Boost 1.63.0
A new version is out!
Boost 1.63.0
March 19-21, Madrid, Spain
April 1-4, Bristol, UK
June 16-21, Sofia, Bulgaria
By Adrien Hamelin | Dec 29, 2016 01:50 PM | Tags: community boost
A new version is out!
Boost 1.63.0
By Gregory Makles | Dec 21, 2016 01:39 AM | Tags: None
Irisate has made available a demo package of Flip, a C++ Framework allowing for a fast, efficient and reliable implementation of concurrent editing by multiple users.
Flip, a new data model C++ framework focused on real time collaboration
by Gregory Makles
From the article:
Flip is a data model library designed as a framework. It is real-time, collaboration-oriented, transactional, portable, compact and can handle complex data structures.
Essential Features
- Single author applications can be adapted to support simultaneous co-authoring with no extra work
- Undo/Redo and history are automatically handled (no action classes)
- Copy/Paste can be done automatically, or refined to your needs and your data structure
- Allows for offline mode and three-ways merge
- Multi-threaded/multi-process architecture
- Transactional
- Server side is limited to data model code, making it less prone to bugs
- High stability
- Performance oriented, extensible, and future-proof document formats
- At the core of Ohm Studio's unrivaled collaboration solution
- Designed for easy integration with all kind of data structure, including decade(s) old ones
Registration is necessary to download Flip.
By Andrey Karpov | Nov 30, 2016 01:13 AM | Tags: static code analyzer pvs-studio free devtools devops
We want to help the software world improve the quality of their code, and get to know static analysis tools better. We are giving the opportunity to use PVS-Studio static code analyzer for free, for educational purposes, so that individual developers and enthusiastic teams could also fully use it.
How to use PVS-Studio for free
by Andrey Karpov
From the article:
Some developers may say that they don't want to see two additional lines of code at the beginning of the file with the comments not related to the project itself. It is their right, and they may simply not use the tool. Or they can purchase a commercial license, and use it without any restrictions. We see these comments as a gratuity for the provided license, and also as an additional way to promote our product. I think it's a good, fair exchange.
By Marco Arena | Nov 26, 2016 05:46 AM | Tags: visual studio intermediate c++17
In this article, Marius shortly looks at the new standard library features from Visual C++ 2017:
New standard library features in Visual C++ 2017 RC
by Marius Bancila
From the article:
The new Visual C++ 2017, currently in release candidate phase, provides a series of updates and fixes to both the C++ compiler and the standard library...
By Adrien Hamelin | Nov 23, 2016 12:29 PM | Tags: efficiency community
The new CLion is here!
CLion 2016.3 released
by Anastasia Kazakova
From the article:
In its third and final update this year, our cross-platform C/C++ IDE gets a firmer handle on modern language standards, incorporates top-voted changes in working with CMake project model, and brings lots of other enhancements. Take a closer look at these and other capabilities available in CLion 2016.3:
- C++ language support: user-defined literals, C++14 digit separator, overload resolution support, and dozens of code analysis improvements.
- C language support: C11 keywords support including auto-completion.
- Remote GDB debug on Windows platform.
- New approach to CMake project model: allows you to select the generation directory, open a project from an existing generation folder, and more.
- Automatic switching of resolve context per build/run configuration change.
- Semantic highlighting in the editor.
- For Unreal Engine developers: plugin for better completion for Unreal Engine 4 sources, 3rd party plugin for CMake generation, and performance improvements for project re-opening in CLion.
- Doxygen tparam tag support.
- Various VCS improvements.
By Jordi Mon Companys | Nov 23, 2016 06:14 AM | Tags: community
JFrog DevOps firm acquires open source C++ package manager
DevOps firm JFrog acquires Spain’s Conan
From the article:
“Our vision is aligned with JFrog’s. Conan will now utilize JFrog’s Enterprise-ready solutions in order to build and release C/C++ packages, and empowering JFrog’s products with Conan will open a whole new automated world for the C/C++ community,” said Martinez de Bartolomé.
By Marco Arena | Nov 22, 2016 06:38 AM | Tags: visual studio
The Visual C++ Team is excited to announce that the compiler in Visual Studio 2017 RC will feature a mode much closer to ISO C++ standards conformance than any time in its history:
Give Visual C++ a Switch to Standard Conformance
by Andrew Pardoe
From the article:
The Visual C++ Team is previewing a compiler mode whereby longstanding non-conforming C++ constructs are rejected. This includes fixes to pre-C++11 non-conformance bugs that affect a significant amount of existing code...
By Adrien Hamelin | Nov 4, 2016 01:14 PM | Tags: community
An interesting tool:
Compiler Explorer's embedded view
by Matt Godbolt
From the article:
Today I updated Compiler Explorer to support better sharing, specifically to allow embedding a Compiler Explorer view into another site, useful for blog posts that wish to demonstrate how compilers generate code, or how language constructs actually become assembly...
By robwirving | Nov 4, 2016 07:26 AM | Tags: None
Episode 77 of CppCast the only podcast for C++ developers by C++ developers. In this episode Rob and Jason are joined by Klaus Iglberger to discuss the Blaze high performance math library.
CppCast Episode 77: Blaze with Klaus Iglberger
by Rob Irving and Jason Turner
About the interviewee:
Klaus Iglberger has finished his PhD in computer science in 2010. Back then, he contributed to several massively parallel simulation frameworks and was an active researcher in the high performance computing community. From 2011 to 2012, he was the managing director of the central institute for scientific computing in Erlangen. Currently he is on the payroll at CD-adapco in Nuremberg, Germany, as a senior software engineer. He is the co-organizer of the Munich C++ user group (MUC++)and he is the initiator and lead designer of the Blaze C++ math library.
By Daniel Dinu | Nov 3, 2016 11:04 PM | Tags: None
A simple library for implementing the observer pattern.
The Observable C++ library
by Daniel Dinu
From the article:
Whenever I need to subscribe to events, I usually implement some variation of the observer pattern, or (if available) hack and misuse Qt’s signals and slots mechanism to do the job. Because of this, usually I’m not happy with the results; especially if I misuse QObjects.