Product News

Doctest 2 released! Moved to C++11 -- Viktor Kirilov

Writing unit tests in C++ has never been easier and faster.

    Doctest 2 released! C++11, thread-safety, stand-alone assertions and more!

by Viktor Kirilov

From the article:

The main 4 developments are:

  • moved to C++11 => greatly simplified the codebase
  • thread-safety => asserts and logging utilities can be used in multiple threads spawned from a single test case without race conditions (thread sanitizer tested) - see example
  • given that doctest is extremely light on compile times and is meant to be used for tests side-by-side with the production code - added the ability for asserts to be used outside of a testing context (as a general purpose assert library) - example
  • a complete overhaul of the internals of the framework (moving from printf-style logging to streams and changing internal structures) to allow for easier future development (including a reporter interface - work in progress)

A major update to Meeting C++ recruiting

The job section of Meeting C++ received an important update: you can now share your resume with selected companies via a webform. Also you can share your open positions on the Meeting C++ job board or apply to become listed in the job section as a C++ employer.

A major update for Meeting C++ Recruiting

by Jens Weller

From the article:

Today I can announce a new offering in the recruiting area of Meeting C++: the CV upload form.

The mission of Meeting C++ is to support the C++ community and to build and maintain a worldwide network for C++. And with Meeting C++ recruiting, the goal is to integrate companies into this network, to make them visible as employers, and help people find the right jobs. With this service, I want to bring together companies, who have open positions for C++ Developers and those developers who are looking for a new challenging position!

C++17 In Detail - new book on C++ -- Bartlomiej Filipek

Learn the Exciting Features of The New C++ Standard with a new Book on C++

C++17 in Detail

by Bartlomiej Filipek

From the introduction:

C++17 was officially standardised in December 2017, giving us - developers - a wealth of new features to write better code.

This book describes all significant changes in the language and the Standard Library. What's more, it provides a lot of practical examples so you can quickly apply the knowledge to your code.

Working with Makefiles in CLion using Compilation DB -- Phil Nash

CLion 2018.2 brought compilation database project format support. And it's more useful already than you may realize, as nowadays an increasing number of build systems allows generating comp db out of them. Typical example is Makefiles!

Working with Makefiles in CLion using Compilation DB

by Phil Nash

From the article:

Now that CLion can open Compilation DB JSON files it means it can effectively understand projects from many more build systems. This gives CLion full code-completion, static analysis, navigation and even refactoring on such projects. For 2018.2 we don’t yet have build (except for individual files) or debug capabilities – but these are planned for an upcoming release. To see just how useful this is, we’ll work through a couple of examples.

Sourcetrail 2018.3 released -- Eberhard Gräther

Sourcetrail is a cross-platform visual source explorer based on Clang libTooling

Sourcetrail 2018.3 released

by Eberhard Gräther

From the article:

Sourcetrail 2018.3 brings new usability features for faster source code exploration. Users can continue to browse while reindexing in the background. A graph legend and new node actions have been added to the graph visualization. The code view was extended with a local reference navigation. Project setup now supports Sonargraph and Code::Blocks project import.

CLion 2018.2 released: clangd, new project models, sanitizers, and more–JetBrains

CLion is becoming a more mature C/C++ IDE with the new release!

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CLion 2018.2 released: clangd, Gradle and compilation database projects, Google Sanitizers, and database support

by Anastasia Kazakova

From the article:

In this release, we’ve done our best to deliver some very important new capabilities for both groups - our current customers and those still waiting for some critical functionality to be added before they adopt CLion. On the one hand, CLion comes with an experimental complementary clangd-base language engine and a set of important performance improvements. On the other, it introduces support for several new project models (like Gradle C++ and compilation database format), which may open the door to a public project model API in the future.

Database tools and SQL support join CLion 2018.2 as a bundled plugin, which adds DataGrip’s functionality to the IDE. This release also introduces support for Google Sanitizers.

C++/CLI support comes to ReSharper C++

Two big worlds of C++ and C# are bridged by the interop language, C++/CLI, and now it's supported in ReSharper C++, a Visual Studio extension from JetBrains.

C++/CLI support comes to ReSharper C++

by Phil Nash

From the article:

While C# is a highly productive language, and is no slouch when it comes to performance, there are many reasons that we may also have a parts of our project written in pure C++. C++/CLI is an answer to the question, “how do I get to, or from, my pure C++ from C# (or any .NET language)?”. If you just need to call into C++, and it exposes a C API, P/Invoke may be the simplest way to go. But for more complex cases – where you want to model richer types and class hierarchies – C++/CLI let’s you do that.

PVS-Studio as SAST solution

PVS-Studio is a static application security testing tool (SAST). In other words, the PVS-Studio analyzer detects not only typos, dead code and other errors, but also security weaknesses (potential vulnerabilities).

PVS-Studio as SAST solution

by Andrey Karpov

From the article:

Until recently, in our articles we have positioned PVS-Studio as a tool for detecting errors in code. While we almost never regarded PVS-Studio in a security context. We will try to remedy this situation and take a look at the tool in terms of testing of security applications and DevSecOps practices.

For the convenience of specialists who will use PVS-Studio as a SAST tool, the analyzer provides mappings for its warnings to Common Weakness Enumeration, SEI CERT Coding Standards, and also supports MISRA standard (currently in development).