Product News

Bringing Clang to Windows -- Raman Sharma

Also announced this week:

Bringing Clang to Windows

by Raman Sharma

From the article:

What if you could use a single compiler for your cross-platform code irrespective of what platform you target? ...

This is now possible with the work we have done. What this enables is a scenario in which you compile ... (2) using Clang and ... the Visual C++ back-end (We call it C2).  All of this while still enjoying the rich end-to-end developer experience within Visual Studio.

Announcing Cat: a C++14 Functional Library -- Nicola Bonelli

Cat is meowingA new open source C++14 Functional Library has been released:

Cat: a C++14 Functional Library

by Nicola Bonelli

From the article:

Cat is a C++14 library, inspired by Haskell. Cat aims at pushing the functional programming approach in C++ to another level. [...] On one hand it works for filling the gap in the language with respect to functional programming. [...] On the other hand Cat promotes the use of generic programming with type classes, inspired by Category Theory.

rapidjson 1.0.0 released

Want a fast JSON parser? Check out this one…

rapidjson 1.0.0 released

From the article:

This is the final v1.0.0 release of RapidJSON.

After the v1.0-beta, a lot of efforts have been put to make RapidJSON 100% line-of-code covered by the unit tests...

GCC 5.1 released

A new version of GCC is out, with a lot of improvements:

GCC 5.1 released

Some changes:


  • G++ now supports C++14 variable templates.
  • -Wnon-virtual-dtor doesn't warn anymore for final classes.
  • Excessive template instantiation depth is now a fatal error. This prevents excessive diagnostics that usually do not help to identify the problem.
  • G++ and libstdc++ now implement the feature-testing macros from Feature-testing recommendations for C++.
  • G++ now allows typename in a template template parameter.
template<template<typename> typename X> struct D; // OK
  • G++ now supports C++14 aggregates with non-static data member initializers.
struct A { int i, j = i; };
A a = { 42 }; // a.j is also 42
  • G++ now supports C++14 extended constexpr.
constexpr int f (int i)
  int j = 0;
  for (; i > 0; --i)
  return j;
constexpr int i = f(42); // i is 42
  • G++ now supports the C++14 sized deallocation functions.
void operator delete (void *, std::size_t) noexcept;
void operator delete[] (void *, std::size_t) noexcept;
  • A new One Definition Rule violation warning (controlled by -Wodr) detects mismatches in type definitions and virtual table contents during link-time optimization.
  • New warnings -Wsuggest-final-types and -Wsuggest-final-methods help developers to annotate programs with final specifiers (or anonymous namespaces) to improve code generation. These warnings can be used at compile time, but they are more useful in combination with link-time optimization.
  • G++ no longer supports N3639 variable length arrays, as they were removed from the C++14 working paper prior to ratification. GNU VLAs are still supported, so VLA support is now the same in C++14 mode as in C++98 and C++11 modes.
  • G++ now allows passing a non-trivially-copyable class via C varargs, which is conditionally-supported with implementation-defined semantics in the standard. This uses the same calling convention as a normal value parameter.
  • G++ now defaults to -fabi-version=0 and -fabi-compat-version=2. So various mangling bugs are fixed, but G++ will still emit aliases with the old, wrong mangling where feasible. -Wabi continues to warn about differences.
  • A Dual ABI is provided by the library. A new ABI is enabled by default. The old ABI is still supported and can be used by defining the macro _GLIBCXX_USE_CXX11_ABI to 0 before including any C++ standard library headers.
  • A new implementation of std::string is enabled by default, using the small string optimization instead of copy-on-write reference counting.
  • A new implementation of std::list is enabled by default, with an O(1) size() function;
  • Full support for C++11, including the following new features:
    • std::deque and std::vector<bool> meet the allocator-aware container requirements;
    • movable and swappable iostream classes;
    • support for std::align and std::aligned_union;
    • type traits std::is_trivially_copyable, std::is_trivially_constructible, std::is_trivially_assignable etc.;
    • I/O manipulators std::put_time, std::get_time, std::hexfloat and std::defaultfloat;
    • generic locale-aware std::isblank;
    • locale facets for Unicode conversion;
    • atomic operations for std::shared_ptr;
    • std::notify_all_at_thread_exit() and functions for making futures ready at thread exit.
  • Support for the C++11 hexfloat manipulator changes how the num_put facet formats floating point types when ios_base::fixed|ios_base::scientific is set in a stream's fmtflags. This change affects all language modes, even though the C++98 standard gave no special meaning to that combination of flags. To prevent the use of hexadecimal notation for floating point types use str.unsetf(std::ios_base::floatfield) to clear the relevant bits in str.flags().
  • Full experimental support for C++14, including the following new features:
    • std::is_final type trait;
    • heterogeneous comparison lookup in associative containers.
    • global functions cbegin, cend, rbegin, rend, crbegin, and crend for range access to containers, arrays and initializer lists.
  • Improved experimental support for the Library Fundamentals TS, including:
    • class std::experimental::any;
    • function template std::experimental::apply;
    • function template std::experimental::sample;
    • function template std::experimental::search and related searcher types;
    • variable templates for type traits;
    • function template std::experimental::not_fn.
  • New random number distributions logistic_distribution and uniform_on_sphere_distribution as extensions.
  • GDB Xmethods for containers and std::unique_ptr.

Boost Version 1.58 Released

The next version of boost is released.

Boost 1.58

From the release note:

These new libraries were added:

  • Endian: Types and conversion functions for correct byte ordering and more regardless of processor endianness.
  • Sort: Includes spreadsort, a general-case hybrid radix sort that is faster than O(n*log(n))

A huge number of bugfixes and improvements were implemented for the existing libraries.


Many thanks to all contributors and maintainer!

biicode Dependency Manager released to Open Source

biicode just released the client code of their C++ Dependency Manager into OpenSource.

C/C++ Dependency Manager

From the Website:

biicode manages your project’s dependencies so you can use the libs you need (Curl, Catch, Fann, OpenSSL, OpenCV, POCO, Boost, Libuv, GTest ...) as you wish within your project. biicode uses CMake to configure and build your projects and it is compatible with many IDEs, version control systems and compilers.

CLion 1.0, cross-platform C/C++ IDE, has finally arrived

CLion 1.0 is out.

JetBrains has finally released CLion - cross-platform IDE for C and C++ developers

By Anastasia Kazakova

From the article:

CLion is a full-featured IDE for developing in C and C++ on Linux, OS X or Windows. It's deeply integrated with the well-known CMake build system and GDB debugger, as well as with many popular Version Control Systems. CLion provides productivity boosting features, including smart editor, one-click navigation, reliable refactorings and on-the-fly code analysis with quick-fixes, to keep your C/C++ code high-quality.

JetBrains - ReSharper C++ 1.0 released

JetBrains just released their ReSharper for C++ in version 1.0, after a year of an open beta program.

ReSharper for C++

From the website:

ReSharper C++ makes Microsoft Visual Studio a much better IDE with refactorings, navigation, code inspections, quick-fixes, code generation and more productivity features for C++ development.

ReSharper C++ extends Visual Studio with over 60 C++ code inspections that are displayed instantly, as you type.
For many of these inspections, ReSharper C++ provides quick-fixes (light bulbs) to improve code in one way or another.