Product News

How C++ lambda expressions can improve your Qt code--Aurélien Gâteau

Lambdas are helping you.

How C++ lambda expressions can improve your Qt code

by Aurélien Gâteau

From the article:

In case you’ve missed it, lambda expression support has been added to C++ in C++11. In this article we are going to see how to take advantage of lambda expressions in your Qt code to simplify it and make it more robust, but also which pitfalls to avoid...

How PVS-Studio does the bug search: methods and technologies

PVS-Studio is a static code analyzer, that searches for errors and vulnerabilities in programs written in C, C++ and C#. In this article, I am going to uncover the technologies that we use in PVS-Studio analyzer. In addition to the general theoretical information, I will show practical examples of how certain technology allows the detection of bugs.

How PVS-Studio does the bug search: methods and technologies

by Andrey Karpov

From the article:

The definition of the pattern looks quite simple, but in practice the implementation of the diagnostic is quite complicated. It's not enough just to analyze only "#define RShift(a) a >> 3". If warnings are issued for all strings of this kind, there will be too many of them. We should have a look at the way the macro expands in every particular case, and try to define the situations where it was done intentionally, and when the brackets are really missing.


A new way of blogging about C++--Yehonathan Sharvit

A very interesting plugin for our blogs:

A new way of blogging about C++

by Yehonathan Sharvit

From the article:

This blog post is about to show a new way of blogging about C++.

Look at a typical blog post about C++: The post usually presents a couple of code snippets. As I see it, there are two pains with code snippets:

  1. they contain the input and the output but not the actual evaluation of the input
  2. it’s impossible for the reader to modify the output...

Flip, a new data model C++ framework focused on real time collaboration

Irisate has made available a demo package of Flip, a C++ Framework allowing for a fast, efficient and reliable implementation of concurrent editing by multiple users.

Flip, a new data model C++ framework focused on real time collaboration

by Gregory Makles

From the article:

Flip is a data model library designed as a framework. It is real-time, collaboration-oriented, transactional, portable, compact and can handle complex data structures.

Essential Features

  • Single author applications can be adapted to support simultaneous co-authoring with no extra work
  • Undo/Redo and history are automatically handled (no action classes)
  • Copy/Paste can be done automatically, or refined to your needs and your data structure
  • Allows for offline mode and three-ways merge
  • Multi-threaded/multi-process architecture
  • Transactional
  • Server side is limited to data model code, making it less prone to bugs
  • High stability
  • Performance oriented, extensible, and future-proof document formats
  • At the core of Ohm Studio's unrivaled collaboration solution
  • Designed for easy integration with all kind of data structure, including decade(s) old ones

Registration is necessary to download Flip.

How to use PVS-Studio for free

We want to help the software world improve the quality of their code, and get to know static analysis tools better. We are giving the opportunity to use PVS-Studio static code analyzer for free, for educational purposes, so that individual developers and enthusiastic teams could also fully use it.

How to use PVS-Studio for free

by Andrey Karpov

From the article:

Some developers may say that they don't want to see two additional lines of code at the beginning of the file with the comments not related to the project itself. It is their right, and they may simply not use the tool. Or they can purchase a commercial license, and use it without any restrictions. We see these comments as a gratuity for the provided license, and also as an additional way to promote our product. I think it's a good, fair exchange.

CLion 2016.3 released--Anastasia Kazakova

The new CLion is here!

CLion 2016.3 released

by Anastasia Kazakova

From the article:

In its third and final update this year, our cross-platform C/C++ IDE gets a firmer handle on modern language standards, incorporates top-voted changes in working with CMake project model, and brings lots of other enhancements. Take a closer look at these and other capabilities available in CLion 2016.3:

  • C++ language support: user-defined literals, C++14 digit separator, overload resolution support, and dozens of code analysis improvements.
  • C language support: C11 keywords support including auto-completion.
  • Remote GDB debug on Windows platform.
  • New approach to CMake project model: allows you to select the generation directory, open a project from an existing generation folder, and more.
  • Automatic switching of resolve context per build/run configuration change.
  • Semantic highlighting in the editor.
  • For Unreal Engine developers: plugin for better completion for Unreal Engine 4 sources, 3rd party plugin for CMake generation, and performance improvements for project re-opening in CLion.
  • Doxygen tparam tag support.
  • Various VCS improvements.