
High-Performance and Low-Latency C++ with Herb Sutter

Join us for a 3-day training event with Herb Sutter in London, October 9-11, 2017

High-Performance and Low-Latency C++

About the training:

Welcome to a unique training with Mr Herb Sutter focusing on Efficiency, Concurrency, Parallelism, Modern Hardware, and Modern C++11/14/17. Participants of this intensive 3-day training will be given the knowledge and skills required to write high-performance and low-latency code using modern C++ on today´s systems.

Mr Sutter is the chair of the ISO C++ committee and best-selling author of four books and hundreds of technical papers and articles, including the essay “The Free Lunch Is Over”.

Intermediate to advanced C++ programming experience is required. Some experience with concurrency, parallelism, and/or multiprocessing in e.g. Java, C, C++ or similar language is recommended, but not required.

Don’t miss out on the opportunity to attend this three day course, to be held in London on the 9th – 11th October, 2017. Please notice there are a limited number of seats.

Better C++ / Chicago July 12-14, 2017

Join us for a 3 day training event in Chicago, IL, USA July 12-14, 2017

Better C++ / Chicago

by Jason Turner

About the training:

Through this training you will gain a better understanding of how to write clean, maintainable, and well performing C++ code.

The topics covered apply to all types of C++ development: embedded, system or application development.

Jason's classes are highly interactive and have a limited class size to ensure that everyone has sufficient opportunity to participat

A la carte tickets are available for those wishing to attend only part of the training.

Wednesday: Demystifying C++11 and Beyond

C++11, 14, and 17 added many new features to C++ that have made many question the overhead of using these new features and the complexity they add to the language. We will make an in depth examination of these features to give you confidence in using and deploying modern C++ techniques in your organization.

Thursday: Understanding Object Lifetime in C++

C++ has what very few other languages have: a well defined object life cycle. Understanding this key aspect of the language is critical for writing high quality C++.
We will describe the lifecycle of an object in C++ and work through increasingly complex examples. There will be something for C++ developers of all skill levels to learn.

Friday: C++ Best Practices

On the final day of the course we will cover a series of tangible best practice rules for how to write C++ code that is maintainable and efficient by default.
We will wrap up with a discussion of how to use the tools available to maintain code quality.

C++ for Embedded Developers, 26-30 June, UK

Join us to gain practical experience of writing C++ for real-time and embedded systems in Swindon, UK.cropped-blog-header1.png

C++ for Embedded Developers

About the course:

This course is designed for:

  • real-time engineers embarking on a project using C++ for the first time
  • developers looking to move from C to C++ (as it will clearly demonstrate both the strengths and weaknesses of C++ vs. C)

Course overview

The course introduces the C++ language for use on real-time and embedded applications. It highlights areas of concern for real-time and embedded development. The focus is on developing core object-oriented programming skills and understanding of how to build effective, maintainable and efficient C++ programs.

Attendees perform hands-on embedded programming, on target hardware, during course practicals. Approximately 50% of the course is given over to practical work.

Course objectives

  • To provide a solid understanding of the essentials of the C++ programming language.
  • To give you practical experience of writing C++ for real-time and embedded systems.
  • To give you the confidence to apply these new concepts to your next real-time project.

Delegates will learn

  • The core C++ syntax and semantics
  • How to access hardware in the language
  • How to program interrupt handlers in C++
  • About memory and performance issues associated with C++
  • How real time operating systems (RTOS) affect the use of the language

Click here to learn more or book a place

Registration for CppCon 2017 is Open

The next CppCon conference is in Bellevue, Washington September 24-29.

Registration for CppCon 2017 is Open

From the announcement:

In addition to the regular conference program there will be keynotes, lightning talks, and panels. There are also twelve pre- and post-conference classes (both two-day and one-day are offered) as well as a field trip to Boeing's Future of Flight tour.

Advanced C++ for Embedded Systems, Swindon UK 8-12 May 2017

Join us to advance your C++03 skills if you work in an embedded environment.

Advanced C++ for Embedded Systems

About the course:

This course addresses the “fear, uncertainty and doubt” of using full C++. Specifically the course deals with: performance and memory considerations of polymorphic functions, exceptions and templates. In addition, complete coverage of the Standard Library (including the STL) is provided, again addressing the specifics of performance and memory models.

This is a five day course, which reviews C++ in the light of real-time systems, addresses the application of C++ in a real-time/embedded environment, and then focuses on the advanced parts of the language. 50% of the course is spent on practical work and the course includes the use of target hardware.


Boost Your Productivity with Modern C++ - Now with C++17 -- Peter Gottschling

Repeating the last years' popular course, again being held in English and German:

Boost Your Productivity with Modern C++ - Now with C++17

by Peter Gottschling

About the training:

The course is designed for software developers who aim for excellent software characterized by intuitive interfaces and maximal performance. Our goal for this 4-day course is that you can afterwards program perceivably more productively. That your programs are usable more flexibly and nonetheless explore the hardware as efficiently as possible. That your software becomes clearer and simpler and thus more readable and more maintainable. For this purpose, we intensively use features of C++11, C++14, and for the first time C++17.

The trainer Peter Gottschling is the author of the advanced C++14 book "Discovering Modern C++",the Matrix Template Library 4, co-author of the Boost Graph Library and other scientific libraries. He is vice-chair of DIN's programming language group and was (the last) head of the German delegation in the ISO committee for C++ standardization.

The complete course description including the list of topics is available here.

Understanding Object Lifetime in C++ in Denver, April 20, 2017—Jason Turner

Join us for a 1 day course in Denver, CO, USA April 20, 2017

Understanding Object Lifetime in C++

by Jason Turner

About the training:

C++ has what very few other languages have: a well defined object life cycle. Understanding this key aspect of C++ is critical to writing clean, maintainable, and efficient C++.

Join us for an interactive one day workshop where we will describe the lifecycle of an object in C++ and work through increasingly complex examples. Come prepared for lots of group discussion. There will be something for C++ developers of all skill levels to learn.

You will leave the workshop with an increased knowledge of C++ that will help you to design better programs and libraries.

"What's new in C++11/14?" Training in Berlin, 04-06 April 2017

Join us in the upcoming C++11/14 training in Berlin, 04-06 April 2017.

What's new in C++11/14?

Training course by KDAB

About the training

C++11 is a new major version of the C++ standard, released in 2011, and brings many new features to C++ that make the language safer, faster as well as easier and more fun to use. Every professional C++ developer will sooner or later come into contact with C++11/C++14 and introducing its advantages early can only be beneficial.

In this hands-on C++11 and C++14 training for professional C++ developers, you will learn the language changes and the standard library changes introduced in C++11 as well as the changes from C++14.

In class, C++11 and C++14 will be demonstrated with the aid of many examples, and you will get the opportunity to use C++11 and C++14 right away in our lab projects.

The full table of contents for the course is available here.

C++17 Talks by Nicolai Josuttis @ NDC London

Nicolai Josuttis speaks on the upcoming NDC conference in London about:


C++17 Core and Library Features

by Nicolai Josuttis

About the talk:

On January 19, 2017, Nicolai Josuttis, the author of The C++ Standard Library, will give two talks at the NDC conference in London about the core and library features of the upcoming C++17.