May update for the C/C++ extension in Visual Studio Code--Ankit Asthana

News from Visual Studio:

May update for the C/C++ extension in Visual Studio Code

by Ankit Asthana

From the article:

We would like to thank all of you who have tried out the C/C++ extension in Visual Studio Code and have already provided
rich feedback on your experiences and filed issues and requests with us. We are working hard on incorporating your feedback
into the product. Continuing with our effort to make Visual Studio Code as the editor tool of choice for C++ developers with
this update of the C/C++ extension, we are introducing the following features:

• Code formatting with clang-format
• Fuzzy Auto-Complete for C/C++ code
• Debugging on Windows for Cygwin/MinGW applications
• Console application debugging with GDB on the Mac

Now let’s dive into each one of these in more detail...

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