
All Meeting C++ Lightning Talk videos are online

Meeting C++ just started a week ago, and I already managed to edit and upload all lightning talks:

Meeting C++ 2015 - all lightning talks are now online at youtube

by Jens Weller

From the article:

This year for the very first time we had lightning talks at the Meeting C++ conference. Two sessions with each 5 lightning talks were held...

Getting Started with Modules in C++--Kenny Kerr

The basics of creating and using a module:

Getting Started with Modules in C++

by Kenny Kerr

From the article:

Visual Studio 2015 Update 1 shipped with experimental support for a module system for C++. You can learn about it from this talk given by Gabriel Dos Reis at CppCon. Creating and consuming modules is very simple, but getting started with the compiler is not that obvious. At least it wasn’t very obvious to me, so here’s a quick introduction to get you started.

C++ Modules in VS 2015 Update 1--Gabriel Dos Reis and Andrew Pardoe

Modules in Visual:

C++ Modules in VS 2015 Update 1

by Gabriel Dos Reis and Andrew Pardoe

From the article:

The VC++ team is excited to preview a new feature in VS 2015 Update 1: The first experimental implementation of A Module System for C++, proposed for C++17. That proposal was approved by the C++ standards Evolution Working Group for a C++17 Technical Specification at the Fall 2015 meeting in Kona, Hawai’i. The draft wording for the Technical Specification is under review by the C++ Standards Core Working Group.


Efficient parameter pack indexing--Louis Dionne

And you, how do you index your parameter pack?

Efficient parameter pack indexing

by Louis Dionne

From the article:

Recently, I’ve been looking at ways to index into parameter packs with as little compile-time overhead as possible. This is not a new problem, and we know of several metaprogramming techniques to achieve this, some of which offer pretty good compile-times. Most of these techniques are also well documented, for example here and here. So, why write an article about this well-covered topic? Well, I recently decided to cheat and modified the compiler to see how fast we could possibly be. This article summarizes what I found.

Quick Q: const-reference qualified member function

Quick A: Delete the r-value reference overload of the function.

Recently on SO:

const-reference qualified member function

A temporary can be bound to a const& qualified object and the ref-qualifier effectively qualifies the implicitly passed object (*this). If you want to prevent calls on temporaries but allow lvalues, you can = delete the rvalue reference overload and implement the lvalue version. Using const qualified reference qualifiers for both operators requires just one implemented and one = deleted implementation:

class File {
    // ...
    FILE* _file;
    operator FILE*() const&& = delete;
    operator FILE*() const& { return this->_file; }
    // ...

The net-effect is that you can use the conversion only for objects to which you go an lvalue:

int main() {
    File       f;
    File const cf{};

    FILE* fp = f;              // OK
    FILE* cfp = cf;            // OK
    FILE* tfp = File();        // ERROR: conversion is deleted
    FILE* mfp = std::move(cf); // ERROR: conversion is deleted 

Announcing the VS GDB Debugger extension--Marc Goodner

Annoucing a new tool in Visual Studio:

Announcing the VS GDB Debugger extension

by Marc Goodner

From the article:

Earlier this year I wrote a post on how you could debug C++ code on Linux from Visual Studio. It was a bit cumbersome, but it was doable. Today we are releasing the Visual Studio GDB Debugger extension preview. This will enable debugging remote Linux targets including IoT devices...

An introduction to C++'s SFINAE concept -- Jean Guegant

Jean Guegant describes in a very detailed way different implementation stategies of compile-time introspection of a class member for C++98, C++11 and C++14.

An introduction to C++'s SFINAE concept: compile-time introspection of a class member

by Jean Guegant

From the article:

As a C++ enthusiast, I usually follow the annual C++ conference cppconf or at least try to keep myself up-to-date with the major events that happen there. One way to catch up, if you can't afford a plane ticket or the ticket, is to follow the youtube channel dedicated to this conference. This year, I was impressed by Louis Dionne talk entitled "C++ Metaprogramming: A Paradigm Shift". One feature called is_valid that can be found in Louis's Boost.Hana library particulary caught my attention. This genious is_valid function heavily rely on an even more "magic" C++ programming technique coined with the term SFINAE discovered at the end of the previous century. If this acronym doesn't speak to you, don't be scared, we are going to dive straight in the subject.