Product News

Boost Version 1.58 Released

The next version of boost is released.

Boost 1.58

From the release note:

These new libraries were added:

  • Endian: Types and conversion functions for correct byte ordering and more regardless of processor endianness.
  • Sort: Includes spreadsort, a general-case hybrid radix sort that is faster than O(n*log(n))

A huge number of bugfixes and improvements were implemented for the existing libraries.


Many thanks to all contributors and maintainer!

biicode Dependency Manager released to Open Source

biicode just released the client code of their C++ Dependency Manager into OpenSource.

C/C++ Dependency Manager

From the Website:

biicode manages your project’s dependencies so you can use the libs you need (Curl, Catch, Fann, OpenSSL, OpenCV, POCO, Boost, Libuv, GTest ...) as you wish within your project. biicode uses CMake to configure and build your projects and it is compatible with many IDEs, version control systems and compilers.

CLion 1.0, cross-platform C/C++ IDE, has finally arrived

CLion 1.0 is out.

JetBrains has finally released CLion - cross-platform IDE for C and C++ developers

By Anastasia Kazakova

From the article:

CLion is a full-featured IDE for developing in C and C++ on Linux, OS X or Windows. It's deeply integrated with the well-known CMake build system and GDB debugger, as well as with many popular Version Control Systems. CLion provides productivity boosting features, including smart editor, one-click navigation, reliable refactorings and on-the-fly code analysis with quick-fixes, to keep your C/C++ code high-quality.

JetBrains - ReSharper C++ 1.0 released

JetBrains just released their ReSharper for C++ in version 1.0, after a year of an open beta program.

ReSharper for C++

From the website:

ReSharper C++ makes Microsoft Visual Studio a much better IDE with refactorings, navigation, code inspections, quick-fixes, code generation and more productivity features for C++ development.

ReSharper C++ extends Visual Studio with over 60 C++ code inspections that are displayed instantly, as you type.
For many of these inspections, ReSharper C++ provides quick-fixes (light bulbs) to improve code in one way or another.


HPX version 0.9.10 released -- STE||AR Group

The STE||AR Group has released V0.9.10 of HPX -- A general purpose parallel C++ runtime system for applications of any scale.

HPX V0.9.10 Released

The newest version of HPX (V0.9.10) is now available for download! Please see here for the release notes.

HPX now exposes an API fully conforming to the concurrency related parts of the C++11 and C++14 standards, extended and applied to distributed computing.

From the announcement:

  • The major focus of this release was to improve the reliability of large scale runs. We have shown to reliably run HPX applications on up to ~24k cores (~1k nodes).
  • A very important improvement introduced with this release is the refactoring of the networking infrastructure which improves the overall performance.
  • We continued our work towards a complete implementation of N4354 (Working Draft, Technical Specification for C++ Extensions for Parallelism).
  • Move to C++11 variadics: all of the API now uses variadic templates.

Range comprehensions with C++ lazy generators -- Paolo Severini

From a totally unnecessary blog (we beg to differ):

Range comprehensions with C++ lazy generators

by Paolo Severini

From the article:

Lazy evaluation is a powerful tool and a pillar of functional programming; it gives the ability to construct potentially infinite data structures, and increases the performance by avoiding needless calculations ...

... Functional languages like Haskell have the concept of list comprehensions ... In C#, of course, we have LINQ ... It would be nice to have something similar in an eager language like C++ ... now the lazy, resumable generators proposed by N4286 seem perfect for this purpose ... We can use the VS2015 CTP prototype to experiment with this idea ...

When CLion met biicode -- Anastasia Kazakova

CLion is a new cross-platform IDE from JetBrains for C and C++ developers. And Biicode is a C/C++ dependency manager. This post is about a very simple and straightforward way to use biicode features together with CLion IDE to benefit from both.

When CLion met biicode

by Anastasia Kazakova

From the article:

CMake layout for the project is generated by biicode commands, after which you can open the project directly in CLion. You can resolve dependencies and install the missing libraries easily by using bii commands from the CLion built-in terminal (Alt+F12).

Take a short overview of the overall process and some available features...

Stackless coroutines with Visual Studio 2015 -- Paolo Severini

From a totally unnecessary blog (we beg to differ):

Stackless coroutines with Visual Studio 2015

by Paolo Severini

From the article:

I had been looking for some time now at the problem of implementing coroutines/resumable functions in order to have even in C++ something similar to what is provided by C# await and yield statements. It turns out that -- unbeknown to me -- this is quite a hot topic in the C++ community...

... stackful coroutines have a big disadvantage in the fact that fibers are very expensive... The new proposal (N4286) instead focuses mostly on a stackless implementation, and promises to be scalable to billions of concurrent coroutines...

A quick tour of the Silicon web framework: A simple blog API in 85 C++ lines -- Matthieu Garrigues

siliconwebfx.PNGBecause clear example code is a great motivator:

A quick tour of the Silicon web framework: A simple blog API in 85 C++ lines

by Matthieu Garrigues

From the article:

In late January 2015, I released the first version of the Silicon Web Framework. The documentation covers all the concepts of the library but does not contains a concrete example covering the needs of a real world application. In this blog post, I'll show how to write a such an application with the framework. Like most modern web apps, it relies on a database to store data, and sessions to authenticate its users.

The source code of this article is hosted on the Silicon github repository: ...