Product News

Building And Packaging C++ Modules In Vs2015--Conan's blog

Modules in Conan explained:

Building And Packaging C++ Modules In Vs2015

by Conan's blog

From the article:

This post makes a brief introduction to the C++ modules (we wished C++17, but we will have to wait). Modules have already been experimentally available in an early implementation in CLang, and now Microsoft is also providing them in Visual Studio 2015. We will see their syntax and how to build them, as introduced in the Visual Studio Blog, and at the same time, we will show how to create and consumes packages with C++ modules with conan C/C++ package manager.

Expression SFINAE improvements in VS 2015 Update 3--Andrew Pardoe

More news about the contunious improvements of VS 2015:

Expression SFINAE improvements in VS 2015 Update 3

by Andrew Pardoe

From the article:

Last December we blogged about partial Expression SFINAE support in VS 2015 Update 1. Some of the things we heard from you after that post are that you wanted better Expression SFINAE support, especially for popular libraries such as Boost and Range-v3. These libraries have been our focus over the last few months...

FunctionalPlus--Tobias Hermann

Here is a simple but powerful library that can helps us write code better:


by Tobias Hermann


helps you write concise and readable C++ code.

Great code should mostly be self-documenting, but while using C++ in reality you can find yourself dealing with low-level stuff like iterators or hand-written loops that distract from the actual essence of your code.

FunctionalPlus is a small header-only library supporting you in reducing code noise and in dealing with only one single level of abstraction at a time. By increasing brevity and maintainability of your code it can improve productivity (and fun!) in the long run. It pursues these goals by providing pure and easy-to-use functions that free you from implementing commonly used flows of control over and over again.

C++ Core Guidelines Checkers are now in a single NuGet package--Andrew Pardoe

The Visual C++ Team announces:

C++ Core Guidelines Checkers are now in a single NuGet package

From the article:

We’re now shipping both the experimental checkers, including the lifetime checkers, and the regular checkers in one NuGet package (the GSL is still installed as a dependency.) New MSBuild scripts allow us to extend project settings so that you can select specific extensions during code analysis...

Clang 3.8 in the May release of Clang with Microsoft CodeGen--Andrew Pardoe

Clang gets updated on Windows:

Clang 3.8 in the May release of Clang with Microsoft CodeGen

by Andrew Pardoe

From the article:

We have just released our fifth out-of-band update of Clang/C2 toolset. As always, this release has been driven by your feedback. While we’ve heard a lot of feature requests the one’s we’ve heard most frequently are that you want Clang 3.8 and you want x64-hosted compilers. We’re happy to say that we’re shipping both Clang 3.8 and x64-hosted compilers in the May 2016 release.

May update for the C/C++ extension in Visual Studio Code--Ankit Asthana

News from Visual Studio:

May update for the C/C++ extension in Visual Studio Code

by Ankit Asthana

From the article:

We would like to thank all of you who have tried out the C/C++ extension in Visual Studio Code and have already provided
rich feedback on your experiences and filed issues and requests with us. We are working hard on incorporating your feedback
into the product. Continuing with our effort to make Visual Studio Code as the editor tool of choice for C++ developers with
this update of the C/C++ extension, we are introducing the following features:

• Code formatting with clang-format
• Fuzzy Auto-Complete for C/C++ code
• Debugging on Windows for Cygwin/MinGW applications
• Console application debugging with GDB on the Mac

Now let’s dive into each one of these in more detail...

doctest -- the lightest feature rich C++ single header testing framework version 1.0.0 released!

The lightest feature rich C++ single header testing framework for unit tests and TDD

doctest 1.0.0 released!

From the release:

The doctest library is inspired by the unittest {} functionality of the D programming language and Python's docstrings - tests can be considered a form of documentation and should be able to reside near the production code which they test.

It is modeled after Catch which is currently the most popular and easy to use alternative for testing in C++