work on a new application, build with Qt and boost. This first post is rather short, but I'd quickly try to give you an overview, why I use both Qt and boost in the same application. Regarding Qt, I wrote an introduction a two years ago, also for boost, there is an excellent website/tutorial about boost by Boris Schäling (buy his book! wink). This series is not meant as a general introduction, yet I try to show you how and what I use of Qt and boost.

Efficient optional values -- Andrzej KrzemieĊ„ski

Andrzej goes into some details of optional values in his recent blog post.

Efficient optional values

by Andrzej Krzemieński

From the article:

What do you use Boost.Optional for? In my experience, the answer was typically one of the following:

  1. Because my type T has no null state (like -1) that would indicate that I have no proper value.
  2. Because, I need to perform a two-phase initialization (I cannot initialize my T yet, but I already need it alive).
  3. Because I need an interface that would indicate to the type system that my value may not be there and that its potential absence should be checked by the users.

In this post we will focus exclusively on the third motivation.