Efficient Programming with Components -- Alexander Stepanov

stepanov-components.PNGA wonderful video series by the inventor of the Standard Template Library (STL).

Video Series: Efficient Programming with Components

by Alexander Stepanov

Performance is essential for infrastructure software. Modern infrastructure software depends heavily on components. Therefore, writing performant code in this environment requires deep understanding of the characteristics of such components. The course will help programmers to improve performance of their code by learning how to use these existing generic components effectively. In addition, it will teach them to extend the library with new high-performance components. Along the way, participants will learn how to use C++ as a high-performance language.The course will be taught interactively with the class discussing, discovering, and developing components together.

Code is available here.




Scaling with C++11 -- Edouard Alligand

cppnow13-alligand.PNGFrom the recent BoostCon/C++Now event. If you missed it there, check it out online. An updated version of this talk is also slated for the upcoming Meeting C++ this fall if you want to catch it in person.

Scaling with C++11

Edouard Alligand

As the number of cores per processor increases, software needs to be able to execute multiple tasks in parallel in order to benefit from Moore's law. This is not only a question of writing parallel algorithms, but also a matter of designing the application properly to reduce inter-thread dependencies. These dependencies may be very hard to find and are the results of decades of serial programming. Thus, writing truly scalable software is less a question of technical expertise than adopting the appropriate state of mind.

This presentation is about the design, techniques and tools used by the team who wrote the hyperscalable database "quasardb." Building upon concrete scalability challenges, the presenter will expose typical multithreading anti-patterns and how to avoid them. The topics covered include: atomics, micro locks, lock-free and wait-free containers, memory management strategies (copy on write, smart pointers, perfect forwarding...), thread local storage, asynchronous I/O, and much more!

Explicit Is Better Than Implicit -- K-ballo

tales-of-cpp.PNGTales of C++, Episode 5:

Explicit Is Better Than Implicit

The Zen of Python tell us that Explicit is better than Implicit. This is good advice for any and all languages, but what are the implications in the C++ lands? There is one particular C++ feature that relates directly to that advice; one important enough that grants on its own the introduction of a keyword. That feature is user-defined conversions and that keyword is explicit.

C++ and Beyond 2013 is sold out

cb13-soldout.pngAs interest in C++ continues to increase, not only are we seeing more C++ events, but they’re selling out quickly. This spring, both the Clang/LLVM developer conference and C++ Now 2013 (formerly BoostCon) were sold out long in advance.

Today, C++ and Beyond 2013 reported it has sold out nearly six months in advance. A waitlist is available.

If you missed registering for C++ and Beyond, check out additional C++ events coming up around the world in the Upcoming Events section on the sidebar. More major C++ events in Fall 2013 will be announced shortly...

Quick Q: Am I capturing a member variable by value? -- StackOverflow

Quick A: No. You're capturing "this" by value, which is a pointer, which effectively captures members by reference.

From StackOverflow:

Lambda captures and member variables

I was watching Herb Sutter's talk at the C++ and Beyond 2012 conference on Concurrency and he talks about creating a non-blocking wrapper class, which he calls concurrent<T>, with C++11 functions.

His implementation is fairly simple (aside from needing a concurrent_queue such as that which exists in Microsoft's PPL):

template <class T>
class concurrent {
    mutable T t;
    mutable concurrent_queue<std::function<void()>> q;
    bool done = false;
    std::thread thread;

    concurrent( T t_ = T{} ) : t{t_}, thread{ [=]{ while( !done ) q.pop()(); }} {}

    ~concurrent() { q.push( [=]{ done = true; } ); thread.join(); }

    template <typename F>
    void operator()( F f ) const { q.push( [=]{ f(t); } ); }


This seems simple enough, however, I'm confused as to why he has captured the member variables done and q by value instead of by reference? My understanding is that if they are captured by value then they will be copied to the thread and thus when the queue is updated the worker thread will not receive the updates?

Have I misunderstood how lambda captures work with regards to class member variables? No one said anything in the comments to the video or during the talk so I am assuming that my understanding is faulty, in which case could someone please clarify?

LLVM 3.3 is released!

You can download either the source or prebuilt executables from the LLVM web site

Clang 3.3 includes full C++11 support, as well as a suite of run-time checkers to help find bugs in your programs.

For more information, check out the release notes for LLVM and for Clang

Meeting C++ 2013 full schedule is available

meeting-c++.PNGThe complete schedule has now been posted for the Meeting C++ conference to be held on November 8-9 in Düsseldorf, Germany.

The conference includes talks by ISO C++ standards committee members like Eric Niebler, Peter Sommearlad, Peter Gottschling, and more. Here are a just a few highlights:

  • Keynote: C++11 and No-Compromise Library Design (Eric Niebler)
  • Simpler Code through C++11 (Peter Sommerlad)
  • Scaling with C++11 (Edouard Alligand)
  • Modern C++ Network Programming (Glyn Matthews)
  • UI prototyping and development for multiple devices in C++ (John Thomas)
  • C++1y: Concepts Lite (Peter Sommerlad)

See the announcement for additional interesting talks.


C++11: The Future Is Here -- Bjarne Stroustrup

stroustrup-accu2013.PNGStroustrup's ACCU keynote video is now available online.

C++11: The Future Is Here

Bjarne Stroustrup

Summary: Bjarne Stroustrup keynotes on what C++ is in general, how C++11 makes simple things even simpler, resource management, generic programming, and concurrency.